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Everything posted by Selkie

  1. PS4 EDIT: I hear Dayz is coming either first to the PS4 or becoming a PS4 exclusive. If this is true, they pretty much won the console war for the next 10-15 years.
  2. @YamiDragon The simple fact is that it adds authenticity for the more dedicated Naruto players, who should be the main focus IMO. It also goes with everything else. Ranks are not in English, and hopefully villages aren't either; that is because it would be bland, imagine being called a "middle ninja". Most people who watch Naruto don't watch the English dubs(at least not exclusively), they watch the Japanese version. The subset of players who have never seen Naruto will be small, and a subset within that will be the players who refuse to try to understand what a jutsu does, and quits the game because it isn't spelled out for him everytime he uses it. Why should we diminish the authenticity of a fan-made Naruto game because a relatively tiny group of players are unimaginative and refuse to learn several, if not a few, new words? What's to stop him from quitting because he hears the word Kage and can't ask someone what that means? If there are even people like that. Goku uses High Damaging Beam!
  3. I think you're underestimating the intelligence of the game's potential playerbase, it's not that hard to memorize Japanese names, or unorthodox names in general. It's kind of insulting that a jutsu's function has to be spelled out for us because it might "confuse" us.
  4. Selkie


    I had a strange sense of Deja-vu when i read that Sipher, I thought I was having some sort of Supernatural connection. Then i remember you(or someone else) posted this on the GOA forums. =/.
  5. I'm from GOA =O! Welcome?! But, i don't know who you are =/. GOA vet? I'm a "new-gen" so it would make sense.
  6. Theres hould be an OOC depending on how many people the game will have. When the game releases, it should be there though. Since the game will be up so people can "Hang Out" in a place other than the forums.
  7. You're probably gonna be such a bad kage that the admins have to bring back the previous kage.
  8. You could say the same thing about permadying, or dying and losing your items. Who needs people who quit on the drop of a dime? You don't justify it, you let the players have FUN in taking out this abusive kage. GOA Kages let people they liked get rank ups and we couldn't do anything about it The difference between GOA and NinOnline, would be that we would be able to DO something about it. What if new players hear that a group of players took down their abusive kage? That sounds fun and bitchin' to me. GOA is dead for many reasons, kage abuse not being one of them. The only thing that an oppressed vilager would do is grind through it or go missing, he would never quit. That's a silly ass reason to quit a game.
  9. No, that's why i would get my friends, tell other villagers, and assassinate him. I don't see how it's broken. Abusive Kage = Killed by villagers. Panzy villagers = Abusive Kage O_o i don't think anyone in GOA, as far as i know, has ever sold ranks for money.
  10. As strange as it may sound, we WANT the douchebaggery and the promoting of toxic behavior. It will give us more of a reason to assassinate the asshole, it gives us more numbers so that these Coups actually work instead of it being 3 guys who don't like how the Kage uses lol in capitol letters.
  11. Ah, but you see that authority was given by the players themselves(Hopefully, at least). So if you think about it, it's the players hindering their OWN experience because of a dumb decision or failure to act. Which they would then have to rectify. I understand where you're coming from, really, but the fun and authenticity that can come out of unchecked Kages far outweighs the negatives. Remember, Naruto isn't a world of laughs and giggles, serious shit happens; and if a player doesn't like the abuse, he can grow a pair and set up a Coup d'état, or step the fuck down and shut up. Who's to say the GM's won't abuse their power? If they do, we then have a powerful entity that we did not put into power and have no fun way of removing him from that position. Unless you call "he said, she said" topics and backhanded posts on the forum fun.
  12. Wouldn't it be better to leave that up to the players? Stopping the kage from doing stupid shit, I mean.
  13. Actually I want to change my answer. How about it starts off as a Democracy, and then the Kage can set the government style of the village. Allowing Coup d'états to take out a kage and set up their own Leader to become Kage. This goes hand in hand with parts of my post in "Nin Online Roleplay Events" Topic.
  14. Adding to what Sipher said, Abusive kage's would lead to bigger and more numerous Coup d'états. Leading to....another RPE! If the kage finds out, he could squash the rebellion and perma kill/exile it's leader, hell the sick bastard can permakill/exile all of them. If the Coup has enough players, the entire village goes into a revolution of sorts. If the Coup d'état is succesful, the leader can become kage/choose his own kage. (See my post in "What is the best way to choose a kage" Topic). Though i guess the Kage would need proof to try to squash a rebellion. WHich is where the GM would be involved. Though a Kage killing/exiling a bunch of players under the guise of a revolt? That would be corruption. The rest of the village finding out? Holy Shit. Kages in Naruto aren't exactly squeaky clean, by the way. Corruption makes a game and really everything else interesting. GM's should be more regulative in RPE's, like banning that one fucker who's obviously helping the other village succeed(Though i guess a traitor "RPE" could be put in), starting the RPE, and stopping a Kage from choosing only genin from his village to be promoted(Like Sipher said) There's a lot more fun and RP to be had with Kage's having free rein on the village instead of answering to a buzzkiller.
  15. Either a troll or a fanboy.
  16. Xvox 360 is better than the PS3. PS4 makes the Xbox One it's bitch though. Though in hindsight, there aren't that many good exclusive franchises on the Xbox 360. Well that are still good now, anyway. RIP GOW and Fable
  17. Hey, no need for that; I'm here for you. Bring it in. If you want to cry, i'll cry with you.
  18. Yeah, no, you don't plug in the console to the PC, you plug it in to the monitor. It's also not that uncommon. Also, didn't someone else use that on you in the shoutbox? lol..
  19. I don't think Noble knows how computers work......
  20. Ahhh i see. Kinect, the future of not pressing a couple more buttons. GFG PS4
  21. I'm not the one trying to make a case for the Xbox One's superiority, lol. However many strokes of a button it takes to access a feature, add two taps of the Source button, and we have a useless TV feature
  22. The point is to be useless? If by innovation you mean you can talk to friends, you can already do that with the Xbox 360. If you mean you can switch to something else quickly, I hardly see the difference between Xbox Guide button > A on your Xbox controller and pressing "Source" twice on your TV remote.