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Everything posted by Ueda

  1. "Rory doesn't listen to players" Nin Online has always been a game where I directly involve players in making decisions, taking suggestions and implementing them as much as I can without destroying the game's design. Sometimes players make awesome suggestions, sometimes they don't. But I try my best to respond. I can be in Discord listening to suggestions and have people telling me I'm not listening to players. So I'm creating this thread as a reference for players who claim that I don't listen to player suggestions because their idea was turned down or not implemented yet. As a disclaimers, unfortunately a lot of the threads are lost to time due to the forum software having glitched at some point and losing a lot of the posts. So between 2014-2021 there's a lot that are simply topic titles that I had to go by. I also didn't have the patience to look through specific balance change suggestions that people posted and verify a lot of them, so for the most part, these are feature suggestions, QoL suggestions and balance changes I remember making. Some of the things suggested have been added but also deprecated like War Events. Some of them are no longer relevant but were added like Tabbing to go between Username and Password boxes in the old login screen. New Ideas Platform This is part of the announcement that we're launching a new suggestions section and deprecating the old one. https://www.ninonline.org/forum/ideas/
  2. You don't need a bridge, you're ninja that can run across the sea. It also gives Mist Ninja who have water passive an advantage that there is no bridge which is important for them.
  3. Dull Edges & Sharp Minds Mission is no longer level restricted to up to level 35 Lighting effects assigned to all Jutsu that should light up
  4. Animation Lighting Eg. Light on Explosion Effect CTjvQVn.mp4 Previously, we added the feature to add Lighting Effects on projectiles. We were unable to do the same on Animations (other Jutsu) because the animation editor was in a semi-broken state where we couldn't modify it, so we fixed up all our editors and now this is added too. Minimap Improvements Minimap now is open by default when you first play Nin Online & minimap state (Open, Closed, Maximized) will save between game sessions Version number will be included in crash log reports from now on Fixed illegal party prevention (team exploit with Missing & Village ninja) not working right (GMs) GMs can now use /heal and Team Warp commands.
  5. Improved Usability for Cure Item Cure Item now just tells the player they don't have Battle Injuries if they don't. If they do, it still warns them before using the item.
  6. Added new level 25 Medical Ninjutsu - Status Extraction Technique This has been on the to-do list since at least 2017 and we finally had the time to implement it. It can be used on yourself, an ally, or enemy (If you want for some reason) to clear them of debuffs / negative statuses such as Burns, Poisons and Bleeds. About the introduction of status cleansing and future changes Non-medical ninja in the near future will receive items that are weaker and cleanse specific statuses. Honey will be able to treat burns, Bandages will be able to treat Bleeding and Antidotes will be able to treat Poison. They will all have longer cast times however. We may also increase the effectiveness of statuses to match the counterplay introduced.
  7. In the future, use a support ticket, under Help. I've refunded it for you to ninja credit, you can use it to buy a gift card for your other account.
  8. Nin patcher is a third-party software called PatchKit and the patches are delivered by AWS. Unfortunately, it seems like select users have bad connections to the server it's using, but for the most part most users are fine. If you can, report it to PatchKit and see if they are able to diagnose why it is happening to you and see if they can help. https://docs.patchkit.net/
  9. Reworked Fortitude Stat Buffs including Antibodies Activation Jutsu that buff both just fortitude and jutsu that buff all stats have always increased the Max HP of the player. However, in the past, when your Max HP went from 100 to 200, your health would remain at the old amount eg. 50/100 -> 50/200. It will now additionally "heal" for that amount of health instantly. However, once the buff ends or is cancelled, the HP will lost again, down to the minimum of 1 health point ie. You cannot die to these buffs ending. This makes Antibodies and similar buffs an instant alternative to healing over time jutsu, but the effects are only borrowed and useful if able to end a fight quickly. Eg 1. Antar has 50/100 HP. I use Anti-bodies Activation on Antar. He now has 150/200 HP. He loses 10 HP and now only has 140/200 HP. His buff ends, returning his HP to 40/100 HP. (He borrowed 100 HP, and returned 100HP) Eg 2. Antar has 50/100 HP. I use Anti-bodies Activation on Antar. He now has 150/200 HP. He loses 130 HP and now only has 20/200 HP. His buff ends, returning his HP to 1/100 HP. (He had 180 HP lost out of 200 HP, so when his buff ended, he still had 180 lost of out 100. But ending buff cannot kill you right away) Status/Debuff Cleansing Items & Jutsu We've added the ability for items and jutsu to clear specific or all debuffs or buffs. We'll be using this soon for a new Medical Ninjutsu as well as items such as Anti-burn, Antidotes & more! For the time being we've introduced an event reward item called "Cure" that we've sent a tester to every player through their mail! Use it when you have Battle Injuries to clear it once. Warning: We have yet to add a warning to it, so if you accidentally use it when you have no Battle Injuries, it will still be used up. Edit: We've pushed another client update that adds a warning now! Rebranded Login Pages Login & Registration pages are now branded as Hitspark ID instead of just Nin Online account! "Reach Level 10" Mission now gives 3 Cure items as an additional reward All "Reach Level X" Missions now give 5 Event Coupons instead of 3. Replaced the famous "Don't fucking touch my balance, Seth." Buff Descriptions Just leaving this bit of history here. What happened was that our old programmer, played Nin Online circa 2017 for a day and then started changing content balance without telling anyone. I had to find out through the players. This description was first placed on the Taijutsu buffs and then copy and pasted to various other buffs as they were being created. Before 2022, buff descriptions were not displayed anywhere, so we never bothered to change them.
  10. Life Steal & Chakra Steal Systems This was added as it was the highest voted feature on the Patron "What should we work on next?" poll. If you want to choose what feature we add next, consider joining our Patreon. We're able to make weapons or jutsu steal % amount of damage dealt to their enemy. Currently only added to Samehada (10% Chakra Steal) There's a lot that can be done to adjust the balance with this new mechanic, Fixed Quick Login not warning players they were using outdated clients.
  11. Client-side file/texture tampering protection added Players are no longer able to delete to tamper with certain texture files to gain an unfair advantage. Server will no longer perform weekly/automated server restarts while events are going on This is on the off chance that a server restart happens while a GM-hosted or Automated Tournament is being hosted. Fixed missing ninja + village ninja team exploit Server will break up Teams/Parties, or kick out members when player is no longer of the same village as the leader.
  12. Using Stat Reset Items now brings up a confirmation prompt / warning before you use the item Reducing the likeliness of accidentally resetting your stats by 99%. Added (Previous Deprecated) Rotating of Character Preview in Shop Window This feature stopped working when we rewrote our character renderer and is now back. You can use your arrow keys to rotate your character in shop windows. Added Hairstyle Previews to Cash Shop Preview NPC We'll be adding the previews to current and future hairstyles here in the a new NPC next to Gumi in the Clothing Store. Added Rotating Character Preview in Hair Dye window Some hairstyles only had Secondary channel visible from the back, making it really hard to recolor your hairstyle accurately. Sped up NPC Spawn Animation by 3x People were complaining they fade in too slow, so we sped it up. No more enemies spawning in and attacking you before you can see them. Added Character Shadow onto UI elements like Quick Login character preview and Hair Dye Lock movement in certain UI windows (Hair Dye, Title Management etc.)
  13. Improvements to login screen Quick login buttons stay greyed out after timeout if it is already connected to the server Previously, the Quick Login buttons would turn back to clickable after a few seconds, and allow you to login again despite it having been connected and loading the map to put you in-game. Clicking it during that window of time would cause problems with logging in. Hide News Window & Login/Register/Website buttons when selecting servers. (Past login screen) Fixed a crash to do with UI Rendering 5/1/2022 7:29:31 PM The following error occured 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' at ' at client.modGraphics.GYRv6EpteL() in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modGraphics.cs:line 3429 at client.modGraphics.iftLxmcKBfd60gwgQ3A8() at client.modGraphics.Render_Graphics(Boolean dontDisplay) in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modGraphics.cs:line 7602 at client.modGameLogic.GameLoop() in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modGameLogic.cs:line 667 at client.modGameLogic.vNXhEbx3XbPmSCDRgBoR() at client.modGameLogic.MainLoop() in D:\NinOnlineSrc\Core\ninonline-c-client\modGameLogic.cs:line 4168'. [Info] This is a Game Loop Exception! Please Report this!
  14. Nope, this is unfortunately one of the things that will never change along with the non-existence of mastery resets.
  15. We don't have any technical limitation to prevent multiple channels. The problem Nin Online is a game designed to be played with other people. If we have 100 players active on one server, the game is more fun than 3 channels each with 33 on them. Another issue is cost, we already spend thousands of dollars a year on each server we have at the moment and the costs don't justify expanding. When I mentioned localization, I said exactly what you're saying Light, so I don't know what you think I'm saying, but you're not understanding it right. PS: That message was from two years ago, nothing has changed since.
  16. Quick Login System Thanks to the oAuth Login system added last year, we're now able to securely authenticate accounts logins. To top off this system, you will now only need to authenticate on each account occasionally. The accounts will remain in the Quick Login box on the login screen where you'll be able to login in a single click and switch between your accounts faster than ever. Edit: Added another update that now allows for unlimited amounts of characters. Reduced Rain Effects We've reduced the opacity of the rain effect until we rework rain as it was obscuring too much at night. Improved Desert Plains map to have a clearer path to the entrances Improved Forest of Ambushes map to have a clearer path to the entrances (Hopefully) Hotfixed server bug where NPCs would stop working for 2-3 minutes randomly. Fixed exploit to team with enemy village players.
  17. Body Flicker Technique Changes Body Flicker Technique now has a 3rd Rank. Body Flicker Technique CP Cost increased from 10 -> 15 Body Flicker Technique Cooldown changed from 20/15 to 18/17/16 Body Flicker Technique Range changed from 6/8 to 6/7/8 Body Flicker Technique Rank up requirement changed from 2000 successful casts to 1000 per rank (essentially making it 2000 again) Fixed Chief Uzan chat option leading to getting client stuck Fixed Debug NPC for Strange Markings.
  18. Trophies Added new trophy furniture items for GMs to give out for special tournaments and contests. Also added some Boss Monster Trophies, guess which boss drops which! Hermit Premium Hairstyle Added (Artwork by @PogThank you!) Held this back from releasing for awhile because I didn't prepare the artwork to be able to change the color of the bandana through Hair Dye until today.
  19. Click here to visit the Patreon page Dear Ninja, Why Patreon? Patreon is a site where audiences can pledge a fixed amount of donations per month / per update to a project they believe in. It helps handle a lot of potential middle-man work that might incur from handling donations manually. Patreon was once used for a couple of months in 2017 when I had a tough time transitioning from living with family to renting. I'm eternally grateful for the support back then, even with just a couple of hundred dollars a month, it made all the difference in my quality of life for that tough period in my life. What is the Goal? I'm officially bringing Patreon back, but this time, with the goal of allowing the community to contribute to a specific cause in Nin Online. Every dollar gained from this platform will go directly into hiring additional staff for the game team. The first goal is to get an entry-level game programmer full-time to program alongside Wolf. The second goal is to get a full-time gameplay designer to work on balancing content and additional content. Why not just work with volunteers? For programming, it takes a high-level of skill to work on any MMORPG. Networked games are exponentially harder to work on than ordinary single-player games, especially MMO architecture. This is made harder with our custom engine built in C#, nowadays, most game programmers prefer to work in a game engine like Unity or Unreal. To make any changes worth getting anyone involved in, it takes a long time to get acclimated into the development environment/pipeline, and volunteers that will come and go are not usually worth the time commitment to train. We've tried working with volunteers for years at the start of the game's development and it just doesn't work for a project like Nin Online. The skill requirement is too high and people that have that level of skill don't work for free. Gameplay Designer is also an actual profession, and although slightly easier to study and there are a lot of game designers who want experience, it takes a lot of time commitment that people who are qualified usually wouldn't do for free. The trouble is that Nin Online is not exactly the best portfolio/resume piece for the industry, and hence, we've yet to get really qualified volunteers for it. Why not just freelance everything? Freelancers come with the benefit of usually being more cost effective, but at the cost of being unreliable. Without a dedicated project manager handling freelancers, its a pain to work with freelancers day in and day out, chasing for datelines. We need people we can rely on for the long-term and not for short term projects. Unfortunate Reality Nin Online players want features and changes faster than we can make it, and we want to present the opportunity to change that. So if you support the work we've done thus far, we hope you can go one step further and donate to our Patreon. If we do not hit the initial goal, the money from the Patreon will go towards helping alleviate the current costs of operations. As it is, Nin Online costs thousands of dollars a month to sustain, and although we are doing fine, any contribution will help us greatly. Regards, Rory
  20. Maximize Minimap Added a 3rd mode to the minimap, where it's maximized to show the entire map and not translucent so you can plan your route through the map with ease. Silver Ninja now have silver chat bubbles Most requested feature from Silver Ninja. Fixed Buff Description Hovering Text Position Added Hover Effect for Buff Icons Fixed pressing "H" to Toggle UI not hiding Notification & Minimap properly Fixed FPS & Ping Labels rendering behind Blessing Status Hide Minimap automatically when you are fainted
  21. Revamped Buff & Debuff HUD (+ Buff Description) Buffs are now displayed Left of the Main HUD and Debuffs on the Right of it. This new HUD layout allows faster reaction to getting Debuffs as it has it's own zone on the screen. The idea is to put the information that's most vital during combat closer to the center of the screen. The overall reduced text on screen is a bonus. You now just see the icon and the text appears when you hover the icon, along with information telling you what the buff does and whether you can cancel it. Minimap There's now a mini-map on the top right corner of the screen on all medium to large maps. The mini-map icons can be hovered to reveal where portals link (and more in the future). The mini-map comes with the ability to zoom in and out to see a larger area. NPCs on the map will display as a grey icon and team members will display as a green icon. There's more work to be done on this feature but we decided to release it for now because it'll already be helpful to new players! EDIT: Added a toggle button to open/close the minimap. Also, fixed Team Icons displaying only 1 person in your team. Chatbox Background Fading The chatbox background will now fade out when it's not being used and/or hovered with mouse. This will allow players to have less clutter on the screen when not needed. Fixed Memory Leak linked to New UI System This might've been what was causing memory to build up in Auto Tournaments. Fixed a Login Crash linked with NPC Music This seemed to have been a frequent crash that may have occurred on map changes and logging in. It should now be resolved. Other Changes 800x600 Resolution Option in Options Menu is now removed as it is no longer officially supported Our updated HUD has over time out grown the tiny screen resolution with a bunch of elements not being visible, such as the Cash Shop, Stash and Notifications button. With the new UI changes, it no longer has space for all of it. You can still set the resolution manually, but we will no longer provide support for it. Blessing Status Display HUD repositioned Projectile Lighting Fades Out smoothly instead of abruptly disappearing
  22. Cell Regeneration Activation is now Run Cast-able has been reverted