Jazzberry Jam

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Jazzberry Jam

  1. Would love to hear a small description of what your vision was for each mastery.
  2. Adenium, gathering under the stone arch in the desert. @Jazzberry Jam, @Hiken Adenium, @Azuuki Adenium.
  4. When you finally find the squad you belong in:
  5. Hello! I would like my rank to be sand only.
  6. Yeah, i agree. There is no truce. Me and Ryuza were a trading caravan going from leaf back to sand and we got attacked for no reason whatsoever by two people. We were nice, we asked them to stop, mentioned the truce, nothing. After we revived, we encountered the two again, as they specifically came all the way to sand to kill us again. So no truce. Why? Because there is absolutely no reason to have one. Leafs gain nothing from it. Outnumbering the sand already, if they continue "bullying" us, they're only furthering their advantage for the upcoming chunin exam. There is no punishment whatsoever (so far at least, haven't seen anyone getting punished) for breaking the truce. Also, the side that breaks the truce first is rewarded (getting the first hit in on someone with guard lowered). So if anything, people are encouraged to kill others more than ever, not the other way around.
  7. How does one get their organization approved? :T

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jazzberry Jam

      Jazzberry Jam

      Desert pirates was approved...

      They barely have anything written in there :T

      So i think i'm good

    3. Niti


      Well, Desert pirates were short & precise with their description, when it was first approved. I do not know how their organization page looks now, but I am sure we all know what the goal of that organization is, so I would assume it gets accepted pretty fast just by looking at the name. On the other hand, yours is brand new and unknown, so it might take a little more for yours to get accepted. Y'know what I'm saying?

    4. Jazzberry Jam
  8. Awww, why? Could you please provide some reasoning behind this?
  9. Come on, Rory, really? This overall is nice, but you didn't add duck mastery! As soon as i went through the sand tutorial, i knew what kind of ninja i wanted to be, and that was a duck nin.
  10. Hyped for the fan style!
  11. I am wind, i do not know what Brae is though.
  12. Yes it is I got a red headband for the neck, same scarf but green, same black shirt, green pants instead of red, and dark red boots. My character looks just like Brae in terms of clothes, only green instead of red.
  13. That moment when Brae is just a recolored version of yourself :T
  14. When open beta starts, i'm gonna try to recruit some peeps from the naruto rp group i'm in~
  15. I'm so hyped to: 1) Walk around EVERYWHERE and try to find as many easter eggs 2) Explore the entire sand village 3) See what exciting new wind jutsus there are
  16. Ooo, awesome! Is it just a visual change or are there other things added as well?
  17. Looking forward to sand village! I may seem like i disappeared, but i have been checking this website daily. That's how much i'm looking forward to the update. Other than that, i'm a patient man, so take all the time you guys need to deliver the best content :3
  18. Now that i think about it, Halloween stuffs in Nin online would be cool! :D

    Some quests, maybe candy as currency, costumes, pumpkins, pumpkin pies~

    1. Son Wukong

      Son Wukong

      Agreed it lol, Maybe in the future the village or surrounding areas will be themed.

  19. I have died every day waiting for you
    Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
    For a thousand years
    I'll love and wait for you for a thousand more

    Sand village update!

  20. I'm sorry XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Argo


      Ha, the joke is on you. I LOVE yodeling. ;)

    3. Jazzberry Jam

      Jazzberry Jam

      XD Cool. I for one am kind of neutral, i don't hate it, but i can't say i love it. I'm fine listening to it though, it's pretty funny. Did you know there's a video of a chinese guy yodeling in german to a bunch of chickens?

    4. Argo


      There is? :O Can't really say I am that surprised...internet is weird.

  21. There is profile photo and cover photo. But then there is also background image. What is that? Where does the background one go?

    1. Saku


      why don't you just try it out? O.o


    2. Jazzberry Jam
  22. Hello! I am here to tell you that the game is running well for me, but i have only 1 GB of Ram. That is all.