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I'm not making an argument with that statement. I'm simply stating the fact that I've created 12 other play styles for you to choose from so that if you don't want to play the class I specifically designed as a burden on ryo, you can play the other 12 classes which are available that aren't. The class is designed to be expensive. It's designed to also be unarguably useful. Ask yourself this, despite the burden of spending a lot of ryo, do you see people using it. Despite the difficulty of training it, do people still do it? Yes - because it is unarguably worth the trouble because of the potential use of it in a lot of battle situations. I understand that you want to play a tool ninja regardless of whether it suits your play style, and you want the play style to fit your ideal, but unfortunately, to do that in a game, I would need to make every class the equal of another in every way, that would otherwise add variety to these play styles. If you've read my original post, it explains that I understand that players do want to play the jutsu set they like most visually and are predisposed to like, but when you're choosing masteries, what you're choosing is a unique play style. Your opinion was taken well, and I think my short response was informative enough because the original post explains MY point. I have direct line of communication with every member of this community, they can PM me, reply to topics, DM me on Discord, Skype me, email me and expect replies in a matter of seconds to hours. You will not find any other online game where the lead developer is responding to member's every spur of the moment idea and comment within 24 hours, so I don't think I need to open myself up any more than that. Unless I were to start giving out my address. New points in response to your ideas / feedback: Monsters don't generate easy money because I don't want to encourage grinding. So missions offer better and faster rewards. By designing it so you can pick up kunai after using them it forces the player to pick up after themselves otherwise waste ryo. It's not fun to constantly pick up kunai each time you throw one from the ground. It's more fun to throw it and hit enemies and be done with it. EDIT: When I said suit your play style, what I mean is that there are going to be quirks about each mastery. But if you don't like it, another one might.
There's 12 other ways to play, play those ways if you aren't willing to spend ryo.
Dear Ninja, First of it's kind rant Dev log. Balance is hard. Everyone has a favorite kind of ninja they want to be, and in an anime/manga, you don't have to consider balancing it in any legible way. When initially designing each mastery, I had a vision for it to affect the players gameplay heavily, for them to be good in certain scenarios, weak in others and also plan unique training experiences for them. For example, as a Tools Ninja, you would have a unique advantage in battles where you could prepare in advance by placing traps. You would have a harder time in spur of the moment battles or ambushes. You would also spend a lot more ryo on tools, hence have a harder time leveling up. As a fire ninja, you would have a big advantage in small arenas. Without any meaningful crowd control, you would rely heavily on AoE and landing your jutsu, which would be more easily done when there is little place to run. The large open world of Nin Online has little tight spaces besides bridges and valleys, but as new arenas are used for more chunin exams, maybe we'll see arenas where this mastery and others shine more. Sword ninja and Fan ninja are the only mastery where you need to hunt for your weapon. As more boss fights come, you will hunt for better weapons with better stats. I got a message from somebody saying tool ninjas were unbalanced because it was too broken because they OP when they can prepare for fights but are useless when they are fighting unprepared.. Good job me? My point is that there's a special place for each mastery in the games balance. The ideal end point is not where every mastery is balanced in a 1v1 fight or a 5v5 team fight. The end goal is for each mastery to have areas where it excels, and are weak in. Arenas where some will prosper and others fail. The end goal is not for support medics to have the same easy time training as Taijutsu ninja. The ideal balance is when each class feels like it has enough merit and fun points to be worth the training. There's a lot more to do, and always will be more I can do to improve the experience of each mastery. Sometimes tweaking values isn't enough, and sometimes it fixes things entirely. But there's more to balancing and game design than everything being fair in a 1v1 fight and I hope everyone who reads this gets my vision at least. PS: Typed on my phone right before bed. Ignore typos!
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Tanzaku Quarters A non-ninja village located in the west of the Land of Fire. It will feature a prominent figure, the Fire Daimyo. This village features gambling mini-games (Slot machines and Dice game) and Missing Ninja and Leaf Ninja will be given the option to use the hospital for a toll. New Maps The Valley of the End West of the Valley End of the Valley Tanzaku Quarters Tanzaku Quarters Entrance Tanzaku Slots Tanzaku Dice Tanzaku Quarters Hospital Tanzaku Quarters Hospital 2F Striped Lake slightly expanded and now linked to the Valley of the End map.
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Reworking Jutsu Stuns & End Cast times (With Decimal Place Stuns) Affected Jutsu below: Water Prison Technique Earth Prison Technique Palm Bottom Technique Slicing Winds Technique Wind Mask Technique Binding Pillars Technique Ravaging Earth Spikes Technique 16 Palm Technique Reworked Jutsu that Interrupt Casting Updated Techniques Tutorials to include information about unlocking Jutsu slots.
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Bounty Hunting Daily Missions available from level 21 onwards! Highly rewarding missions that involve claiming a certain amount of Ryo from any Bounty Station. As long as you have ryo to collect it works! You can start killing enemy ninja with ryo so that you can claim their bounties for the mission once you receive it. Lv 21-30: Bounty Hunting I (Claim 20 Ryo) Lv 26-35: Bounty Hunting II (Claim 30 Ryo) Lv 31-40: Bounty Hunting III (Claim 40 Ryo) Lv 36-45: Bounty Hunting IV (Claim 50 Ryo) Lv 41-50: Village's Most Wanted I (Claim 75 Ryo) Lv 46-50: Village's Most Wanted II (Claim 100 Ryo)
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Once this competitions ends, let's turn this into the start of the official post your screenshots here topic haha. @Emiya
Rubberbanding is fixed. -No more rubberbanding when using Body Flicker Technique to enemies. -No more rubberbanding when Players or NPCs stun you. -No more rubberbanding when you get knocked back. -No more rubberbanding when your Substitution Technique is activated. -No more complaining!? Wind Mask now activates Substitution Techniques Buttery PvP & PvE Engine now supports decimal place stun durations eg. 0.1s, 0.5s, 2.5s stuns.
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Colliding Wave Technique no longer instant casts at Rank 3. Nerfed flat Chakra Scalpel Technique damage bonus to match that of Pressure Point Technique.
Added optional readable books in each academy that contain knowledge on various less vital subjects in the game. Mutant Rat spawns are now random. Daily Missions no longer give Holiday Tokens.
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Dear Ninja, It's been a really long time since I've posted a development log. This is going to be the first one of 2018.. don't expect a lot of these though! It takes up time to write these and prepare pictures and stuff, so most of the time, I'm just going to implement them into the game quietly. But as we move into the next development phase, I thought it'd be interesting to share some plans for the future. The current development timeline is.. Mastery Combinations The recent balance changes was to make way for new jutsu based on hybrid stats builds. This is the start of level 50+ content, jutsu styles like Medical + Taijutsu giving Tsunade/Sakura aka. Inner Strength style. Inner Strength style will be scaled based on Agility and Chakra stat. We will release these combinations one by one starting with Inner Strength, then Taijutsu and Sword + Elemental Masteries, eg. Water + Sword to get Suigetsu/Zabuza style jutsu. Lightning + Taijutsu will give you Raikage style jutsu. Elemental Kekkai Genkai will take a backseat for now (eg. Wood Release). Second Non-ninja village Takumi village is a smaller, non-ninja village. There are multiple of these planned for each country. Takumi village is in the land of rivers, ran by the Daimyo of the land. The next one is a slightly larger casino/gambling village inspired by Tanzaku Quarters (the village they found Tsunade in), which will feature ways to lose all your savings! Forbidden Techniques I get this question about jutsu like Rasengan or Hiraishin Technique a lot. "What mastery is it going to be?". It's been one of the trickiest thing to balance, but I think I've managed to find a way to balance such techniques without being over powered. The latest addition of limited jutsu slot is one of the changes made to accommodate such a balance. With limited slots, just learning every jutsu becomes impossible. Combined with the rarity of these scrolls, you will find that even though very few ninja will have Rasengan for example, it will not break the game because they will be sacrificing another jutsu to make way for their Forbidden techniques. It will still be a challenge to fine tune these jutsu to not be over powered, but still feel valuable and pay homage to their anime counterparts, but I have no doubt we're going in the right direction! Specialized Masteries Once you reach level 50, you will be given the choice to specialize in your previous mastery to unlock Advanced Jutsu for that mastery. Eg. Taijutsu + Specialize will give you 8 Gates style Taijutsu. Fire + Specialize will give you Advanced Fire Ninjutsu which will feature even more crazy AoE. Specialized Masteries continue to scale with damage. Land of Iron This one has been in the works for the longest time. But it was postponed due to it being something from Shippuden. So it felt like it had to be level 50+ content. Once the new jutsu are released, it should be about time to implement all the art done for it. Mist village A slightly more distant goal, the hope is to release the legendary bloody mist sometime within the year. I hope this gets you excited for the year ahead! There's also probably going to be a lot of smaller misc. things added through the year. As always, it's not going to be easy mass producing high quality art, so I hope for your support in this journey. Regards, Rory
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Love this!
Fixed description of Sensory Manual Fixed Water Substitution Technique and Speed Mirage Technique giving damage bonus. Christmas event items are now tradeable.
Basic Sensory Technique for revealing hidden enemy ninja now available at Scribes!
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Major Balance Change! All Jutsus now have some stat requirements. Free Stat Resets available in each village. Increased cooldown for Toad Oil / Blood Pills. Decreased end cast for Slicing Winds Technique Rank 3. Increased range for Task of the Dragon Technique. Reduced INT requirement for Antibodies Activation Technique from 35 to 15. Increased damage on Poison Cloud Technique. Poison Cloud Technique is now run cast on Rank 3. Increased damage on Poison Scalpel Technique. Reduced cooldown on Poison Scalpel Technique drastically. Increased damage on Chakra Scalpel Technique from (1/20/20) to (10/20/30). Reduced cooldown on Chakra Scalpel Technique from 80s to 60s. Fixed animation for Chakra Scalpels not appearing on Rank 2 and 3 Fixed Hermits still having Criminal Ranking titles.
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The best so far, as Shirou mentioned. This is more alongst the line of what we expected. A 1080p unedited screenshot featuring players doing something interesting. Eg. A screen in leaf village where everyone is doing their own stuff, or a couple of teams practicing at the Thirds Training Ground!
8 New Glasses Accessories available in Leaf and Sand village spectacle shops. Back Waist Utility Pouches (wearable by all) now available in the Utility clothing shop located in the south-eastern district of the Sand Village only! Utility Vest now sold in the utility clothing shop in the Sand village instead of clothing shop.
Optimized death process. Less loading time before back in hospital. As a Rogue Ninja, you now gain titles based on your bounty. (D-Rank Criminal, A-Rank Criminal etc.) New cutscenes! Completed all the missions for The Land of Toad. You can now earn "The Chosen One" title by completing Toad Mountain Storyline Raccoon Bandits now use a new ability. Removed white flashes from Meditation training in Toad Mountain. New "Reflection" enemy in the Toad Oil Fountain.
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New Mission from Satomo in Toad Mountain. Half complete mission from Great Toad Sage. You can try it! But you can't complete it yet. Fixed visual bug in Sand village arts theatre.
5 New Missions now available in Toad Mountain from Hoshitomo and Momotomo!
Northern Sand Gate Walls can now be climbed by Sand Ninja. Fixed exploits caused by new Hermit rank.
When Missing Ninja die, depending on their bounty, they will be given the rank of either Rogue Ninja or Hermit.
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Increased cooldown of Toad Oil from 30s to 90s. Prevented exploit of using Land of Toads to return to your village. Fixed Summoning Toad in Takumi Village.
Then it'll only last 15 seconds.
Dear Ninja, I just made forum pages load 10x faster! Regards, Rory