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Everything posted by Vus

  1. Vus

    What Village?

    So, what village would you live in if you would be in Naruto? I don't mean just in this game, but if you could choose any village from Naruto world and not just the main ones. I would probably go for Mist village, idk, I just like them and their ANBU units.
  2. Yea! Everyone, let's go to Ichiraku ramen and get drunk and high so we can defeat akatsuki!
  3. I remember seeing those older graphics from time when you worked with Robin. I was blown away . I started as you, wondering if there is naruto online game and then I found your game and several other projects. I decided to make my own online game and googled "free MMORPG maker" which brought me to eclipse/touchofdeathforums and then here, back to the start.
  4. Looks great! Cant wait to hang out there!
  5. Looks really great!
  6. Wow, you are very productive! And it looks great! Cant wait to play!
  7. Welcome, also be sure to check out some naruto episodes, its really nice show
  8. Vus

    New Sections

    Yea, might be nice idea, like subsection - creations from fans
  9. Vus

    What If ?

    Secret is revealed! That's how he survived when Pein thought he killed him! Also, he can be reading those books to learn how humans behave. You know sometimes he acts weird.. ;DDD
  10. Yea, can't wait to play it either
  11. Vus


    "No matter how hard a mapper works to make the game look good, animations are what makes a game feel beautiful. The constant moving of water or players makes the game feel alive, and makes it fun for everyone." Yea, lot of people on eclipse should learn that..