
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Saku

  1. Come on Guys, don't bother @Rory with Stuff like that, he has probably very Important things to do, like thinking about giving certain People the Chunin Rank that they deserve...
  2. You should really pay more Attention. There is an Application Form, you should include the Video in that.
  3. Saku

    I thought you might enjoy this

    Ahhh, gets me every Time :) 

  4. Saku

    Rory, I expect some Love for all the Medics out there with the next Patch!

    1. Hisa



  5. It really does look a rolling Pin, now that you mention it
  6. Thanks Man, appreciate it.
  7. So, I wanted to make a short Video, but I had some Problems, so Pictures have to do. The Colors are bad, sorry for that. So, I made a Scroll. Here are a few close-ups, but the Quality is kinda bad. Sorry for that. I also tried to map out the Leaf Village Area. After the Map, I just listed all the Important Mobs.
  8. @Dona Dude, the Picture you made is really Awesome. Nice Job
  9. This is absolutely amazing! I will get lost so bad in there, and it will be Great And the Rat Mobs Argh, can't wait
  10. @Judah If you upload more than 1 Picture, they have to be in the same Post. It's in the Rules.
  11. Well, let's try this again. Hopefully I won't offend someone again.

    Excited for the 3rd Chunin Generation. I wonder what feats they will have to overcome and how they will set their Mark in the History of NinOnline!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Saku


      Ah Fuck, I did it again ;-;

    3. Akiro



    4. Taruna


      ( `w´) I trust you to get rid of all the spidurs, nyes?
      (                 )

  12. Yeah, I need that Time ;-; I hope this was just a Mistake
  13. I remember how People used to say "becoming a better Chunin then the first Generation isn't too hard"
    And I must agree. Going left isn't hard, so I guess I am just Trash, huh?

  14. Saku

    Why is there no Music on your Profile? T_T

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Saku


      This is unbelievably Beautiful *-*
      What exactly is that? I NEED to know :D 

    3. Argo


      It is called music, quite popular among the young kids nowadays. The song is called: Danny Rayel - The Dragon Rider.

    4. evoliiX


      Well i dont know this thing called "music", seems like im no more one of the young kids.:(

  15. I disagree. I don't really care about every single stupid Bugfix, and it does feel Nice find out stuff that others don't know. It shows that you care. I already found out something need, and I was Happy when I did. I agree that Games need Patchnotes, but only for Big New Content and Stuff like that. Where is the Will to Explore a Game? But yeah, just my Opinion.
  16. That Animation looks so Nice *-* Maybe a Dev Log about Medical next?
  17. Have Hope Man. Attitude is the most Important thing. If I would be like that last Time I probably would have quit even before the Forest. Don't try to find the bad things. Don't think "We Medics can't fight" be more like "They have no Clue how Medics Fight" It all starts in your Head, and if you give up there already, there's no Point in even trying. MEDIC PRIDE!
  18. Well, watch the last Exam and realize that you can win. Yes we are Supports, but nobody stops us from being Smart
  19. The only thing that is sure about the Exam is that it will be extremely Fun
  20. We talked maaaaany Times about this. We aren't Heroes. No one is Special. These Examples are Ridiculous, because if you want to play like this read my Quote, Rules made by one of the Ninjas you Mentioned TSUNADE. By your Logic, these Rules NEED to be followed by new Medical Nins, until they Master Creation Rebirth. We are all Unique, but not Special. I believe there is a Difference...
  21. Saku

    If I send you a Demo of a simple Game I am making right now, would you Roast me afterwards?

  22. This is a Joke right? We did choose two Masteries. One being Medical. Also, if we would allow People to have 3 Masteries, Medics are even more screwed since Jutsu User will have even more ways to Destroy us. everybody should stop complaining or making assumption until the Server is up.
  23. You have an amazing Profile Song *-*

    1. DennisDaPro


      He actually has *-*

    2. Kuraen Wilkor

      Kuraen Wilkor

      It's Sarcasm by Get Scared 

  24. I can't relate to this. In Theory you can only use Medic. I won a few Fights against 30 with only Medic. But I agree with Rory here. Medical Ninjas are not Fighters, it's not their Job to overwhelm the Enemy with Jutsus (take a look at my signature!!!). And yeah, "uhh we write our own Stories" and "those Rules maybe don't apply anymore" are just ridiculous. If you wanna be Combat Legend, don't pick Medical. Medical Nins are Supporters, the unsung Heroes if you will. We need to be Smart instead of Strong, and by winning a Fight as a Medical Shinobi you proved that you are more then just "me damage, me good" Patch 1.9.4 seems like the Perfect Balance , because 1.9.3 was a Love letter for all Medical Ninjas, so no Reason to complain.