Pain 2

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Everything posted by Pain 2

  1. six path of pain where was 6 not 8 :|
  2. It's called not countries but nations. 5 nations - 5 kages. and btw you allready saw on naruto shippuden mist and other one and so you know how in game they should be. I want see in game 5 nation not 3 nations and play for sand mabe i like mist more. and other thing in nations are small countries like land of waterfall, land of rock etc. Since you talk about villages it's capital city of nation so don't miss spell mister, game should be huge and have alot funs where you can travel and find new secret justsu etc and learn them and become great shinobi. If game will be to boring like other 2d games people gona quit fast and never come back they want something unique. Not like every game got same pvp system same items system pve content etc. 5 Nations from all sides how they look. And btw "Village Hidden by Rain") is a small, yet highly industrialised hidden village located in an unnamed country. You can't make this by nation couse this not fit anime lore and history.
  3. I would like be in lightning side leaf idk just not fit for me :/
  4. Ok, idea is when server come live from open beta stage we should be able to choose our destiny where start game. And wat type ninja we would like be. world map or naruto shippuden:
  5. I'll post up more if I remember. These are mostly smaller games which have impacted how I imagine the way a game world should exist.. Endless Online and Illutia are very old and popular homebrew Online RPGs which I played when growing up. Beautiful games! Dofus play around 12-15 millions less know game yea right true story. and last one game not bad at all D:
  6. I don't talk about in game ui i talk about client look how it was even better login and creation screen that all simple, lets as choose what better for us
  7. Well new login screen sucks balls, no offence but it's bad i want see uniq login creation screen Better idea rory lets as choose what login creation screen is best vote for them.
  8. Old login screen and creation screen was way better than now and chat screen to
  9. Well idk about game now but i see in nin online no party sistem or guilds etc. So we need wait and see what rory gonna do
  10. You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But peace that made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you... this hatred binds us together.

  11. Well i would like see jinchuriki as instance or world boss who drops good items. Not like a player who got a form of 8tails like and one shot everyone. And btw: why all players think its bad idea ?
  12. Hi, probably a lot know about what this topic is. so i want tell why not be jinchuriki as a world boss? who throw various combination of items to be better. This bosses could be created instance and it would be really hard to defeat. I do not know what Partyplay level cap, but I think this idea is not the worst what I said. Yes world boss should be from 1 to 10 drop chance 1% item drop. and they can drop rare drop like armors, weapons, skill scroll, summon scrolls etc.