Shadow Shinha

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Shadow Shinha last won the day on January 4 2024

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  1. I dont think this is a good argument, because as far as we know Sakura might actually have two twins running behind her and then to the sides to give us the illusion that she can use clone jutsu while running.
  2. Every time I lost to Waves water-prison/earth-pillar combo all those years back, I wanted to suggest this. But I didnt wanna be seen as a sore loser, so I never did. Now that enough time has passed since then, I can finally suggest this. Basically instead of having a certain range all around you, the homings would have a set hit-area in front of you. Since it would be a lot harder to hit that way, instead of the usual 1 sec charge it could be 0.5 sec charge or have a wider hit-area or both. You could also have the jutsus do different amount of dmg depending on the position of the target in the hit-area. Would make em at least a bit more skill based. Idk how good str wm is right now, but all their homings could technically work like this too.
  3. Welcome to the monthly lightning cutter suggestion olympia, this time presented to you by yours truly. First of all I would like to thank everyone, and especially Rory, for giving me this rare opportunity of hosting this months lightning cutter suggestion olympia. Its an honour to be standing here in front of you all. Wihtout further adoo, I hereby solemly open the games. So pretty sure running chidori has been suggested before but how about running chidori combined with the tele cutter? Basically you charge standing for 0.5-1 sec. Once its done cutter stays active in yo hand for 1-1.5 sec. In that time youre able to move around with it at x1.5 speed. And now the twist. While your target is inside a certain area to the front of you, you can press the macro key again and you will insta tele and dmg/stun them for 1 sec (and silence yourself for 0.5 sec). You could actually have it do different dmg / stun depending on the which position the enemy is in the hit-area too, so a frontal dead center hit could do more dmg and stun than a hit on the outskirts of the hit-area.
  4. Hello, I decided to do some art too. Im quite open to criticism, however I dont think theres any valid criticism in this case, but youre free to criticize it even though any criticism in this case is 100% caused by envy.
  5. Name: Shadow Shinha Masteries: The ultimate Overpowered and most Beautiful Fire/Light (OG) Level: 50 Big big fan of yall @Black Rain and @SDZ . Big big fan of sand too @Lumy
  6. Tie the colour of the NPCs to the client of the players. Depending on the skin colour of the players character the colour of the NPCs change. Problem solved. Another reason why Shadow should be owner. Such a delicate matter solved within seconds.
  7. For years and years Rory has postponed, stalled and from time to time even publicly outright refused to hold off the Nin Online Owner Elections. Its outrageous that a single person has been leading this game for almost a decade now without holding any elections whatsoever. I think I can speak for the majority of the people of Nin Online that we have had enough of this dictatorship. For far too long we have had to ask for buffs and nerfs without any results whatsoever. For far too long our cries for #NerfFlicker and #ChangeSub have been ignored and outright silenced. For far too long we have had to endure this hard and lifeless existence under Rorys ruthless leadership. But I can tell you that this ends today. Today we, the people of Nin Online, demand fair and square Owner Elections to be held within a month. We demand impartial delegates from other games be invited to watch over the election process to ensure that everyone can vote without pressure from the Rory regime and make sure that every single vote is counted. We demand the Rory Regime appoint regime delegates that together with the United Union of the Nin Online People (UUNOP), that consists of delegates from Leaf, Sand, Mist, Missing nins as well as Akatsuki, form the election council that will start the election process as soon as possible to ensure that the elections can be held within a month. It is time that the Rory Regime is finaly held accountable for their corruption, their infidelty, their refusal to grant me a mastery reset and countless other crimes against humanity. Today we shall celebrate, today we shall drink to a future that we shall happily and proudly leave behind for our children and grandchildren. If our demands of free and fair elections arent met, we will do absolutely nothing.
  8. Aye if gangs are added, I want suits added too so I can roleplay as a Takumi Mafia boss.
  9. I agree, fire/light is kind of bad at the moment compared to the other combos. Should be buffed.
  10. @ShigureI capped my fire/light no worries. Yall will get fire/tai now no problem.
  11. Aye very good suggestion. 12G is very much in need of a well deserved buff. Literally unplayable otherwise. @Lumy Not a fan of sand at all @SDZ @Black Rain Nor am I a fan of ya two or akat as a whole Disclaimer: In no way was I forced to write this. Like not at all. send help pls