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Everything posted by Ueda

  1. Some of you have nice looks but the screenshots of it don’t do it justice, like too dark or stretched weirdly.
  2. Not much more, but I'll add a forum title of your choice in. Edit: Edited main post!
  3. Reintroduced Bandit Mobs Added new Boss named "Ieyasu" and added his map. Revamped the indoor snow map.
  4. Just going to put it out there, that Niro has been permanently banned. Although I only put this post up as a warning. The correct punishment would've been just banning everyone on the list but I didn't. You're guilty, you've abused the game systems, you should be banned, you should be thankful you're not. Don't waste my time further.
  5. That’s not an excuse. If you reset your character, you start from level one. Just because you’ve done 500 missions before, doesn’t mean you should be able to skip 30 levels. You’re a new character. If you don’t want to RP, don’t take the reward provided for those who want to. If the system is thoroughly abused enough, I would just remove it. As it was, and is, always been a trial feature to see if people who do exactly this.
  6. I don’t have to, but I will upon request, post them publicly here. Just tell me who. I find it hard to believe you did 3 RP missions in the span of 3 seconds I’m not going to waste development time shaming everyone who has accepted their simple warning further than this.
  7. If you report them I can check and punish offenders.
  8. Give me the names you think don't deserve to be on the list, I'll provide the prove they abused it. Our logs literally record every action you make in the game, in sequence, with timestamps, who you interacted with. Both on a global level and on each player's individual accounts. Thanks for the concern, I will do this regularly, and back log the punishments. Of course, I won't do this daily or weekly, but people will eventually lose their ranks or accounts over it, even if it's over the span of months or years if they abuse it. "Last time you did the same log thing. I was in same PARTY. Where people abused tai melee with youthful spring an sake when it was bugged for one shotting bosses, even other players. I didn't even do it. I was in party chilling with them. Guess who got a ban. " This did not happen the way you think, there was never any checking of logs for sake abuse bug.
  9. Fixed "Totori Village" to "By The River" warp bug.
  10. Not an excuse. It's warned in the RP token system that you will be severely punished. This is just a warning. Doesn't make a difference, we still have logs of every single action everyone does and we can look through it quickly.
  11. After a second investigation, @Kuraen MacDom has been removed from the list. (My bad)
  12. Dear Ninja, Once in awhile I have to go through logs to make sure people stick to the rules of the RP System, the following ninja have gained a strike. If you are on the list and are caught doing anything suspicious again you will lose your rank or be banned. If your account is found to contain any RP Token did you not earn or you are holding onto RP Tokens you shouldn't, you will be banned. If more illegal RP Tokens are traded from your accounts, you will be banned. If your name is here, it is because unearned/illegal RP Tokens have been into your account. A record has been added to your account, and depending on if you get any future punishments, these records can stack up to lengthen your sentence. Regards, Uewa
  13. Renamed Kraken to Kuraken (Suggested by @Kaen to keep things more lore friendly) No Traps allowed on pavements when entering maps to and from Asoki to Mist Village. (Including spawn areas after boat rides)
  14. Fixed Spying on Mizukage mission!