
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Oku

  1. I'm stoked! Can I also have a link to the person that makes all your artwork? It's pretty good
  2. Time to revamp my life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oku


      thanks man

    3. Feinz


      Liz gilles is not a ten, she's a 100

    4. Oku


      I love you even more for that, Orcnan.

  3. Off to camp, see you on Thursday

  4. I'm blaming the Illuminati for all these World Cup upsets.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ueda


      Nin Online is a laundering business for the Illuminati.

    3. Ryoshi


      I knew it! Time to call Anonymous. Let the site crashing begin!

    4. Feinz


      It already did top kek

  5. Oku

    Eclipse Worlds

    You play(ed) it? (if you have, I need help setting it up...I get errors) Installing it, it shows the the eclipse runtime installation just like Nin did.
  6. Oku

    Eclipse Worlds

    I was looking for a zelda mmo and I found this one. http://www.zelonline.com/ It uses your engine.
  7. What will the bosses be exactly? The Warzone is perfect, btw.
  8. This has been the most interesting year of sports I've ever seen.

    1. Feinz


      The NBA finals were lame :/ Heat got thrashed.

    2. Satsugai


      Well they were lame if you were a Heats fan haha

    3. Oku


      NBA in general was great (and no one expected the Heat to get destroyed). NCAA had so many miracle plays and upsets. World Cup goes without saying. March madness was so effed up it's not even funny.

      Pretty awesome year so far. I doubt 2015-2016 for sports will top it lol

  9. I liked this post specifically because the gif is so correct.
  10. Maybe a trail of fire should be left behind the dragon? Like on the ground.
  11. Org (Rida) is approved, you can view the details now.

  12. Org is approved, you can view the details now.

  13. Ghana deserves to make it to the Semi's ATLEAST this WC.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nassim Sr

      Nassim Sr

      The Netherlands is doing better than I expected it to.

    3. Oku


      A crap ton better lol.

    4. Musab


      1-5!!!!! they killed Spain instead

  14. To those of you making orgs, can you at least make them public so we can see what it's about?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mart456


      Tydon you should make an organization and do that :-D There ya go buddy, that's already a good start. I would like to see that :-D

    3. Akiro


      He already has

    4. Mart456


      O, well kudos then Tydon. Good stuff my friend :-D

  15. Why is Taki still a moderator if she hasn't been here for over a month

  16. Is it because of the gif that the fullscreen scale is too wide? Will it be like that in game or will it be optimized the the monitor resolution?
  17. Elizabeth Gillies maybe the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth.

  18. If possible yes. Other than that, it looks great
  19. Holy crap, this is amazing. How long did it take you to make each track, and what did you use? FL Studio? It's a good idea to make it a bit more robust, but just don't make it super loud epic music. The one thing I hate when starting a game is how loud and obnoxious the music is. So yeah, if you decide to up the menu a bit, PLEASE don't make it overzealous. All in all, you're the composer, so do what you feel is right. I think everything sounds perfect.
  20. Oku


    A stream every weekend or every other weekend sounds good. Other than that, I think it's sorta obssessive. So yeah, planned streams get my vote.