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Everything posted by MMASportsCards

  1. I wasnt able to log in, says I don't exist. I tried using the facebook login option.
  2. Looks great. Happy new years Rory and thanks for your hard work!!!
  3. Do you have any specific ideas or themes in mind for the channel? I might be interested in helping, just not 100% sure if time would allow me to work on both Nin Online and side projects.
  4. Ah I see. No interview or any kind of Q and A? Also not sure that I mentioned my username in the application, but I am ilya. Thanks again for the opportunity. If you do happen to have any questions for me feel free to reach out through here or via email.
  5. Hey Seth, I submitted an application about a week ago or so. Just want to make sure that you are aware. Thank you and happy holidays!
  6. Hey Seth, I had recently applied to join the staff. Not sure if you have had a chance to look at that application, but on top of everything I listed making videos is something that I could take on for you as well.
  7. Good point. Maybe an oversight?
  8. It has always been one per person.
  9. Why were you allowed to guess multiple times when everyone else guessed once? Also if you were guessing because the minim shrunk then there was new questions posted that you probably forgot? Just looked through posts, and you had 5+ guesses. The thing is you asked if multiple guesses were allowed but you never waited for an answer.
  10. 159. Blue/Green and sushi at one point but lately I have been vegetarian/vegan(Still love sushi though lol)
  11. 57 Found from indiedb Looks like a sweet game and cannot wait to try it.