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Nassim Sr last won the day on January 7 2017
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June 4, 2022
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January 1, 2022
leef je nog strijder
My Nassim
Nassim Sr replied to topic's Ueda in Announcements
Go to work, get married, have some kids, pay your taxes, pay your bills, watch your tv, follow fashion, act normal
Obey the law
And repeat after me: "I am Free"
Je voudrais parlé á Français. Je ne sais pas pourqoui.
ahhaahha xD
écoute l'ami, fait ce qui te plait!
Nassim Sr replied to topic's Stephen in Development Logs
They fear me, for I bring something to the table others don't. It's going to be a-okay.
Nassim Sr replied to topic's Ueda in Show Off
Happy 1-day-late-Mod birthday.
Sry for being late.
Nassim Sr
Happy birthday
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Nassim Sr replied to topic's Ueda in Development Logs
Nassim Sr replied to topic's Stephen in Discussion