
Gold Ninja
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  1. All throughout my career on BYOND, on the several games I've owned and adminned for, I've held the exact same views! The thing about BYOND however is, there are too many "RP purists" to really support the RPvP mechanic to wild success. Back when I owned BLH, I had 120 players on at any given time, but that was 2010. I functioned extremely well with a solid RPvP format. Then the game was abruptly stolen from me by my co-owner, my programmer, and the former owner. They then turned it into an RP purist's paradise. Don't get me wrong, I -love- writing combat RP. But PvP was the sole way to handle disputes that an admin could not. After they unceremoniously yanked me out of the chain of command, their playerbase dropped to 30 people. Why? Because they eliminated what made the game great. They even took credit for the effort that I'd put into the game, thereafter. But this, Rory. I can totally get behind this. Just have to say, you're awesome.
  2. I get what you're saying. But for starters, DM is a terrible engine. It's virtually obsolete, on top of its many flaws. I'd rather play and contribute to a game with a solid engine that the developers are pouring their souls into, than a BYOND game where someone programmed and pixeled new features in an hour.
  3. I'm 2 months and some days from Alpha/Beta access. Even though I haven't been active in a while, wish I could get it sooner. D:
  4. Everything looks amazing, Rory. You and your crew do an excellent job. Rory, if you add support to be able to change control mappings, he could use a generic MMO mouse for all of his major commands and a few jutsu.
  5. I am eagerly awaiting the results. I sincerely hope Rory makes a good decision. I for one, would not like to play a game with unimaginative missions, no humor, and virtually a hundred minor or major typos a mission. Rory, whomever you choose, PLEASE don't make someone who uses possessive apostrophes for every word that ends in "s". For instance, "I want you to go to the mission's depot and pick up two bag's of coffee. Here, take some of my kunai's and fuck up some bandit's." ^ That is a no-no. =D
  6. Well, just letting you guys know that I'm gunning rather hard for the position. I've had my application in for eight days now, and I'm hoping that Rory will accept me. It'd be nice to work with someone skilled, too. It'd make things a lot more fun. =D
  7. I am in full agreement here. This is an awesome idea.
  8. APPARENTLY, the better half of the forum goers here are incapable of reading. Or reading by context. Yoshi's pseudo-code here, if read properly, which isn't hard considering it's very self explanatory.... His pseudo-code here indicates that the higher in level you are, the LESS experience you get. Making the grind HARDER, rather than EASIER. Can you guys try to read the post before making asinine assumptions? Please and thank you.
  9. I concur. This is the type of thing that leads to the downfall of many games with potential, all because a select few members of the playerbase are too lazy to do their own grunt work.
  10. Trust me, I'm not looking down on you. I'm just saying you should try reading based on context. Pay a little closer attention, is all. Also, nobody's debating that the rare KG's should be added. It's just that you seemed to classify all Kekkei Genkai as Doujutsu, which is simply incorrect.
  11. I think he was referring to the fact that any doujutsu beyond the canon three would be non-canon and unwanted. Might wanna check the context next time, just to be sure. Kay? Also, just so we're clear: Doujutsu means "Eye Technique". Kekkei Genkai means "Bloodline Limit". Doujutsu -are- Kekkei Genkai, but that doesn't mean all Kekkei Genkai are Doujutsu.
  12. Noimo already submitted the bug report, and it's too dangerous to list the report publicly on the forum. Let's just say, integers are nasty when abused.
  13. I completely agree with Noimo's post. Also, that drop bug DEFINITELY needs to be addressed. It's a common programming error too, one that I hoped might be addressed sooner rather than later, but hey. That's what alphas are for, yeah?
  14. My suggestion is this. In order to avoid people complaining about Bijuu being "OP", despite the fact that this is an RP driven story-line game, and to avoid people getting "Main Character Syndrome": Split each Bijuu's power among the village it belongs to by a certain number. You could even go by tails, perhaps. For instance, rhetorically, if you make each Bijuu the same relative strength and split it into nine parts, that means each village has nine people that can have that particular Bijuu's chakra. Now, that's just a ballpark number. Nothing to do with any sort of actual balance. But by dividing each beast's chakra up, it makes it so that nobody can go "full Bijuu mode". It also makes it a novelty, but not a particularly overpowering one. On top of that, it means more players can have access to the skill-sets that each beast provides. Once the game's playerbase picks up seriously, this would mean that it'd still be to the point where only a fraction of players had it, and they'd be determined by admins or the Kage of each village, or a combination of both. Just a suggestion, though.