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  1. Welcome hope you do not let the community
  2. Clock


    My idea is to create a system of diplomacy in which only the kage podriar change its state. an idea of ??features: + Add Village Enemy / Neutral Position -Add Village Allied Sorry for my bad English (Use Google Translate)
  3. Clock

    New Community

    Say only that suggestion, because as you have already said South America is seen as a great power in the world, the anime are forever remembered, as in the case of Dragon Ball, Any Adult Child, Teen alla not seen Naruto / Dragon ball Z's because I had not have or TV, I like your idea more than mine sections, so we'll see what admin say.
  4. Well since the game already come to the Hispanic world, I suggest you create a website / forumExclusive for Hispanic and so turn the game into something more international. arguments:1 · - It's Hard not to interact with people of the same speech2 · - is difficult and exhausting to be in the Google Translator3 · - Unable to Share Expontaneas things as serious All Translator Estaria also create the Hispanic and Portuguese speaking community, as they are three basic languages??. Sorry for the bad post since I use Google Translate, me in if I have only knowledge in the Language CSS and a bit, I'd say almost-nothing in php. I'm from Venezuela (Latin America)