They don't need a new engine to implement stuff that keeps you playing the game. And, why do you think people are giving him hate? Out of nothing? Absolutely deluded.
If he doesn't want to get hate then he should do something for the game. The new engine won't wipe out their current content, so stop acting like ''oh theyre waiting for the new engine''.
''for a bit'' If we are talking about the un-excusable break he had/is having, then it's over 6 months already. ''im moving!'' no. And he did have breaks before, breaks that he in-fact was completely fine to have.
Nobody is slandering him, do you even know what slander is? And no, if he did his job in the first place instead of being a money-grabbing prick then MAYBE, MAYBE people wouldn't have hated on him.
All in all, I feel like Rory is definitely not a BAD guy in real life, in fact I expect him to be nice if I ever meet him (maybe he'll try to shake my hand like Ricegum), but my problem is that he is making THIS post when he has done the exact opposite of what he has said right now. I think Rory can be a cool guy, like yesterday he wasn't getting mad at people in the VoiceChat and even made fun of his own game and I am up to forgive him if he makes content and EARNS the money he is getting on Patreon and on Nin Online. It's not a case of ''oh shit i hate rory'', it's a case of ''this man is a hypocrite, he is cash-cowing his game''. I think the staff team is un-organised but I won't be getting to that.