Capture the Bell/Flag/Scroll: Village Vs. Village(Kages select 5 ninjas to participate as a squad.(1-Squad Leader, 2-3- Assault Unit, 4-5- Defense Unit) Terrain is random, points to win are 3 or 5)/ World
1v1 Tournaments: Village Vs. Village(Kages select a certain number of ninjas & the draw is random. With enough wins under some players belts, they may earn titles or ranks.)
2v2 Tournaments: Village Vs. Village(Kages select 4 ninjas & pairs them off. The draw is random& with enough wins under a certain pair's belt may earn them titles of legend & secret missions or not)
King Of The Hill: Village Vs. Village/ World
Small Country Invasions: Village(Basically, name (1-3) different surrounding countries surrounding each village. Have each village having a a certain number of troops in different tiers & renowned war heroes as their leaders. Notice is sent to the Kage & he/she must open registration for the war or the village will take loss in economy. Titles of legend and prizes will be given for victory.)