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  1. akamaru is a clan thing.. tonton i guess it is a pet... but it doesnt power up XD .. but i guess.. if we WERE to have pets.. let them be usefull..
  2. @rory ik this is a GREAT idea.. but is this really naruto-like ? ... i mean sure we have summons.. like we can summon a slug and lets sa that will start healing u .. but having pets? :l... and they buff u?... its not naruto anymore XD
  3. fuck it.. hes a pimp/hitmen now
  4. amazing ideas.. but would'nt ideas like this fit an RP game rather than a PVP game
  5. @Rory do u think this is possible in the future ?
  6. true true.. u got a point.. but the main point of the suggestion is the system.. the variables and results can always be changed
  7. i wouldnt mine.. aslong as it gets accepted
  8. would be fun in tournys and fights where its 2 v 2... and it would make teams more popular
  9. I think jutsu combination system (J.C.S) should be a thing... let's say.. i have fire element and someone has wind element we stand next to each other and then we turn on/click something... idk ... we use the 2 jutsus that can be mixed.. and then (fire+ wind) bigger fire. fire+wind= big fire wind+earth= dust (like a dust covered area (like the mist hing)) fire+earth= lava fire+water= steam water+lightning= electrified water (stun) water+earth= mud we can even do 3 ppl at a time example fire+fire+wind= huuuge fire o-o this way teams would be a really good thing to have.. if u ever get in a fight ... ur set etc.. etc..
  10. then thats why ur good at this
  11. well i draw irl.. so i guess i get the idea o-o.. but its alot harder than i thought T_T