If you want to be the 10% population of people who wants to earn every achievement over and over again, then just make a new account. Also exactly as you said. One team will get the Chuunin before the final wipe. So if they lose Chuunin after wipe, who do you think will get Chuunin first in the new wipe? Most likely that SAME team because they are the apparent best players. And then the next month, the second best team will win, etc, giving the newer players barely a chance. Seriously, if you like that kind of game, then go play this game called NFF. You can spend over 50 hours of play time simply preparing your character to be viable at PvPing, and then there will be a random wipe where you have to train your account and its passives all over again. And if there isnt a wipe, then your character will "die"anyways and you'll be forced to start over again after a specific amount of hours of play time. Perfect, right? lol