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Goblinz last won the day on November 15 2017

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About Goblinz


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    With the Homies

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Ninja Bio


Name: Goblin    

 Titles: Land Shark and The Blue Devil 


 Nature Icon Water

Goblin is able to create tidal waves because of his huge chakra reserve and even breath underwater because of his gills. Seeing how Goblin was constantly in fights he decided to not rely on just his water jutsu alone and decided to learn kenjutsu seeing how he would need it for the future



He wasn't called the Blue Devil for nothing. Goblin was capable of ending battles ratter quickly usually leaving them half dead so they can let their villagers know what they saw. Despite that scary description he is rather friendly and super generous.


While I was very young my mother told me the story of how our entire clan was restored by Kisame Hoshigaki. Before his death he stored in chakra in the sword named Samehada and ordered it to return to the mist village to hide until his body could develop on the inside of the sword's mouth. I always taught it was such a silly story with no real history behind it but boy was I wrong... Turns out the other villagers wanted to get rid of my clan because we were considered a "stain" on the robe of the Kage. As villagers entered each of our homes my mother told me that it would be my job to restore the clan and that I need to find Samehada as the Kage shouted "I won't let this clan be reborn again!" That's when tears filled my eyes as all the other villagers  formed hand signs and slaughtered my people. Luckily they didn't kill any of the children because it was considered "inhumane" they said... So instead they made us slaves .Being 10 years old with a shark appearance it was easy for people to know you were a slave. 5 years later and there were only a few of us left most of us were attacked by villagers and died because there was no punishment for crimes against us.. some of us committed suicide. But I was hopeful, I knew one day this would have to end right? Well it did, luckily because of a war between my village and the Leaf village we were forced to be the front-line to save the villagers from any serious causalities. We had a plan to turn on our villages hoping that the leaf village would see and possibly show us mercy but instead they took us prisoner after killing our kage and villagers. Once we reached the prison in the leaf village we were questioned for hours on why we turned on our village the more we explained the more they became suspicious. They had planned to kill us but thats when the Sand village decided to attack Leaf after hearing they were weakened after just returning from war. I figured this was my chance I abandoned my last few members of my clan and tried to run out of the village over the commotion while two sand anbu stopped me and told me that I would be safe with them. After sand had dealt heavy damage to leaf I was told I could join their village where I would be taught to use ninjutsu and given a place to lay my head and in return when there was war I would help defend. I figured it could be worse, so I agreed and planned to use sand as my outlet to find Samehada and restore my clan once again.

Image result for hoshigaki clan




Long dark blueish green hair, muscular shinobi, distinctive shark-like appearance, yellow eyes, with pale blue skin. The reborned Hoshigaki clan actually has chakra from Samehada allowing them to enter their full shark form which activates on being close to the sword itself. Goblin was one of the few Hoshigaki that was born already in his full shark form but it reverted back as he got older

Image result for kisame