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  1. Sherwood

    Pixel Art lll

    Lol that zabuza eyes. Nice pixel art.
  2. I think that there shouldn't be any mobs inside konoha, maybe just training logs.
  3. Sherwood

    my drawing ;)

    Needs more shading.
  4. Chances are no one will guess it. Should try to make some puzzle or something if this doesn't work.
  5. Lol some of those people here probably don't even know those but my friend likes navi.
  6. The next test would probably only be for the Gold members so yeah if you really want to play the game even though it has only a few stuff then donate. If you can that is.
  7. Yeah some of those ideas will already be added to the game later, but they are still good ideas. And about the gold name problem, it could be fixed by making it show up that you are a gold member when you hover your mouse on the character or click on him.
  8. Sherwood


    I myself used to be a quiet lurker on all forums, but i'm now more active on them. And welcome, Superwig.
  9. Welcome back to the forums. The server is offline right now.
  10. Yeah i agree with Tenshi, you should enjoy yourself and explore the village and maybe rp with people. After all this is just alpha you will lose everything after they update the game.
  11. They didn't add any kind of clans yet.
  12. I meant this topic needs to be on the frontpage or pinned somewhere.
  13. The problem is they probably won't even read those threads unless they are on the frontpage.
  14. Did you press tab or something when you finished typing your email?
  15. You need to relog to fix that and yeah you are probably lagging.