Iyamarashi Shin

Gold Ninja
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About Iyamarashi Shin


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    ��森 (Storm Forest)

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  1. Nudist Beach screams incoming wave of powerful enemies! Shiseki or Warrior Beast
  2. Capture the Bell/Flag/Scroll: Village Vs. Village(Kages select 5 ninjas to participate as a squad.(1-Squad Leader, 2-3- Assault Unit, 4-5- Defense Unit) Terrain is random, points to win are 3 or 5)/ World 1v1 Tournaments: Village Vs. Village(Kages select a certain number of ninjas & the draw is random. With enough wins under some players belts, they may earn titles or ranks.) 2v2 Tournaments: Village Vs. Village(Kages select 4 ninjas & pairs them off. The draw is random& with enough wins under a certain pair's belt may earn them titles of legend & secret missions or not) King Of The Hill: Village Vs. Village/ World Small Country Invasions: Village(Basically, name (1-3) different surrounding countries surrounding each village. Have each village having a a certain number of troops in different tiers & renowned war heroes as their leaders. Notice is sent to the Kage & he/she must open registration for the war or the village will take loss in economy. Titles of legend and prizes will be given for victory.)
  3. @Rory It's like you knew i was going medic first wipe. Thanks for the update and keep up the good work!
  4. i begged for diags for months! Yes! Only thing now that i think will help with getting in those diagonal directions is the numpad. That or getting a gamepad.
  5. This is a wonderful update. Really like how the integration works now. Only three worries for me would be the server situation(as far as stress, due to the amount of people on & what not) for when the game is up & running, the macro system, & pvp. Other than that, I look forward to the advancement of this project. 8)
  6. Thanks for not inviting me @ i feel the love
  7. Sound Village is not an actual village #SoundNotLegit

  8. While on the subject of combat, if you relog with pvp on, it removes the cooldown time
  9. or, the ppl who feel they need to bot can just be productive with the time they give to the game.
  10. Anyone have a good movie suggestion? its gettin boring waiting

  11. Will the Golden Headband be free to us or will we have to pay?
  12. Crap, how long is it gonna be out? imma be in church when it comes out T_T