Give me the names you think don't deserve to be on the list, I'll provide the prove they abused it.
Our logs literally record every action you make in the game, in sequence, with timestamps, who you interacted with. Both on a global level and on each player's individual accounts.
Thanks for the concern, I will do this regularly, and back log the punishments. Of course, I won't do this daily or weekly, but people will eventually lose their ranks or accounts over it, even if it's over the span of months or years if they abuse it.
"Last time you did the same log thing. I was in same PARTY. Where people abused tai melee with youthful spring an sake when it was bugged for one shotting bosses, even other players. I didn't even do it. I was in party chilling with them. Guess who got a ban. "
This did not happen the way you think, there was never any checking of logs for sake abuse bug.