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Everything posted by Undo

  1. Key: Undo I've played a lot of different games. Some of them were Naruto games, while others were games like Resident Evil Online. I think I've been an admin in all of those games except for FFO (which I barely played - only because Eziekieal asked me to try it out) and GOA.
  2. Well, I didn't want to spoil the ending for anybody, but it turns out that Itachi was actually evil all along. He has gathered enough chakra to place the world in an Izanagi, where he and Hanabi rule. While this is all going on, Naruto and Sasuke have been in a coma, induced by powerful genjutsu. These adventures they have been going through are nothing but an illusion. -- This prologue seems to be repeating the original story (almost).
  3. Undo

    Buy My Xbox 360

    I was thinking about buying it, but, unfortunately for Whack, it would be shipped from Michigan, which is one of the states I have boycotted.
  4. Could you tell me the story? Honestly, my avatar and signature are so odd that I have trouble understanding what's going on in my own mind sometimes. -- Edit: It actually did happen though.
  5. I was once thrown down a steep mountain-side and had smashed into many rocks and trees on my way down. Needless to say, while my clothes had been completely shredded away, I was left completely unscathed because of my veil of awesomeness.
  6. Undo


    Since admins/mods are generally looked at similarly to the "po-po", that most likely won't end up being the case. In the end (if/when other villages are brought in), I can see a few players emerging within each village to take up these roles.
  7. Undo


    I don't believe "elder" should ever be a rank. They are simply players whom are respected by both the village and the kage, and they are there to be "pillars" of a village. Sure, you could give a rank to one of those players, but avoid making an actual "elder" rank, since it isn't something that is to be elected.
  8. It doesn't look like he got faster. They were most likely the same speed, in which case another priority comes into play to decide who hits first... I honestly don't know what the priority is though. It could just be random if the speeds are equal.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YstSV2ydMk8
  10. Undo


    I deactivated my facebook when my professors and bosses began sending me friend requests.
  11. Yeah, I was considering the Xbox One, but I usually end up using my laptop whenever I want to watch a TV show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbWgUO-Rqcw I'll probably end up getting the PS4 and playing CoD. Hopefully some clans swap over to PSN with the next gen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPQFpH80prA @Selkie - Yeah, that's pretty much how CoD is unless you're matched with good players... which isn't too often.
  12. I have already been informed that I will be receiving a free Gold Forehead Protector just for being entirely awesome. I'm looking forward to both the game being released and the piece of gold material that will most likely be the only article of "clothing" on my character's body.
  13. Undo


  14. Advanced Statistics of Business Economics II ($350 textbook) +2 packs of Red Bull +2 bottles of Captain Morgan ________________________ = fun cram sessions ahead
  15. So you joined for a hopeless cause? Anyways, Kiri is the place to be.
  16. I plan on being a Kiri genin.
  17. Undo


    I think this scumbag just called me cute.
  18. How about we all agree to disagree? The real question here is whether or not we can consider Konohagakure a village. It seems far more like a small city than a rural village.
  19. Please.. you think Microsoft has brain control skills? Ha!
  20. I was actually watching a Cube World video just as you made this post... :mellow: Anyways, one of my favorite games right now is Guild Wars 2.
  21. Mm. I can't wait to see a player being ganked by a group of birch trees.