Orochimaru Sama

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Orochimaru Sama last won the day on August 12 2021

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    Ryuchi Cave

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  1. It does @Kyrenomy little rat, it does. One day I will show you.
  2. Apart from that we could have toggle option to enable or disable the display of our name change history, so people who wants to start from scratch and leave their past in the past, can have that option, I think thats one of the main reasons why people do name changes. Admins could still see nick history for traceability purposes. @Ueda Would appreciate any comments.
  3. I was wondering if maybe we could have an option to show/hide our clan in front of our names. Some people have unique and interesting nicknames and i belive they would rather to not have anything in front of it. I know there is an option to not pick a clan but some people might want to be part of a clan to enjoy in full their benefits, and they dont pick it because they would rather to keep their unique nickname. So my suggestion is to have a toggle button next to our clan name in character info window, so we can show it or either hide it. This might also bring some more fun to RP when people get asked to reveal their clan they can simply show it and hide it again. @Ueda