
Silver Ninja
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Daniel last won the day on August 11 2024

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  1. Only way right now is to use wine . There is no guide right now so if you don’t know much , Delp suggested using crossover
  2. It seems like the graphics are missing for the frames where it doesn’t show the hat. (Each frame basically has to get the hat added) The baldness happens (I assume) because admins set the area manually where the hair might clip through the hat. I assume in the laying frame the whole head has been set as no hair area. anyhow it might take a few until the hat gets updated as it requires someone to add the hat graphic for the frame and then upload it.
  3. I like the idea of that. Thanks for hosting it, hope you guys will stay active in Mist!
  4. I did it back then for a while.
  5. Wrong place. You can change your name here: https://www.ninonline.com/forum/support/ It will either cost 15$ to change your name or you have to get Gold Ninja where you get one name change for free per year.
  6. If you managed only level 21 after 3 weeks then that means you did something wrong. The game itself tells you not much , because it expects you to communicate with others and be part of your village. Some people are toxic - yes, but nearly every village will help their newbies.
  7. Might have been fixed since an update just got pushed that fixed some stuff that got bugged with the new update.
  8. Hello. You have to make a ticket here: https://www.ninonline.com/forum/support/ Recently there have been a ban wave because an exploit have been found which people abused that gave them tons of Ryos. There is a huge possibility that you got caught into it on accident (because of legit trades with someone who used exploited Ryos). If you didn’t exploit anything, there is nothing to worry about and someone will help you once you made a ticket!
  9. I tried my best to it reproduce it in any way that came up to my mind (also did some random group fights) but it’s not happening to me. Does it still happen for you?
  10. For anyone else reading this: This should be fixed with the latest update.
  11. I love the update - be it stamina or jump. So many people here are so obsessive with PvP that any small change that might make them lose or forced to adapt to something is the end of the world. That’s why some kind of “balance team” or “listen to the community” is not possible cuz everyone will complain the moment the placebo effects kick in after seeing an update that effects combat
  12. This is indeed sad to read. The game itself is hard at the beginning, things like that make it even harder and confusing and imo. also make people quit the game fast. If you really want a good experience and have people helping you to learn etc. you should really consider joining the Sand village. The whole village is putting in a LOT of effort to welcome newbies and helping them where they can, you will always find a high level guiding you or giving you assistance in quests that seem to be a bit harsh. If thats nothing for you tho and you really want to stay in leaf, then you can also go the rogue path for now. It might be a bit harder since people at Rogue are not always helpful and just mind their own business but i would be glad to tell you via Discord (my discord name is: someluffy) a small guide of what you should do right now and where you can level. At some point you would also be able to join back to Leaf but keep in mind that an exile can be completely random and doesn't need a reason, so it might happen again, hard to tell. Just think about it, but do give the game another chance, please.
  13. I do have high fps tho (at least that’s whats get told in the bottom left) but I have these weird stutter each 5 seconds which is happening with what ever I set the settings.