
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Deidara

  1. Just good old Nin Online: Features: 1. More interesting mob mechanics, have mobs display danger tiles for jutsus & more randomized movement to keep pve more engaging than simply running circles until flicker is on cd or getting flickered on for several 100s of damage auto attack. 2. Unique election systems for villages. Think of an automated 1v1 tournament for mist, and in sand a kage would set 3 players as his siblings at the start of a term, at the end of his term the kage would get a popup needing to select 1 of them to be the next kazekage. Stuff like that to make the villages regain their uniqueness vs alting/voteabusing 3. More incentive for dangerzones, could be stuff such as having a certain time a day where in a random dz map bosses spawn for an hour with increased droprate. Which map it is would be announced slightly beforehand or as soon as it starts. So people can choose to go there and farm some better droprates with the risk of being attacked by others. 4. Mission board (saw a suggestion that I thought was cool) instead of grabbing random dailies, have a board with randomized dailies of which you can pick i.e. 3 dailies, you pick one of them and after handing it in 3 new randomized dailies are on the board. That way people have some choice in terms of their playstyle for leveling 5. I already know it's on the way, but the completion of the gathering/crafting, this way there's a reason to get the materials vs people just botting it for ryo for it to get nerfed to the ground and undesirable to make use of Optional: Make regular NPCs just like jonin bots killable, so the next time some hidden leaf spy npc destroys my traps in sand he gets cloak bombed into oblivion
  2. I lag every few seconds it seems like, see people teleporting or I freeze for a second. Everything was fine before today.
  3. Not sure if multiple entries are allowed or not but this would be my main entry: Otherwise I have these as extra:
  4. Usually happens when someone dies on that map, and it gets fixed when they press enter. Not entirely sure what the actual trigger for it is though, but definitely could use a fix.
  5. Good luck, hope this gets used. Game could use some more RP.
  6. Even village nin, are now abusing the same bug.
  7. Make the puppets a jutsu, as quite frankly our "Buff" is useless. We have to unequip & re-equip to spawn the puppets making the +12 fort useless. Add a cooldown after a puppet dies (not too long, unless the HP gets buffed imho.) Fix the multiple hits of the water wave, so it only hits once. Buff the fire dragon jutsu as it's complete garbage (Rng btw). And seeing as some people were complaining, seeing as the puppet floats make it not pop traps.