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Everything posted by Ueda

  1. Hahah! Noble.. I'd love to see that. Write "Free Se Ninja MMORPG"
  2. Dear Shinobi, Just a short announcement regarding the "Ready, Set, Refer" competition. Firstly, I manually run through each referral, and approve only those that are seemingly legit. Although this is the best way to do it, it's been getting really out of hand with so many registrations in just hours! I'm glad that it is progressing well, and the community is growing. ^_^ However, if at the end of the contest, I investigate and find any trace of cheating. I may consider a few things. Like the amount of the members on who stayed active after joining or even logged in again after registration. If you aren't guilty of any of these, and you do things fairly. You will have a much larger chance of winning! That being said, good job to the following people thus far, they have exceeded my expectations in their heartfulness in spreading Nin Online! @Stylishninja @Kuze @ @Thactor4 @Menos @Noble @KankyNuewburger @Mr.Yagura Secondly, some members have gained us complains. They had posted ads in the wrong sections of other forums, or against the rules. This is a warning, do not do that! We'd like to keep our reputation as clean as possible. Regards, Rory EDIT: I've received way too many warnings. Let me make the following clear! Warning #1 Do not post on forums of other game projects, or spam advertise in places where it is not permitted. If you are not sure, ask the admin or moderator of the community first. If I receive more than a single complain on the same person, I will choose to disqualify you. Warning #2 Do not create accounts on proxies, or fake emails. I will personally research addresses if it is suspicious, and if I discover referrals based on proxies, you will be disqualified. If you believe you are being framed, report it to me as soon as you can. I do not hope that this sort of foul play will take place on a simple community competition.
  3. It says you have 3. Unless you're Kuze.
  4. Ueda


    Welcome to the Nin Online community, Ginger! I hope to see you around more.
  5. How the hell.. What in the world.. Hahaha, you guys are epic.
  6. Everyone used to think Robin hated them xD He didn't.. Are you serious? That may be the weirdest form of advertising Nin Online yet. xD
  7. Hey, I manually go through each referral. I'm going to do it every few hours. So if you're certain you got a referral. Somebody clicked your link and registered. He must be on a unique IP Address. Then you'll get it by the next day. Good luck.
  8. That's cool I won't really be advertising much. So word of mouth will be the best way to get the game out for now.
  9. @Stylishninja I agree. There's a reason why most RPGs would have skill cooldowns.
  10. Ueda


    Thank you Thactor Welcome to the Nin Online community!
  11. 1) Definitely. We'll have NPCs (Non-playable Characters) both Mobs (enemies) and regular townsfolk or friendly quest givers. 2) Yes, we will have plenty of different missions. I have quite a few in mind! 3) We'll try our best to get these in. It's a good idea 4) This is true, but it's more for balancing. You shouldn't be able to focus all your stats into one kind of power and use it forever. What you said about giving the cooldown to all the jutsus is interesting as well, but would remove a lot of strategic value. 5) Yes, running will be as smooth as it gets. 6) Multiple targets sounds like something we can look into. Though I don't see much value in it. 7) Yes, organizations like the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist and Akatsuki, will consist of the right amount of players. They will be player run organizations as much as possible. 8) We're still putting much thought into this. But bloodlines will come at a later date.
  12. Yay. MMOBomb was me Thanks for joining us Iman.
  13. I'm pretty sure it was more like. Rory: Hey remember how I brought sexy back? Menos: Yeah. Why? Rory: I'm bringing Nin back this time. Menos: *Pisses his pants* WEEEEE!
  14. @Uchiha Obito congrats on becoming a junior member. Also, we're glad to have you here
  15. Such specific styles of fighting will only come at a later date. We're going to refine a basic ninja ninjutsu and tai jutsu path first.
  16. Everything going smoothly. Eddie is amazingly fast at programming.
  17. How did you find Nin Online? More like, how did I found Nin Online. Aaaahhhhh
  18. There's a reason I choose to do that.
  19. I haven't watched much of the series, I watched the Pilot and a few episodes. But I liked Barney too, and his suit up jokes.
  20. If you want to help out, just contact me with what you're talent is!

  21. Nin Online rocks!

    1. ReubenNick


      come on man, someone else gotta make this status >.<

  22. Ueda


    Hey Zesh, Yeah, it's been going on since the start. I think I know what will fix it, but I need Robin's help. Welcome to the Nin Online community