Crimson Flash

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Crimson Flash last won the day on September 15 2016

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    Sri Lanka

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  1. Rumors are what makes the image. And the rumors wouldn't have started if he acted like a civilized chunin and not like a brat.
  2. beautiful. I'm still laughing.
  3. MARRIAGE? whoa.. I did not see that coming
  4. Looking forward to getting myself a fan.
  5. that signature of yours sounds familiar.

  6. Is the snake lair considered as the sound village?

    1. Ueda
    2. Crimson Flash
    3. Hecarims


      You can always gather enough members and lock the cave down and claim it as hideout for sand village till respective village actually comes

  7. new max level? can choose between goken and jyuuken huh? looking forward to all of it.
  8. All hail the LOG

    'as the log takes your place, you become the log. the log becomes you. for a moment, you are an extension of the logs blessing unto ninja.'

    -book of the log, chronicle of the replacement verse 3

  9. 14702511_1092000627588654_19375628075078

    what do you think about this?

    1. Indra


      How do you think he could have won?

    2. Indra


      naruto was way stronger than boruto at the same age. And shikadai use his shadow manipulation way better than shikamaru back in his chunin exam fight vs temari.

      By immobilizing boruto, shikadai won the fight. Back in time, shikamaru would prob have won to naruto.

  10. Changed Signature... New one's weird...:D

  11. There was something like this in Assassins creed III. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one.