Tsubaki Senju

Silver Ninja
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Tsubaki Senju last won the day on October 28 2017

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About Tsubaki Senju


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    Konohagakure no Sato

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  • Peerless Healer

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  1. Not sure if you’re talking about me or not, but as far as I’m concerned I do.
  2. Like I said, I made this post because I have been seeing more occurrences of this particular behavior. It hasn’t been just one person.
  3. Hello everyone, I am disappointed at the fact that I even have to post this, but I am going to in order to re-iterate what the forums conduct is supposed to be. Recently I have been seeing more people bashing each other, and bringing up unrelated topics on the forums. The forums are for everyone to share their opinions and beliefs about where the game should go, what is happening in the game, important in-game events etc. It is NOT for making forum posts about other people that might shine a negative light on them. If there is a problem with a person, someone from the mod team will take care of it. Please remember, just because someone might have an unpopular opinion, or thought, does not make them a horrible person just because you don't agree. We are open to constructive criticism and are willing to listen to the community in order to make the game and forums a better place. Sincerely, Tsubaki Senju, Chuunin/Medical Director at the Hidden Leaf Village Hospital
  4. Absolutely in love with this anime and song!!

  5. I know I'm silver ninja already, but I'll join in for the fun! Maybe if I win I can be allowed an infinite amount of senbon in game?
  6. Yes, it does! I do not mind being PM'd or @mentioned in Discord.
  7. Hello everyone! I just wanted to give everyone some clarity about my absence from Nin Online and also a reminder to players that I would like to mention. Firstly, my absence; I know everyone has been wondering where I have been, and why I don't log into Nin Online much anymore (which will change now). I've had a very rough past 3 months and I've gone through a lot of changes in my personal life that I needed time to myself to focus on. And I know what you're going to say "But Tsubaki-senpai, you're on Overwatch constantly!" and that's true, I am. But that is because I enjoy it and it allows me to get away and focus on something else. I personally put myself out of commission for a couple of months so I could get my head on straight, and my emotions (sort of) in check enough in order to resume my duties as a moderator of this wonderful game. So here I am, now, attempting to make a comeback and relearn my role, duties, and most of all enjoy playing with everyone. Secondly, I wanted to mention something about the stability of the forums and the somewhat toxic behavior I have been noticing. I am only one person, and I personally can't filter through every reply, post, and comment made on the forums and enforce the rules 24/7. On that note I really encourage you, the players, to report content that you may find inappropriate or breaking any forum rules/terms of service. That way I am capable of organizing and completing reports and dealing out punishment if it is necessary. In all, I really want to say thank you to everyone for being so patient with my absence and for welcoming me back. It really warms my heart and makes me happy to be part of this wonderful melting pot of people. Thank you for all you do. Sincerely, Tsubaki Senju, Chuunin Hidden Leaf Village Hospital Medical Director
  8. I would like to kindly remind everyone to please keep this forum respectful of other people's opinions and ideas. Just because you may not like something someone has to say, does not mean you get to attack them for it. Everyone has an opinion, and they all stink. Keep the forums clean and professional please. Thank you. Sincerely, Tsu-baachan.
  9. I won Fight Club!!

    What an amazing experience. I really didn't expect to do so well. Thank you to everyone who supported me and had faith in me!!

  10. The 4 rules of the medical ninja.



