
Gold Ninja
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About Kuna


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  1. Nice job, we'll all be able to play soon ^_^
  2. Still "us" was general, made it as clear as possible realizing people like you would read it.
  3. Aye Rory, game gon be up for us soon? ( Non admin)
  4. I re-installed the runtime and the nin online game its self, still no luck, at this point i'm just going to assume its because the game is down. Thanks for all your help, much appreciated.
  5. Okay I found the file, So from here I delete it?
  6. Ryoshi, How Do I get to my program files? ( Im sorry if that's a 'stupid' question, I'm just not sure how to get there, I type it in and no hits. )
  7. Oh really? I thought that made sense, thanks a lot to everyone that helped me out, hopefully everything will be good when the servers are up ^_^
  8. 'Yezir" I clicked the link you posted and downloaded it, i clicked on Setup and finished the download, I tried to click the launcher again and received the same error.
  9. Do you have a link for the Run Times? Or do I just google Crystalshire Runtimes '53' ( Thats where my personal problem is occuring )
  10. Okay thanks guys, ill wait until the server comes up and try again, if that doesn't work ill just delete and re-download. Much appreciated!
  11. Run-Time error '53' File not Found..... Am I the only one catching this message? I just downloaded game and tried to update ( Yeah I know server is down) , This is having something to do with it?