Id like to see naked food selling NPCs dressed LoL
- some clothes like kimono style (bleach like (blackish) loL and some colors)
- maybe hats like Sakkat (google knows). Hats are money makers lol and they add more difference in looks (bigger impact on looks as its hm... visible ).
- make NPC and dye item (drop) to change color of stuff
PS great update!
wow... cool. Hm... idea. making textures xD i want to play... work is work. need fun xD Sandstorm could be used as mist xD slow down animation, make it bluseish greish and ta daa mist xD
I'm sick at home... so i sit in front of my laptop... the same thing i do when i work lol. Anyway... I wanted to check a website (SN) with manga for new releases. Their Disqus/chat is broken and it shows posts from 2 YEARS AGO. I clicked the link and here i am. Post was made by MohSel (current nick on Disqus). I played Ragnarok Online and hope to have the same feels from Nin except for theme Just one thing bothers me... server down for new players Lol. But the music in the menu made a good impression so ill be coming back for more