
Gold Ninja
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About Hecarims


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  1. This is rather informative and helpful topic,well done lads!
  2. Everyone just jumped on the server instead of leaving thanks for the work you been doing to get this kindergarden satisfied Can't say i am impressed so far or satisfied but i appriciate the work you been doing,good shit keep it up
  3. For the best in my interests don't turn into second "Nassim" and good luck with forfilling your responsibility. I'll try to comply if we get into argument
  4. Meh,keep working for that solid launch,i couldn't care less if that wipe was by error or manually made by one of you,ultimately it will bring community together like all the freebys waiting in line for open beta,they won't get raped on the get go and will probobly appriciate that. I am just hopign cosmetics are going to be gifted out and all the world blessings,like my buddy bought atleast 10-15 of them. Anyways,i am also hoping for lesser farm experience to get back that level30.
  5. I would actually suggest postponing this event because of the numbers leaf has over sand,rather wait for open beta for freebys to even villages Then again you could always handout condoms for sandys,there is definetly going to be somekinda form of rape going on. Even having gm's on sand side won't help them. Unless you had something else in mind with war event. This is just my thought about it.
  6. Just hoped in game,this look amazing with my character appearance,can we have a zone all time winter Perhaps with time i could gather enough resources to make a village there.
  7. Pretty sure we appriciate your time ,now next time you want to make this long post ,make sure it is not 5am bud . Sweet glasses. Now idea:hence it is secret idea,make it that you can only enter once you have gathered x amount of items like snake lair gates. Like lets say the entrance to cave was sealed for a purpose,to remove seal you need x amount of items,perhaps there is npc that teaches you jutsu to unseal it. P.S. Ignore me,i can toss ton of ideas but not make them come true
  8. Hecarims

    Hawk Server

    Why bother for now,make the crowd more stabil then think about NA servers. For now you will just give yourself unneeded job and payments.
  9. i gues that would be ok as far we do not know where it is,yet.
  10. Would they be secret if we knew about them,how about we just find them ingame,rogues need a hiding spot.
  11. Is there going to be secret zones for rogue ninjas like orochimaru lair,akatsuki hideout. Also if one dicides to go rogue,how will he progresss through genin,chunin,etc. ranks hence he is on bingo book