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  1. Player Preface^^ Nin Online 2.0 (Ninja Wars Vision™ pitch) I want to pitch a Vision™ for Nin Online that I think can bring players more progress and gameplay stimulation by leaning into some of the key reasons listed above on why current and former players enjoy Nin Online, without changing the core of what Nin Online is and has always been. The primary focus will come down to reworking two of Nin Onlines features, creating two new features, and creating one new NPC(at least): Ninja Wars and Ninja Scores! We'll talk through how the current Nin Online Village Raids system works and my proposed changes to seeing it reworked into what it could become, a long with a new gameplay scoring metric it could bring. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Wars! The biggest change for my Vision™ pitch comes from Nin Online's current Village Raid gameplay Current Village Raiding works as follows: -As Village Raiding begins Ninja have two hours of warring with opposing faction for their respected Raid Points that represent a 1% RNG drop rate bonus. As the two hours ends the collected Raid Point bonus value is kept and remains for the proceeding two Peace Time hours. -The current Village Raid Nin Online schedule: 12AM - 2AM "Village Raid Points have been reset! The War is on..." War Time 2AM - 4AM "Village Raids ended. Next raid will start in two hours." Peace Time 4AM - 6AM "Village Raid Points have been reset! The War is on..." War Time 6AM - 8AM "Village Raids ended. Next raid will start in two hours." Peace Time 8AM - 10AM "Village Raid Points have been reset! The War is on..." War Time 10AM - 12PM "Village Raids ended. Next raid will start in two hours." Peace Time 12PM - 2PM "Village Raid Points have been reset! The War is on..." War Time 2PM - 4PM "Village Raids ended. Next raid will start in two hours." Peace Time 4PM - 6PM "Village Raid Points have been reset! The War is on..." War Time 6PM - 8PM "Village Raids ended. Next raid will start in two hours." Peace Time 8PM - 10PM "Village Raid Points have been reset! The War is on..." War Time 10PM - 12AM "Village Raids ended. Next raid will start in two hours." Peace Time -Current player base have taken to using War Times as appropriate times to form raiding parties where they go out to capture opposing faction Raid Points, with a focus on 4PM - 6PM >>> 2PM - 4PM >> 8PM - 10PM (based off activity seen). Outside of those hours you will usually only get small parties or individual players that partake in "raiding" a Village(taking Raid Points from factions). This schedule gives players 6 opportunities in 24 hours to participate in said War Times, with this realistically being anywhere from 2 to 4 chances. This static schedule is fine and event schedules are often seen in the MMORPG space, with the lingering effects of the Raid Point bonus being helpful for new Ninja or Ninja attempting to grind specific items. Turning Village Raids into War Time: -We see a focus on differentiating the game into two specific times-- War Time and Peace Time, making War Time a engaging map capturing gameplay mode with the current map capture points. Both of these times currently exist in game, but with this Vision™ pitch we plan on highlighting the potential of a focused separation on these times. We will see War Time turn Nin Online into a dynamic map capturing gameplay mode, where players can compete with their faction for control of various maps-- using the very same map capturing features that already exist in Nin Online! I believe the current map capturing is not used to its potential as a bonus to the captured maps drop rates, I'm proposing these be reworked to be engaging map capture points for the redesigned Ninja War times, the second Nin Online feature to be reworked for this Vision™ pitch. Raid Points for factions will inherently stay, they serve purpose for faction gameplay and needing to keep an eye on your factions capitol while sending Ninja or squads of out to capture maps. I have thoughts on making this engagement more enjoyable, as it stands its a very dry mechanic as most players grow bored of fighting for Raid Point bonus when they have no intention of getting use from it, but hopefully the map capturing faction gameplay will stimulate the PvP they desire while a small or large group of players try to take opposing factions bonus. (Quick thought would be having Raid Points value altered and having them restored at the one hour mark of the current two hour Village Raiding time[if taken of course], as well as sprinkle two or four throughout the Danger Zones to entice more Danger Zone activity[a lot of times faction raids can end in 30 minutes, this could give another shot at a big raiding party going back out for more fights]). Note: I think timed intervals need set based on when a map was captured, creating more capture time needed for maps that were previously captured for extended periods of time. A baseline capture speed should be set, current capture times work fine as an example, but opposing factions trying to quick capture at the end of War Time should struggle capturing maps that were captured for the entire duration. Peace Time! When Peace Time rolls around the map capturing faction gameplay is halted and Raid Points disappear, locking your faction into the earned territory control. -Territory Control will come from the captured map gameplay, the maps controlled that have capture points will spawn one or two Chunin Ninja of the controlling faction(Rogues just having standard Rogue Ninja). -This will see the creation of the Village Chunin Ninja for factions, weaker versions of the current Village Jounin NPCs(Ninja above level 30 should be able to fight these mobs). Territory Control inherently already exists within Nin Online with the current map capturing system, just with no gameplay engagement or incentive to stimulate it. Territory Control gameplay exists across many competitive and non competitive games, from MMORPGs to Survivals, even Shooters. Nin Online already has its current faction gameplay, and this would look at evolving Nin Online's Village Raiding into some faction based map capturing Ninja War gameplay. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Scores! Activity Based Gameplay Ninja Scores as a basic concept can be looked at as an activity score of sorts, and in a game where player community and engagement set up their factions hierarchy its important to show the impact of activity over those that can just make and hold many accounts. Every Ninja will have a Ninja Score that updates daily, or after each War Time(might be ambitious but a quick pop up showing any changes to your score would be a nice touch). The scoring itself can work a number of ways, what I picture works as follows: Ninja are ranked from Rank 1 to Rank 5(Rank 1* to Rank 5*, or Rank D[C, B, A] to Rank S)-- This gives 5 levels of progression for Ninja Scores. Ninja Score rank progression will be shown through Ninja gameplay tasks, these tasks could be fairly subjective but what I'd like to see: -Mission turn in(Daily or Roleplay). -Hosting Roleplay Missions. -Fishing Mission turn in. -Gathering Mission turn in. -Participating in tournaments(grade it off coupon rewards?). -Capturing 5+ map capture zones during a War Time(exact value yet to be determined). (The big focal point is Mission turn in and map capturing activity) Ninja Score will decrease a rank weekly if no activity is seen from the player. Objective: I propose this feature to work with the games current political system, current players are given 1 vote per character once the faction voting periods begin, and a giant flaw exists with players creating voting specific alt characters to obtain power in these elections. There is no way around this, voting manipulation happens in too many ways to even discuss and best deterrent has and will always be attempts at mitigating said manipulation. The only current mitigation attempt is level locking voting. Raise the vote counts to work based on player Ninja Score and let Ninja graded off their activity impact their community hierarchy properly. Ninja Rank 1 receive a single point toward their votes, Ninja Rank 2 receive two points toward their votes, Ninja Rank 3 etc, Ninja Rank 4 etc, etc. This is a game, let the players playing have weighted impact on their community faction and not the players that log onto Nin Online once a term to vote with their alt horde(they can still play this way, they will just have less say in their factions Leads). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Wars Vision™ pitch Challenges: Map balancing There is giant gameplay issue with Nin Online's current overworld map having gridlocked map switches. This may not seem like a giant gameplay issue in the grand scheme of things, but its caused enough strain on the player community that it's one of the more discussed issues and common cause of Village Raiding grief(a good number of players that do make it to playing Village Raid content have stepped away from Nin Online over this issue alone). Marked on the Overworld Map above are the routes that have high traffic for Village Raiding(gameplay in general as well), there is no way around these maps and a gridlock is created where Ninja forces largely are met with stalemated or cheap gameplay that involves launching all your jutsu at the unknowing Ninja loading into the map. Marked on the Overworld Map above are the routes that have high traffic for Village Raiding(gameplay in general as well), there is no way around these maps and a gridlock is created where Ninja forces largely are met with stalemated or cheap gameplay that involves launching all your jutsu at the unknowing Ninja loading into the map. This can be mitigated. Basic Overworld Concept: Issues w/ Basic Overworld Concept: Fixed Basic Overworld Concept: A single route to each current Village is the cause for the current gridlock map gameplay. Providing a single extra route from each Village to each WZ, and each WZ to the general Danger Zone we can mitigate this gridlock map issue to the point of not being an issue. This means providing a second entrances to each Village, and routes around current War Zones. Small concept again pointing toward the gridlock maps and possible route concepts to work around this issue. I know Sand has had new maps that are not updated in this concept(old concept from awhile back). Second entrances and routes working around War Zones already exist in the forms of the Leaf Village sewer entrance and the Mist sea paths. Mist second entrance and Sand's second entrance do not provide the same gameplay options with them being restricted to Village only, but they are steps in the right direction. Jonin and Chunin NPC Creation and Balance -Creating the Chunin NPC mobs will come with some liberties as this pitch will place many of these in areas of our Ninja world where aggro-able mobs may not have existed previously. -Aggro-able to non-faction players -Separation of power between Jonin and Chunin mobs: I believe Jonin NPC mobs located in Villages should continue to need multiple high level Ninja to take them down, while the Chunin NPC mobs located in the captured maps should be beatable by most middle of the road players solo players. -When the Chunin mobs spawn, the specific map should determine if one or two spawn. One for Katabami Bridge, two for Land of Rivers Bounty House as an example. -While a challenge to balance, there would be an abundance of potential for new missions based off killing these new faction NPCs(Weekly Mission introduction with killing 50+?) Ninja Score Tasks Another progression system for Nin Online, luckily the how's of grading activity based gameplay should be simple enough, but I'm not ignorant to the fact that theres a science needed for creating new systems. -Balancing the value of activity off players doing Ninja tasks that increases rank, while decreasing a whole rank off weekly inactivity will take time. Ninja Wars Vision™ pitch Benefits: Territory control already inherently exists. Map capturing already inherently exists. Faction Building and Community Engagement: This mode will encourage participating in a game mode that can create the building blocks of a new generation of Ninja teamwork and collaboration, helping Nin Online create even more faction identity and build on its already existing unique systems. Provides designated PvP Engagement: Players looking for PvP will know when they should log on with the static schedule, and where to find it with the map capturing system. Players that have kill missions will know they can hold their missions until the next War Time where they know they will be able to find player activity in the Danger Zones. Note: I've never seen it actually acknowledged from the devs that they understand this, but it really needs driven home-- Nin Online players have set up alt characters built for kill missions. Current kill missions are more often than not completed by selling alt kills for Ryo. If you want to look at it as community engineering, it is, but the intended gameplay for this progression has been thrown out the window for a long time now. (yes War Time exists currently, but there is no incentive for participating, or even gameplay focus on) Provides designated Peace Time With the activity of fighting over map capturing in War Time, Peace Time will be a time to designate for players to complete Roleplay or Daily missions that dont involve Kill missions. The choice to harass will always be available in Nin Online(hopefully?), and providing this separation of War Time and Peace Time could go a long way in providing an outlet for unwanted(in most cases unneeded) harass. Simply making the playing field more clear. (with a Ninja Score system evaluating Ninja that host Roleplay missions maybe we will see an up tick in the Roleplay community) Potential of Activity Based Grading I know in past this was attempted with mission variants providing specific Village resources for War Events, which was truly only grading the value Village scale for those War Events-- Grading individually could provide many gameplay avenues Nin Online could explore that I think would benefit its current faction based gameplay. Competing for Clan Elders, scaled player value for elections votes, and organization requirements are just a few that come to mind. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats my Ninja Wars Vision™ pitch for Nin Online, I truly think providing a separation between War Time and Peace Time will let each corner of Nin Online flourish where it needs to, letting the PvP players compete on a global scale while encouraging players to play with their factions, and leaving the casual PvE players an approach to the game with mitigated harass. New Stamina system? Can work with this. New Mount system? Perfect use for them to get around map to map. New housing features? Peace Time perfect time to show it off. Thinking about adding the Bijuu Beasts from that one hit Ninja anime? Village map capturing gameplay is perfect spot to dabble in Villages unleashing said beasts. More Roleplay centric update? Peace Time will benefit greatly from that. Parting list of ambitious Nin Online dreams: --Clans Clans should have been a focus a long time ago. Maybe they have been and players dont know it, but Clans are a staple to that one hit Ninja anime and have a understandable interest around their creation. New players have Clan intrigue from the get go, they are often more curious about how Clans work in Nin Online than Masteries. Clans in Nin Online are long overdue, and I believe should be the first content looked at in regards to bringing new Jutsu to the game. --Missions Mission rework is needed, at a minimum having someone look into how current mission gameplay and mission rewards balance out with time to complete and activity. Nin Online gets its flowers for showing players just how far this game has come in its 10+ years with its gameplay and ever evolving engine, but the same missions being completed 10 years ago at 20 fps are the same ones being completed today on PC's running this game in a way that wasnt even thought feasible when created. Getting across the overworld map from one corner to the other may have taken 10 minutes 10 years ago, but today it can take a Ninja only a couple of minutes. Inherently this is a good issue to have, this is a testament to the games progress and development. Taking Nin Online back to its roots, seeing an implementation on choosing between what Mission Rank you want to aim for could be a nice touch. Lock lower level Ninja out from doing B and C Rank missions, but they can choose a D Rank mission that pulls from a pool of selected missions. Etc etc. --Level Locked Bosses Change (Spider Boss, Snake Boss) These bosses are wasted and locked content that could be shared with all to experience. There is nothing in game that directs a player to these level locked bosses, without looking for Nin Online assistance players do not even know these exists. These bosses see the biggest action from veteran Nin Online players that already know they exist and come back on fresh new characters to experience them. More often than not, new players do not know they exist and grow to a level where they are locked out of this content. These instanced bosses are good content, Nin Online would do well with more content approached this way-- but if they are going to be locked content, make them mobs that you beat with a mission that points you towards them. Maybe even provide story reasoning for approaching the bosses if Nin Online is looking for more quest and mission content. --Bounty Rework (Tarkov edition) >Create an execution mechanic and have it work parallel with how current Medical Ninja's reviving Jutsu works. >Executing Ninja will provide you with their Headband. >Collect opposing Ninja Headbands, Headbands hold the value for lost Bounty. >Turn Headbands in to your nearest Bounty Station to collect the associated Ryo value. Take the same concept Tarkov uses for its PvP engagement and apply it to Nin Online. Headbands are a pillar concept to that one hit Ninja anime and this could bring an engaging focus back to them with collecting them off the corpses of fallen Ninja. --Summon Player Mounts Mounts have not been fully implemented yet, but currently players are obtaining these at items for our inventory-- I think a nice touch would be changing these from items a player is using to a Jutsu, a summon. Players summoning their Mounts makes practical sense when understanding the source material, and could be set up in a way where players obtain them like current Organization Jutsu's where player Jutsu limits wouldn't be in danger. (Like Jailing Jutsu, Puppet Jutsu, 12G Jutsu) --Stamina Stat You opened the can of worms with creating Stamina as an overlaying system that effects combat and traversal, and with it staying I truly think the pros of fleshing Stamina out into its own stat would provide a bigger potential for the future of Nin Online than keeping it as its own overlaying system. It really feels like Stamina was put in place only to make sure mounts could exist properly in Nin Online-- but with the potential of scaling buildings with the new updates, scaling walls, traveling across waterfalls and speeding through villages jumping house to house with the way Nin Online is progressing I think allowing players to build their characters with Stamina in mind as a resource is the proper way to move forward. -Creating Jutsu or functions that work based off the Stamina stat(Taijutsu as the easy example). -Health, Chakra, Stamina become primary player resources. -Add proper Stamina bar allowing Stamina to be tracked and managed. --Economy Recharge The Nin Online economy is a mess, and I would point to there being no passive Ryo income in Nin Online as a giant reason for this. To obtain Ryo in Nin Online you have to go out of your way to farm this, to the point most players have farming alt characters for speedy Ryo gain. Give Ninja that have reached max levels a reason to do missions, provide reasonable rewards rather than nothing(you are rewarded 20 Ryo for a two player kill mission, this should not be thee case as thats the price of purchasing 10 Ninja throwing tools). Why do a mission at level 60 when you get no experience, with Ryo rewards that are a slap in the face? If we can find a balance for Mission Rewards and properly rewarding other gameplay activities we could see Nin Online's economy lifted off the real money standard its currently on. And if moving away from the real money standard is scary from a development point of view, just know more real Ryo obtain and flowing through Nin Online will only raise prices. The real money will continue to flow as the players paying that money will continue to pay that money. --Sound Village, Enemy for All >Add a new enemy NPC Village, the Sound Village. >Could be a new "arc" mission release, but the basic principle is designing a NPC Ninja Village for Raid Content that players can take on solo or in groups. >New Bosses, new drops, new Nin Online story? >New Events with the Sound Village having a rotating Raid schedule with mobs attacking Village factions and defense needed. Could be a nice feature alongside the Ninja War pitch! >If really digging the Ninja War pitch, you could have Sound Ninja show up when map capturing during War Time.
    13 points
  2. The Ninja Academy Event Series Get ready for a series of events coming your way over the next few weeks! I’ll be experimenting with teams, inspired by the classic Chunin Exams experience. To participate in these events, you must be open to being randomly assigned to a team! Each team will consist of: 3 Genins 1 Chunin/Special Jonin There will also be platoons led by 1 Jonin. Jonins without a team placement may be assigned to a team or designated as helpers throughout the events. This event is open only to players from the Leaf, Sand, and Mist villages. I'll be hosting these events separately for each village. As we move forward, we'll gradually transition into some final joint events to conclude. (There will be other events for Rogues.) If you’d like to participate, please message me either in-game, on Discord (Deathmall), or via the Nin Online forum with the following information: Submission Deadline: 7/13/2024 Username: Village: Time zone: Rank: Level: Mastery/Masteries: Language(s): Other details (optional but highly recommended): Interests, combat style, and a brief introduction.
    12 points
  3. Nin Online but with changes SMALL CHANGES Summon Name It may not be that important but it would add more fun to the game if you could name your summon, of course the bad names should be censored just like in game chat Repair arc 40 Out of all arcs, arc 40 is the worst when it comes to xp. It's very beautiful arc when it comes to story and characters but XP rewards are making it not so fun to play. I would just change the xp rewards for higher as arc itself is very good MEDIUM CHANGES Stamina Cool feature also would be higher stamina cap or pills/jutus that would add effect that stamina is higher for some time for example Pills that make stamina X2 for 5-10 minutes Clan Abilities I think it would add more sense to picking a clan than just few cosmetics (some clans even have just one). It would add also more fun to the spars, and I think it would be cool feature if we could have uniques abilities for different clans BIG CHANGES Higher Level Cap I think lot of people think it will never happen or it's not planned in near future but if we could have level cap raised it would encourage more old players to come back to the game and have fun. I don't think about very high amount but if we could go from 60 to even 70 it would be fun Cooking + Vegetables/Meat Something for people who like to relax at game or just maxed out their characters. Vegetables I think of something like shop where they would sell different vegetables that you could eat for relaxing or for cooking. Also a feature that if someone have a home he could buy a vegetable flowerpot that would give 1 random vegetable once a hour. It would also be cool for it to be sellable to npcs Meat It would be just another drop from mobs. I don't think we need different types, one type of meat from mobs like wolfs, tigers, bears, hawks, boars and foxes would be cool for cooking and it would be nice for it to be also sellable to npcs Cooking Cooking would be very fun feature, like we would have to have a ingredients for each meal and we would have a cooking mini game (maybe like in fishing). Also if different meals have different buffs like +5% chakra for few minutes or other stat buffs. And please make meals sellable to NPC at least for price that would give back money you would have to spend on ingredients. For example we could made dish from fishes, potatoes and some other vegetables Crafting It would be very cool change especially for old players, but also help for new players to gain some money. Crafting would be a change that would allow people to spend some time in game in different way than AFK. We could use already added woodcutting and add mining different minerals for example iron, stone, we could also use materials already in the game like cotton, dry herbs. Players would be able to craft items like shurikens, kunais and senbons in their inventory. It would be also a skill that we can level up like fishing and higher levels would allow us to craft more stuff like basic weapons (wooden katana, broad sword, kunai dagger, butcher sword), and at highest level we could craft basic pills from dryed herbs and cotton, and few furniture's like chair and table that would need to be crafted at crafting tables etc. It would be very cool change to the game that would help players gain some ryo more efficiently and higher level players to stay in the game longer. It would also mean that game would have to add more stuff like pickaxe, crafting table for more advanced things, and also minerals and resources around the map, like coal and stone on the way to tanzaku, iron and other minerals in the chilly pass and other arc 40 areas, and land of iron so everyone can get some
    12 points
  4. Mist Village Rule Book Under the Leadership of Mizukage Shijie [Lord 22nd] 1. Authority and Obedience Mizukage’s Orders: Orders from the Mizukage are absolute and must be followed without question. Hierarchy: Respect and follow orders from higher-ranked Mist ninjas. The hierarchy is as follows: Mizukage(Administrative & Military) Shadow Council(Administrative Only) Shura(Military Only) Military Police(Administrative Only) 3. Shura: A Military Advisory group elected by the village holding authority second only to Mizukage with respects to Village Raids, Hunts & Defenses. 2. Conduct and Conflict Resolution Internal Disputes: If you have an argument with a villager and cannot resolve it, contact a high-ranking Ninja (Council, Kage) for mediation. No Internal Violence: It is strictly forbidden to attack or kill any Mist Ninja, except in sanctioned activities such as spars, tournaments, etc. 3. Village Loyalty Priority: The Mist Village must always be your top priority over any other commitments (organizations, friends from other villages, etc.). Any action that could endanger a Mist Ninja or the village is forbidden. Assistance: You are not obligated to help every single Mist individual, except during village combat situations (wars and raids) or if the fight is on Mist territory. In these cases, you must support your village. 4. Identity and Conduct Identity Concealment: You may use identity-concealing items inside the village. However, if a higher-ranked Ninja requests you to reveal your identity, you must comply immediately. Refusal will result in arrest. Organization Inquiries: Direct all questions related to organizations to their respective leaders. 5. Hunter Ninjas and Regulations Interaction with Hunter Ninjas: Villagers (non-Hunter Ninjas) are strictly prohibited from following Hunter Ninjas. Refusal to obey this rule will result in arrest or exile. Summoning Recommendations: Mist ninjas are strongly recommended to acquire either a Panda/Clam summoning or Great Earth Prison. 6. Discipline and Consequences Rule Violations: Breaking any rules will result in a punishment determined by the Mizukage, based on the severity of the infraction. 7. Handling Missing Ninjas Leaving the Village: There is no way to leave the village under good terms. While you may request to be exiled for reasons such as leveling faster, helping a friend, grinding, etc but once you go missing, you are considered an enemy of Mist. Returning to the Village: If you are a missing ninja and wish to return, you must serve the village in any capacity requested for an indeterminate time or pay pardon fees (usually 2-10k ryo based on your likeability). 8. Alliances and Warfare Allied Organizations: We are currently allied with no groups/villages. Enemies: We are at war with every other organization and village. Helping them is prohibited unless there is a legitimate reason. More details might be available on the Mist discord. 9. The Blood Challenge Revised Exile Challenges: If you believe any Mist ninja should be exiled, you can call them for a Blood Challenge. It is their choice to accept or decline. If they accept, you will fight, and the loser receives 1 strike per lost challenge. After 2 strikes, the loser is exiled. Challenge Procedure: Any accepted Blood Challenge must be reported to the Mizukage, who will oversee the fight (best of three rounds). After the fight, the Kage will exile the loser. Re-entry After Exile: If you are exiled through the Blood Challenge and wish to return, you may request re-entry after 1 week. If the Kage agrees, you will be required to pay specified pardon fees. 10. New Alternate Accounts & New Life Behavior Expectations: Your main character being an enemy(Leaf/Sand/Rogue) of Mist does not automatically result in exile for your alt. However, disrespect, spying, or suspicious activities will lead to immediate exile. Mizukage: @Shijie [Lord 22nd] Advisory Council: @Kiyoshi Nagi, @Hirashiki & @Jelly Shura: @Chrollo
    7 points
  5. Here because @Atrane won't stop persecuting me, for God's sake. I started playing Nin Online when I was a toddler, and now I'm 41 with two kids. What Nin Online really needs right now is not short-term content or side activities like fishing, but content that will prolong its life and revive what the bulk of the player base, or anyone who has ever played this game, loved about it. The PVP freedom and the appeal to ninja fantasy that attracted this player base. My suggestion: When a mission is completed from a village, it rewards economy points, village intelligence points, and manpower points. Make the Kage able to use economy points to manage Jonin NPCs in the village. Here's an example: -A Jonin NPC would start as just a Genin NPC with starter jutsus and weak stats. The Kage can spend points to promote the Genin NPC to Chuunin, then to Jonin, giving them stronger jutsus and stats. -The Kage can spend points to get more NPCs. -The Kage can spend economy points to buy a house/hospital/respawn point in a neutral village such as Asoki for all village members to respawn in temporarily. -There could be a "village shop" where the Kage can spend economy points to buy "official items" for the village. An example of this could be: when Rory released that new Jonin vest for Leaf Jonin, instead of directly adding it to the game available for Leaf Jonin and Chuunin to buy, he would add it to the village shop, and the Kage would have to spend economy points to unlock it in the Chuunin/Jonin shop for them to buy it there. This could apply to a new village summon, weapon, map, jutsus, or whatever it may be. Anbu leader would have access to intelligence points: -The Anbu leader would be able to spend points for a limited usage of a "spy hawk," providing information on a map similar to how the global messenger hawk works now. It would become an Anbu feature. The Anbu leader would have access to end-game consumables in the Anbu shop, such as Tier 7 or 8 pills, that they could use intelligence points to provide for the rest of the Anbu. -The Anbu leader could spend Intellgence points for a mission that awards a big amount of points in either man power or economy 12g/7sm/pb Leader would have access to manpower points: Official Org leaders could use manpower points to manage Raid points (move them around, use points to buy permanent traps to put around them, or a Raid point defender NPC similar to Jonin). They could also use manpower points to buy from a shop a temporary global buff for a village that increases the potency of the buffs provided by taking other village's raid points. These ideas could be refined, built upon, or pushed further. The goal of this system is to fortify village RP and encourage faction PVP, encourage players to do dailies since they provide the points, add new end-game goals to the game, make village politics more interesting and fun for players, add accountability for the village government, and give a deeper meaning to the life of village orgs, Kage, council, and Anbu. Increase player activity by providing something fun to strive for and encourage them to care more about who's in the lead and motivate other village members to play. Creating much-needed, overdue endgame content.
    6 points
  6. New Name (eg. Nin Offline) Name is fine. Features (Optional) N/A Changes (Optional) Villages Faction Overhaul / Change: Nin Online only needs 2 Factions. Good and Bad, - Leaf and Rogues. Why do this? 1) It will make adding new content that much easier and faster, since less playable villages will be in the game. 2) The playerbase will be more active if only 2 faction choices exist. Less splitting of players into groups, leads to better unity and collation. - That way players can choose between Leaf or Rogue based on their moral beliefs and playstyle and can change between Factions, without feeling "locked". It will be easily switchable , without major problems, if in the future they have a change in heart or their friends group is playing a certain faction etc etc. Implementation: How? "I'm Mist or I'm Sand? Famous examples of Non leaf affiliated ninja that work with Leaf- Mitsuki, Killer B, Gaara, Temari Make all ninja: Leaf ninja, and introduce a backstory system (players can choose Mist or Sand here, but ultimately the player will be Leaf. Different Backstories, will give variety in abilities or unique passives , usage of specific weapons' (fan, pipe ) etc. Rogue Ninja is a possibility and will be the only opposition for Leaf. "Edit": Side Note: This system of back story can fully replace clans. Ninja "Back Story or Origin" Will grant unique passives or Jutus: For Example; Make a Ninja - Choose Sand Backstory - (You are now a Sand villager residing in Leaf). - You are able to use fans. Make a Ninja - Choose Mist Backstory - You are able to use pipe. Make a Ninja - Choose Cloud Backstory - (You are now a Cloud villager residing in Leaf) - You can use STR based Lighting. This makes adding content easy without worrying about WHOLE village resources and art , quests, corps. Have other Villages / Zones be used for missions or campaign, and make them Level zones with NPC's and enemy mobs. Players will have general dailies given in either Takumi for Rogues and Leaf for others. Then have Level zone missions as well! - Quest and Level Zone Missions will be given in Level Zones - That way they player and quest giver and missions are all in the same zone). Leaf Zone (1-15) Dark Forest Zone (15-20) Train Arc (20-25) Sand Zone (25-30) Toad Arc (30-35) Asoki Zone + Bears + Ocean Zone (35-40) Bandit Arc (40-44) Mist Zone (44-50) Reworked LOI,(50-60)
    6 points
  7. Just good old Nin Online: Features: 1. More interesting mob mechanics, have mobs display danger tiles for jutsus & more randomized movement to keep pve more engaging than simply running circles until flicker is on cd or getting flickered on for several 100s of damage auto attack. 2. Unique election systems for villages. Think of an automated 1v1 tournament for mist, and in sand a kage would set 3 players as his siblings at the start of a term, at the end of his term the kage would get a popup needing to select 1 of them to be the next kazekage. Stuff like that to make the villages regain their uniqueness vs alting/voteabusing 3. More incentive for dangerzones, could be stuff such as having a certain time a day where in a random dz map bosses spawn for an hour with increased droprate. Which map it is would be announced slightly beforehand or as soon as it starts. So people can choose to go there and farm some better droprates with the risk of being attacked by others. 4. Mission board (saw a suggestion that I thought was cool) instead of grabbing random dailies, have a board with randomized dailies of which you can pick i.e. 3 dailies, you pick one of them and after handing it in 3 new randomized dailies are on the board. That way people have some choice in terms of their playstyle for leveling 5. I already know it's on the way, but the completion of the gathering/crafting, this way there's a reason to get the materials vs people just botting it for ryo for it to get nerfed to the ground and undesirable to make use of Optional: Make regular NPCs just like jonin bots killable, so the next time some hidden leaf spy npc destroys my traps in sand he gets cloak bombed into oblivion
    6 points
  8. Nin Academy Graduation System A rework and new view on the graduation system to graduate from silly Academy Student to a full-fedged Genin. Features of the Nin Academy Graduation System Leaf Village: Bell Test reference The Bell Test should be the only test to graduate. Make it NPC controlled and only people with teams of atleast 2 persons can start it. Mist Village: Village of the Bloody Mist reference Academy Students who wish to graduate, have to fight their peers to the death in the arena, and only those who survived will advance to the ranks of Genin. Sand Village: To complete their graduation, Academy Students of the Sand have to survive the Scorpion Cave and retrieve an antidote from a box at the end of the cave. This Scorpion Cave could be an seperate instance where only 1 player can join at a time and has a time limit of 5 minutes to clear the cave of aggressive scorpions and retrieve the antidote.
    6 points
  9. May 2024 Promotions Leaf Village Jonin: @Daftz @Jayda @Jinsoh Chunin: @Prodigina @Uchiha Noturno Specialized Jonin: @Shisue Uchiha Mist Village Chunin: @The Godfather @Fortune @Yuki Kasumi @Zeon Specialized Jonin: @Hekla Sand Village Jonin: @Leper Chunin: @Psychosis @Dengen Specialized Jonin: @Savior
    6 points
  10. From what I heard, Stamina was a feature intended to be added to Nin Online over 10 years ago. While I understand this might have been the intention, I want to make it very clear that the idea of a stamina system truly is something that belongs in a game 10 years ago. I have several examples of games that initially had a stamina system that later removed them for the reasons that it hinders gameplay in Nin Online today. 10 years later, there's a lot of research that has gone into making video games more fun, especially in the field of MMORPGs. But first let's look at the stamina system on Nin Online, how it's implemented and ways that it can either be changed or removed. What is Stamina Stamina was implemented in June of 2024, a mechanic intended to be added to the game at the start over 10 years ago. This mechanic is tied to combat as well as travel. This is important to note because in modern day games, stamina has either been completely removed or combat has been slowed down to the point where stamina management is another aspect of the game. In titles such as Genshin Impact, stamina is used to traverse the land at a faster rate through climbing and sprinting. However, the reliance on stamina is greatly reduced later on based on teleportation through the map. Genshin's combat also has attacks that will use stamina such as charged attacks or repeated heavy attacks. However, the combat is rarely hindered by Stamina. This is because stamina is mostly relegated to dodging attacks in combat or to temporarily increase your speed to move out of the way of an AOE. However, our stamina system is more in line with a game like Elden Ring. The problem with this is that Elden Ring utilizes telegraphed animations in order to give the player more time to dodge, counter or move out of the way. Running takes stamina, attacking takes stamina, jumping and dodging takes stamina and larger hits take stamina all at variable rates. We don't have a form of larger hits, but to summarize it better, Nin Online is currently in a state of Unbalanced Elden Ring on crack. To better demonstrate this, here are some of the i-frame data from Elden Ring. (these calculations are at 60 fps) Bloodhound Step allows for 41 frames of invulnerability while the lowest i-frame move, fat rolls is 24 which is a dodge roll while at 70%-99.99% weight ratio. Weight isn't something that isn't in nin online, nor do I think it would be an effective correction to our current stamina system. But I just wanted to showcase that Stamina in Elden Ring is balanced around close quarter combat. It's not like Nin Online where you will have to chase around an entire stretch of land to fight and kill another player. This is mainly why our current stamina system doesn't work. The main form of gameplay is currently pvp in which you need to manage your stamina against 1-10 people in most cases who have the ability to traverse multiple maps. While we share similarities with Elden Ring, you're also not fighting 4+ bosses at once who can attack you 5-6 times per second depending on build. However, I want to reiterate, this is a shortcoming of our stamina system. I would rather see stamina changed than see cooldown adjustments on attacks or jutsu. Why Stamina was removed from FFXIV Back in 2010, FFXIV was released and became a commercial failure. The MMO received an average rating of 5/10 from most critics and a 4/10 from user reviews via metacritic. The game was initially created by the original developers of Final Fantasy 11 a game that was released back in 2002. Those same developers used a lot of inspiration from Everquest (1999) in order to make Final Fantasy 11. This is just to show how outdated the mechanics truly were. However, one of the most complained about mechanics in FFXIV during initial launch was Stamina and fatigue. Stamina was a combat gate introduced to FFXIV 1.0 in order to prevent players from attacking too quickly and preventing them from fighting multiple monsters in a row. This was eventually removed all the way back in June 2011 after massive development team changes, but the damage had already been done to the game. Players often complained about how sluggish the combat was. Restrictions on quests and etc hindering progression in the game. Systems like stamina and fatigue making it so even in the down time from questing you still had to struggle with progressing in the game. The remnants of the fallout between developers and the community still linger through websites like the square-enix forum and GameFAQs. "Remove Stamina Bar" "Please get rid of Stamina" "Removal of the Stamina Gauge and Auto-Attack" it was a unanimously hated system, and it's not too different in the way it's implemented in Nin Online. This is somewhat hinted to in the Final Fantasy XIV 3-part documentary that I've linked below. The barriers created by our stamina system As it stands, Stamina in Nin Online creates barriers for multiple forms of gameplay. It hinders exploration, it hinders leveling, and it hinders pvp. For years one of the biggest complaint about the game was that traveling took too long, especially after Mist was introduced. With large scale maps, traveling to Mist often times took 5 minutes just from Asoki port. That means from Sand it could take 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes if you were doing a mission that required you to survive all the way back to your village. This was originally remedied by Erox with the reduction of maps between Asoki Port and Mist. However, the time to get from Mist port to Asoki port with stamina management is now back up to 4 minutes. This means that boat is once again better than walking because the time difference is negligible and you won't be forced to walk around the the longest flicker ranged NPC. This also dramatically impacts the new player experience. One of the most common complaints has always been that early game leveling takes a long time. If we take a look at the average new player, such as formattedorc, and we extrapolate his playtime it would seem that most new players take roughly 6-8 hours to reach level 15. This was before the stamina update. This means that for new casual players it would take roughly 10-12 hours to reach level 15. Before stamina it took me an hour on blessing to reach level 15. Now I believe the time is probably upwards of 2 hours, but this is just an assumption because I can't stand to play the game for more than an hour at a time on a new account. As for PVP, there is nothing that will save low levels that will make veterans happy. Some people only play this game to kill low level players in safezones. This stamina update is a blessing to them because it's impossible for a low level to escape a high level without abusing log out. We genuinely have people bragging about escaping 8 sand ninja at level 20 because he map switched and logged out before they could combat log him again. There's another game we know of that suffered from these problems and it was called Pirate Souls. Let's check out some of the reviews for the game on steam. Why does it matter and what changes can be made As someone who has played the game off and on for nearly 11 years, I've seen the game go through a lot of changes. One of the biggest struggles the game has always had was retaining new players. We unfortunately can't rely on maintaining a healthy playerbase solely off of the people who have 10+ accounts and 5 years of experience. We need new players to be able to get into the game and play for more than a week. We need new players to enjoy their experience at the beginning of the game. We can't keep catering to the people who are leveling their 8th account. We shouldn't require veterans to babysit new players every inch they walk because systems are implemented to slow down the early leveling experience. I think the best thing we can do is change stamina to be more like Elden Ring. Here are the changes I would make to better balance out combat. Remove stamina from running: as stated above, though this deviates from the gameplay in Elden Ring, most NPCs engage in combat with the player. In a PVP MMORPG, not engaging is a form of strategy. This also removes the inherit reward that mapswitch camping received from the introduction of stamina to the game. Remove Jump and Replace with Dodge Roll: For this to work we would need to increase the invulnerability frames and also add in recovery frames so it can't be spammed like jumping currently is. This would practically remain the same, except changes to the animation and duration. Keep Stamina cost for melee: This is perfectly in-line with Elden Ring as a damage gate for melee attacks. Scale Stamina cost to base damage/speed of weapons: This will basically make it so end game items will be more balanced around timed attacks rather than holding down the button. This might further kill hybrids, but I don't think that's a playstyle that is desired given all of the other recent changes to the game. Remove "infinite stamina" from Youthful Springtime: Since stamina would be removed from running in this instance, the penalty for holding down the A button should remain, however since the stamina cost for punches isn't that low to begin with, this won't really penalize Youthful Springtime as much as it should. Increase weapon melee base damage on slower weapons: As it stands, the above changes would heavily impact slower weapons like Adamantine Sword and Kraken Hammer and heavily reward weapons like bone sword a ridiculous amount. This should even out their damage in a way. the problem with this system, as well as Stamina in its current iteration, is there's very little penalty for int builds. Stamina cost on running, in a way, balanced them out as most jutsu require you to chase someone or at least move within range. However, this made masteries where you don't have to run at all (Int Weapon Master) the most desired mastery after several months of already being the strongest mastery. This is essentially why stamina for Nin Online doesn't work. Elden Ring's solution to this is that most magic has a walk speed penalty and an associated cast time. Since majority of jutsu are instant casts, this doesn't make sense for Nin Online. On top of this, having jutsu with an associated stamina cost on top of the chakra cost doesn't entirely sound appealing either. It would prevent people from using too many attacks after one another, but the only mastery that has enough true combos to be penalized with this system would be lightning. The only perfect solution to balancing stamina around ninjutsu and melee masteries in nin online is to simply remove it entirely. Ninjutsu masteries already benefit from higher base damage, higher scaling and the lack of stamina requirements for using jutsu. There's really no reason to penalize melee masteries, especially so one-sided in terms of str weapon master with previous changes to weapon swapping and general str weapon jutsu scaling. This combined with the fact that Int weapon mastery revolves around camping your traps. This penalizes opponents pushing you and pushing maps during raids which was always at a disadvantage to begin with. In closing, stamina makes everything in the game take longer, which has been a complaint about the game for almost 10 years. It slows down combat, leveling, daily missions, and traveling to an insane degree and the above proposed changes will at least minimize the impact it has on every level of the game as opposed to heavily punishing new players. Also just to make sure it's stated, if Yamikami makes any comment on this discussion, please for the love of god ignore it. As for me, it's been a fun decade to see the game grow, but I'm going to head out and play games that I actually enjoy until stamina is either changed or completely removed
    5 points
  11. Nin Online Vision™ Contest Here's a fun mini-event for the community that I'm calling - Vision™ Contest - as the title suggests, you goal is to come up with a list of things you would change to Nin Online that would make it a better game. This is not a serious contest and you're free to meme and/or take it as seriously as you like! Rules Use the following format to respond to this topic, but fill in the details. You can also be really extra and come up with screenshots or concept art of your own Nin Online™. Deadline & Judging The dateline for submissions is 20 August 2024 at Midnight EST The judging will be 50% based on reactions to your post and 50% based on judging by me, the vision master. Prize The winner will receive 20 Ninja Credits
    5 points
  12. The Ninja Academy Event Introduction Hey everyone, I'm excited to announce that the Ninja Academy Event introduction is scheduled for July 27th at 1:00 PM EST. For those who have applied to the Ninja Academy Event series, please let me know if you are unable to attend. For those who haven't applied yet but would like to, you're in luck! Due to increased interest, I will still be accepting applications until July 26th. During the introduction event, I will be assigning ninjas to their teams based on the submitted applications. There will be time for teams to meet and familiarize themselves with the other ninjas participating in this event series. I will also assist in ensuring that teams set up communication channels among themselves, as this will be crucial for the events in the coming weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
    5 points
  13. I know that most people here are Naruto fans so I thought I'd make a thread for general Naruto fanart/fan characters. My in game character is actually based off a Naruto OC I made a few years back. If anyone has done the same and wants to share their OC, here's a thread for that. Also a place for general Naruto related art.
    4 points
  14. Nin Online / Features (Optional) There's advanced masteries Cloud village added and let me explain why, people are always saying the game doesn't need this and that but why not? what if it lures more players back into the game? could be good in a business sense and for people who have always wanted to play there? the reasoning as to not having enough players isn't valid #add CLOUD Changes (Optional) Stamina Tweaked to scale better or possibly unlimited stamina when outside of PVP. Kraken boss having small islands on the map and less health making it more farm-able and droprate adjusted with it since farming it will be less of a hassle!
    4 points
  15. I'm working on dis. Probably will finish something useable soon. Need upvotes so that the devs would consider a suggestion to put it in when I finished. As for now, yeah, I am making sum sum and its looking like this. I need suggestions to change the design because as of right now its too simple. Jué from WW inspired, Sun Wukong Inspired, Gohan inspired WIP
    4 points
  16. February 2024 Promotions Leaf Village Jonin: @Memsky @Cryo @Fire Chunin: @Zoro @Mangekyo @Lucifer @Jihyo Tensei @Shisui Specialized Jonin: @Luhan Exemplary Taijutsu usage Mist Village Jonin: @Hirashiki @Hydrogen @Hoshino Chunin: @Sn0w @Evankhell @Worship @Heaven @Demon King Specialized Jonin: @Bleed Exceptional situational awareness and use of lightning techniques. Sand Village Chunin: @Kropla @Kouichi @lisc @THE slow @Soplica Specialized Jonin: @Alkahex Exemplary Medical Ninjutsu usage
    4 points
  17. So! After a reallyyy long (embarrassingly long e.e) time writing about Aruka's biography, here it is! I put it in a spoiler cause it's actually kinda big, the reason I took this long was because I wanted to take the extra mile writing about some actual stuff Aruka lived in nin (a lot dramatized and a bit out of chronological order, but it makes sense in the story lol) instead of only having an in game reference of her in here! TL;DR Aruka was born in a clan of healers, but had to learn to use poison to survive and create remedies in the ninja world, since she is bad at ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu. After enduring the pain of loss of her team member multiple times, she learned to also use ninja tools to help protect herself and others. After a while, she went after forbidden means to be able to perform ninjutsu, which cost her health, but gave her much stronger power. Now she uses her strength to make sure sandies keep them selves safe in the wars that plague the ninja world! One day I'll be able to draw like you guys do and have her drawn as a proper OC T-T
    3 points
  18. Ya'll having as much fun with this as I am reading it. Keep up the good work fixing Nin Online!
    3 points
  19. Nin Online / Ninja Way Description: Nin Online, but with these additions. Features (Not Optional, Ninja Way's superior exceptionalism isn't optional) PVE gets fully reworked - monsters get better AI and monster fighting/farming looks more like an ARPG (PoE, Diablo, Lost Ark, etc). PVE activities become more rewarding; rewarding daily tasks and weekly bosses become a thing. Mounts become more practical to minimize the annoyance of out-of-combat stamina without the exploitable problems of removing stamina when you're not in combat. Equipment and/or other forms of character progression are added to the game and attached to PVE content, there's no good reason to play Nin comparatively to other games once you're over level 50 unless you really really like the PVP. Continued character progression is necessary for this game to thrive. An in-game auction house-style market gets implemented. Lots and lots of repeatable daily tasks and quests as well as life skilling, crafting, etc, that uses every enemy's creature products make a lively marketplace and economy that every MMORPG has. Madara's gunbai becomes a cosmetic for everyone to use, maybe a very rare drop from one of the aforementioned weekly bosses. These would probably make Nin the best Naruto-inspired MMORPG.
    3 points
  20. 2024, this is being worked on now!
    3 points
  21. Comparing puppets to other buffs such as 7sm 12g or even akatsuki they look like a joke. Let's be serious puppets, if they use a jutsu that HIT the opponent, it's a national holiday. (let's not forget this fat art puppets are 3 tile width so 1 tripples rn are crushing them ) The stats of the puppet brigade compared to other organizations are +15 to vitality where even anbu gets +30 stats if they only wear a sword, even if we play without it we get exactly the same stats as the puppet brigade +15 meanwhile pb (am I a joke to you?) 7 swords have overpowered auto attacks and or (+20 to stat or +10 to all stats or even + 50 like samehada). 12 diapers have such sustain from their skill that there are no words to describe it, you literally have to kill the guy twice. Not even have to mention + 75 stats for akat A stat boost, at least to even out the stats like +30 fort, is the bare minimum this organization deserves
    3 points
  22. Dear Ninja, Nin Online's Annual Christmas Event - Let It Snow - Is LIVE! This year, we've opened the doors to the Hidden City of Joy, a city filled with zombies, evil snowmen and also... Presents! Players familiar with this event should be glad to know, this year there are new special types of zombies, new rewards and an expanded map to explore. Free Stat Reset Check with Santa if you are Naughty or Nice! You'll see if you can get a Free Stat Reset, or you have to redeem yourself first. Kill Zombies to trade brains for presents There's a time-exclusive Christmas Shop where you can trade zombie parts for special Christmas themed cosmetic items or even Event Coupons! How to Participate? Talk to the Holiday Event NPC in each village to get transported to the Hidden City of Joy. Talk to Santa Claus to learn more about the rules of the event. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! - Nin Online Team
    3 points
  23. Elemental mastery LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 11 LVL 40 LVL 10 LVL 35 Non-Elemental Mastery Chakra medic LVL 10 LVL 35 Int medic LVL 10 LVL 35 Int Weapon master LVL 10 LVL 35 Str Weapon master LVL 10 LVL 35 LVL 10 LVL 35 Hidden Mastery FAN LVL 10 LVL 35 Gentle Fist LVL 10 LVL 35 Bubble LVL 10 LVL 35 Note: Many new players are confused about which stat to put in this guide might help you on what stats you should choose. But feel free to choose anything and change the builds. Thanks so much for providing the builds for this post! @Aesthetic and thanks @Vaxure for the help with gentle fist.
    3 points
  24. Dear Ninja, With most of our community activity taking place in Discord in recent years, on top of an onslaught of spam bots on the forum these days, we've decided to move all community activities to our Discord server. For years now, we've been slowly transitioning to it as the way we communicate with our players. It's become the default mode of communication for gamers everywhere in 2024, so it makes the most sense to just move it all there. Click here to join our discord server Best Regards, Ueda
    2 points
  25. Hello everyone, The Academy Event Series has been concluded. Most of the ninjas who participated graduated and were given the forest outfit. They completed the necessary trials and maintained composure and showed exemplary behavior throughout. For future events such as the Academy Event Series, please make sure to visit the forum for announcements!
    2 points
  26. This is the final judging! The winner is Indra, taking home 20 Ninja Credits. Although not in the original competition prizes list, I also decided to reward Sirch with 10 Ninja Credits! Congratulations! Thanks everyone for participating!
    2 points
  27. Event Announcement As we have the best spot for fishing with the most chances of finding yourself legendary fishes, I'm excited to announce a fishing event open to all factions of the game! Join us for a fishing tournament with a 10k ryo prize. Details: Non-Mist faction participants must pay an entrance fee of 1k ryo. Inform me before joining the event and provide the account name you will be using (reach out to my private Discord: siwangleiting). No PvP allowed. Timings: - The event will be held at 3 PM EST tomorrow(Saturday). .:Announcement:. After the event, Mist Island will be open for fishing with a 2k ryo fee every day. Ruleset: You're only limited to Mist Warzone map below southern GD exit. No PvP allowed, caught doing anything remotely harmful to Mist village will result in an immediate kill on sight while also earning you a strike. No espionage, you are our guest act like one, any such cases will earn you a strike. Note: An individual has only two strikes and would be banned from utilizing mist warzone to fish if he exceeds the two allowable transgressions. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
    2 points
  28. This is damn near close to what the new War Event is gonna be, The map point system was never finished or was overlooked (its a long story but still in the works) Anyways this was a fun read!!
    2 points
  29. Nin Online (2025 and beyond) Nin Online but with a focus on repeatable content and active danger zones. Features Rebirth System This system would be added to reduce the need for alternate characters and give players the ability to almost endlessly progress the same character. The premise would be an initial character can level to 60 and max out the exp bar. Upon doing this, they gain the option to "rebirth" their character starting all over from level 1. They get to keep all items, ryo, house ownership, and ninja ranks that they have earned throughout their previous journey (Passed down through inheritance.) Players would be restricted to staying in their initial village (or going rogue ofc.), but gain the ability to redesign their character and pick a brand new mastery combination while leveling. Rewards that players could earn from going through a rebirth character is a new level cap. For example, after reaching level 60 and going through a rebirth, their "second life" would be able to reach level 65 (or 70, could be tweaked of course!). Potentially they could gain additional skill tree points or more jutsu slots as well. However, progressing through levels past 60 would be exponentially harder than the original play through. For example, the experience required to go from level 61 to 65 could be compared to the exp required to go from level 40 to level 60. Players could rebirth a 2nd time to gain the ability to reach level 80, then 90, then eventually capping out at 100. This new system would exponentially increase the replayability of the game while providing players with a tangible reward for wiping their progress in order to attain a new high. There could even be an end game quest line that unlocks the ability to rebirth (rather than just maxing out the exp. The time it takes to reach level 100 would be an extreme time commitment that would be a respected achievement (similar to FangBlade reaching level 200 on Global Maplestory :P). Changes Atrane would be unbanned from Nin Online's Discord.
    2 points
  30. I am going to take this somewhat seriously because I have high hopes for the game! Obviously I don't know if all of this is possible, they are just ideas. Also I am unsure if I am doing this right, so I apologize ahead of time. Custom Jutsu Using a spell system in order to create Jutsu using different attributes and variables. For example, using the 5 elements as "variables" while using other effects such as a projectile that comes in different sizes (a Giant Fire ball, or Multiple Flying Rock Jutsu), or a wall of water or wind that moves forward or is defensive in nature, something summoned from the ground (ex. flame vortex on specific spot that's pointed to by player within range). From there you could add even more effects, attributes or variables (whatever you wanna call it) such as power, speed, flexibility, fire-rate, range, spread, AOE etc. Maybe creating elemental weaknesses/strengths that debuff or minimize offensive damage. Squad System for Kage or Jonin etc. It would be interesting if the Kage could form teams/squads based off who is in need of one (ex. Genin puts in app for squad > gets put in with 2 others & Jonin/Chunin etc.). Also thinking about activity from the player, character level, playstyle etc. in order to form said team. These teams can be given missions as a squad, that can be completed when everyone is online. Said teams would have specialty's like tracking, elimination, or scouting or be an all-around squad. Teams could have a leaderboard/renown for each village. I understand this is somewhat already implemented but my idea retains around having the Kage or a high ranking member of the village look over applications that are put in through the game after certain conditions are met. Again, I do not know if I'm doing this right or not. These are just ideas, please do not get offended.
    2 points
  31. As someone with many different characters it would be nice to be able to use my house as a central hub for storage and spawning. To prevent abuse it could restrict the characters to sharing a faction with the owner. I think it would also help with the housing shortage that can happen since people wouldn't need to pay for multiple houses across their accounts.
    2 points
  32. Hello shinobi of the Kirigakure no Sato. My name is Yukimaru, born and raised in Yukigakure. After my whole famile got wiped out by foreign raiders, I've dedicated myself to become a true shinobi, both in mind and body. This is the beginning of my story. I've created this journal to document my adventures and future achievements that will be taking place in the world of Nin Online. Reserved
    2 points
  33. Alright so I'm new to this site and game, still trying to figure it out. Do these posts just show on my account? I don't want to be accidentally flooding something important with useless stuff. Anyway I am having a very good time so far.
    2 points
  34. December 2023 Promotions Sand Village Jonin: @Vipe @steficy @Feitan Chunin: @kukks @Leper @Gol D Roger @kniphy @Unkofakits Specialized Jonin: @Mabilis Impressive wind techniques utilization. Mist Village Jonin: @Kozetsu @Yuma @Soya Chunin: @Hirashiki @Menace To Society @Anri @Dull @Singularity Specialized Jonin: @Maracuya Great situational use of earth techniques. Leaf Village Jonin: @Elite Arashi @Oceana @Rinnegan Chunin: @Windhand @Jero @Cryo @Sage @Daftz Specialized Jonin: @Hageshi Expertise with Wind mastery.
    2 points
  35. Event Overview: There will be our first joint event starring MPF corporations of each village on Saturday 3 PM EST. This event is open to all villagers and aims to foster community spirit and teamwork while providing an enjoyable challenge. Event Description: Participants will utilize the vast and intricate terrain of Mist Island for a classic game of Hide and Seek (excluding Mist Village map and all the eastern maps). Hiders will have to find the perfect hiding spots while seekers use their skills to locate and tag them. The event promises to be a thrilling experience for everyone involved. Event Rules: 1. Teams and Roles: - Participants will be divided into two groups: Hiders and Seekers. - Roles will be assigned randomly at the beginning of each round. 2. No Jutsus Allowed: - The use of any jutsus is strictly prohibited, except for the Cloak Jutsu, which hiders can use to conceal themselves. No pills/summons) charms as well. 3. Tagging Hiders: - Seekers must tag hiders to eliminate them from the game. - A tag is considered successful if a seeker performs a simple melee attack on the hider. - Typing out the tag is not required, as melee attacks ensure a faster and more dynamic game. 4. Elimination: - Once a hider is tagged by a seeker, the hider is out of the game for that round. - Eliminated hiders should move to a designated spectator area to avoid interfering with the ongoing game. 5. Game Duration: - Each round will have a time limit of 20 minutes to ensure the game progresses smoothly. - If all hiders are tagged before the time runs out, the seekers win the round. - If any hiders remain untagged when the time is up, the hiders win the round. 6. Fair Play: - All participants are expected to adhere to the rules and show good sportsmanship. - Any form of cheating or rule-breaking will result in immediate disqualification from the event. How to Participate: - Interested participants can sign up at the event registration desk located near the Mist Village Fountain. - Ensure you arrive on time to receive your role and instructions. Prizes: - Winning team members will receive 50 blanks as reward. Conclusion: This Hide and Seek event is a fantastic opportunity to engage with fellow villagers, showcase your strategic thinking, and have a lot of fun. We look forward to seeing you there and making this event a memorable experience for all! Contact: For any questions or further information, please contact your respective Kages. Regards, Lord 22nd, @Shijie.
    1 point
  36. that video is trash. use this as a example on how to melee
    1 point
  37. Dear Mist Rogues, It's a call for all of you that may have lost their way away from their beloved homeland to return to Village Hidden in the Mist, the pardons are free of cost and will remain effective till Wednesday 05-15-2024. Feel free to reach me or my council out via discord. Regards, Lord 22nd Contact info(Mizu): siwangleiting @Shijie Contact info(Council): idietz @Hirashiki, 1i11i11, zel0001 @Jelly
    1 point
  38. Hey guys, I was thinking of achievements system that can add some post lv 60 game play and can work really good with mechanics that are already implanted such as titles and housing, and as far as inserting it to the game shouldn't be too hard since they are just counters of predetermined events. completing achievements will rank up your prestige Rank, this will not give any advantage besides swag but hey we know how much swag is important in NIn. the prestige rank could be visible around the village image for example: (ofc this is just a suggestion) and also while being targeted and unmasked Completing some achievements or ranks will unlocks stuff like titles, furniture, or cosmetic items for example: killing 1000 bears could award u with a bear rug for your house so that when u have visitors they can see your brave grindings! using 500 red pills could award u the title "The Addict" Visiting Every single map ( that is not org related ) could award you an "Explorer Hat" cosmetic and so on... I believe this could really give some more mid-endgame content for all of us grinders and completionists, and also another way to reward players for great achievements. Ranks will also be a way of making your character out stand near others. Adding a list of achievements i thought of: Achievements: kill Leaf players 10, 50, 100, 200 kill Sand players 10, 50, 100, 200 kill Mist players 10, 50, 100, 200 kill Rogue players 10, 50, 100, 200 kill enemies 10, 100, 1000 kill boss X 1, 5, 10, 50 daily missions completed 10, 100, 1000 mission Completed % complete daily Mission X 1, 5, 10, 50 spend X ryo in shops Own a House Own furnitures 1,5,10,20 Die X 10, 50, 100 ,1000 Maps visited % Get your horoscope Get Summon 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 Achieve lv 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 60 Max jutsus 1, 3, 6, 12, 17 Have bounty 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 Colect Bounty 50, 100, 500, 1000 Win 777 1,2,3,5 Get into an Organization run x distance run x distance on water Mold x chakra recover x hp use X tools 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 use X blood pills 10, 50, 100, 200 use X chakra pills 10, 50, 100, 200
    1 point
  39. You bored of nin online? You want a sick nasty update that'll blow your socks off? You think it can't be done? Look no further my guy. Here's a step by step guide to make your game pop. All within 4 weeks too. Don't forget, this will at least triple your player base. Yea, your welcome. Ima make this real ez. Anyway, here goes. Week 1: Levels! Disclaimer; We have a stat system in the game already. It currently goes to 60, make it go to 70. Day 1: Increase that max lvl from 60 to 70 (yea i know, rough day, 10 numbers). Day 2 : Tweak the xp needed to lvl for the 60-70 curve. (yea i know, crazy, lvl xp. who woulda known). Day 3: Pick a number of stats to give. (we like stats, thanks, another tough day) Day 4,5,6,7; Code the visual changes for all that tough work. We done with week 1 phew. Week 2: Well boys, It took us 1 week to figure out all the tough numbers to put in the game (and we had to code it, dahm). This is where things get interesting. Day 1: Unlock those jutsu slots. We are lvl 70 now after all. This can't take more than 1 day right? @Ueda Day 2,3,4: Uh oh, now what? Well, it's time. That dahm choose your mastery window is gonna pop up again. For a third time. Let's code it. (Must be done for lvl 70, good thing we coded this already for 10 and 50). Day 5,6,7: Add color for 3rd mastery in bingo book. We have 2 colors already, how hard is a 3rd? Week 3: Goddahm, was that a lot of work or not enough? Now what? Jutsu book update. Day1-7: Update jutsu book for 3rd mastery. Jokes on you @Ueda now you have to update the jutsu book for learnable jutsus. (hopefully this can be done in a week). Week 4: New hotbar for more jutsus. Day 1,2,3,4,5,6,7: Third hotbar and new hotkeys in menu. This update doesn't care about new arc or items for a lvl update. 3rd mastery baby. There you have it, this update would take around 4 weeks depending on jutsu book update. Yea, your welcome. Keep in mind most of these changes are coded in the game already, should be easy from a developer stand point. This should be more than enough for a game changing update in a decent time.
    1 point
  40. I think even a smaller change would help a little more. 1s cast for unequipping and reequipping would make more sense rp wise and also would work better for pvp than the 2 seconds it is now
    1 point
  41. Hello fellow shinobi, as you may already know getting Ryo (game's currency) is difficult in early lvls. whether you need tools, weapons, blank scrolls or blood & chakra pills getting ryo is a must. But the drops don't sell for that much, missions don't pay enough and the grind is endless. Well rejoice cause I've found you a few tips that can help you gather a decent sum easily. keep in mind this is a guide for low lvl (<20). I - selling Honey ! Costs : 2 honey comb / Sells : 10ryo That's right selling honey can get u a small profit if done right! so to start selling Honey, you'll need to get your hands on Honey combs "sells for 3ryo each" , and to do so u either fight the scary Hornets & Bees (higher lvl than u and hit like a truck, you're welcome to kite them) but their drop chance is low. However there's the Bee Hives : doesn't hit back & guaranteed drop :!! Locations : you can find Hornets, Bees & Bee hives near Tanzaku Quarters, and past the Bounty Station near Takumi. After you get a fair sum of honey combs "make sure its an even number", head into Tanzaku Quarters in the Land of fire, and look for Ayako the bee keeper. This NPC will become your new friend, he can trade you 1 pot of Honey for each Honey comb, which u can sell for 10ryo at any shop (or for more to other player) making 4 extra ryo on each 2 combs. II - selling Antidote ! Costs : 4 dried herb / Sells : 18ryo Gotta be sneeky since this one is a bit risky if you're not from the sand village. To get an antidote first you need to gather loads of "dried herbs". you get those from Ripe herbs. sells: 5 ryo this little fella is the Ripe herb you'll be looking for! Locations : all around sand / desert territory land of wind. After you get a fair sum of dried herbs "make sure its an even number", head into Sand village in the Land of wind, and look for the antidote maker. This NPC can trade you 1 poison Antidote for each 4 dried herbs , which u can sell for 18ryo at any shop (or for more to other player) this one makes less selling to npc shop, but more to other players. III - selling Bandages ! Costs : 3 fresh fiber / Sells : 15ryo Gotta be very careful since this one is risky if you're not from the mist village or get caught by Rogue ninja & Bears. To get a Bandage first you need to gather loads of "Fresh Fiber". you get those from Fiber plant. sells: 2 ryo this little fella is the Fiber plant you'll be looking for! Locations : all around the forests in Lands of fire & water. After you get a fair sum of fresh fiber, head into Mist village in the Land of water, and look for the bandages maker near the shop. This NPC can trade you 1 Bandage for each 3 fresh fibers , which u can sell for 15ryo at any shop (or for more to other player) making 9 extra ryo on each 3 fibers. IV - selling scrolls! sells for 200-300 to other players whether you're selling Blank scrolls (200-300ryo) , or Jutsu scrolls lvl1(200-400ryo i think ), you're making huge profit as a low lvl shinobi. Don't forget to keep some for yourself before your start selling. V - Fishing! This one a bit advanced since you'll need to invest a huge sum at first, fishing is the only proficiency currently available in game, that allow you obtain items & materials to sell for (ryo). To start fishing you'll need to buy a fishing rod, the cheapest one is 2k ryo ( the investment i mentioned), then look for a body of water near your village and start fishing (little fun and sometimes frustrating mini game XD). at first you'll be getting nothing much but some old boots (4 ryo), twigs(1ryo) and seaweed(2ryo). but as you lvl your fishing skill you'll be able to catch more rare and pricier fish, ranging from(6ryo to 60ryo per fish) a great way to spend your BI (8 min battle injury) and earn some ryo. VI - Selling kills i know its not the best thing to do, but beggars can't be choosers, lots of shinobi out there are looking for blood, and some are willing to pay for it . whether you have a bounty on your head or not, your life has a price XD from what i've seen so far , many ninja (mostly rogues) have killing missions & bounty missions. they usually pay 100-200ryo for kill (without bounty), and much much more if you have a price on your head! keep in mind to get payed first, and be in a danger or war zone for the kill to count. Before i finish this guide, for those like me who can't find the fiber plants & ripe herbs, all you should do is look for these orange markers on your mini map. they make it 100 times easier to spot. These are some of the ways you can make decent ryo starting as a new player, wish i knew these when i first joined! hope this can be useful to someone out there. more than happy to know if there's other ways to earn ryo. and am sure the community will correct me if mentioned anything wrong here! Peace out
    1 point
  42. Hello, everyone! This topic was discussed already a few times but I in my opinion PB still needs a proper rework to be objectively competitive vs another orgs (12G and 7SM). Anticipating some arguments, I have to say that it's not that my opinion is determined by my current membership in PB. Even playing as a rogue I always thought that since the Great Puppet's colliding wave nerf (which indeed was too OP) PB was objectively less attractive and weaker than other orgs considering the stat buff and utility. I will support my opinion with the following analysis. I. Stat buffs 1. 12G Waistcloth gives +10 to all stats. For most ninja 3 stats (sometimes 4) are useful which gives +30/+40 stat buff that is used be 12G member. 2. Most of 7Sm swords give +20 stat buff (some swords a lot more). 3. Puppet Coffin gives +15 to fort. To sum up PB has the weakest stat buff. I don't think there is any logical explanation why it should be like that and it definitely should be changed to match the other org's stat buff. What can be done about this? This disadvantage is easy to repair. In my opinion Puppet Coffin should give at least +20 to fort. If you consider the buff of 12g Waistcloth or some of the 7SM swords buff it wouldn't be unfair to get the Puppet Coffin buff even higher (i.e. +25/+30 fort). II. Utility 1. 12G jutsu is a life-saving instant huge buff to hp. Even though it is only temporary, it's very useful for ninjas to get away from battle situations that would be otherwise impossible to survive. 2. 7SM swords give it's users constant feature that they can use every few seconds through the entire battle without any additional cost. 3. Puppet Coffin gives the ability to summon a Great Puppet that basically is a summon with lower cooldown (30s after puppet dies) and is casting low dmg jutsus. At the end of the day only useful jutsu that Great Puppets casts is Lightning Current but it's very random. I think we all agree that summons in this game aren't good concerning their AI. They are "stupid", they can be blocked by a tree or other obstacles. The result of this is that Great Puppet in a bigger teamfight dies after few seconds and casting maybe one random jutsu in the air. In addition it's move is so predictable that it's easy to avoid in a smaller fight. In my opinion PB feature is the least useful compared to other orgs. What can be done about this? I have to say that - in contrast to stat buffs problem - solution is not easy here. In my opinion Great Puppet summon idea is a bad one considering summons mechanic in this game. Good solution might be removing this summon and adding some kind of a PB jutsu with "puppet graphics". It might be offensive or defensive jutsu. Any ideas from the rest of community would be nice here. My ideas (based on manga/anime; mostly Sasori's and Kankuro's jutsus) are: 1. Puppet Technique: Prosthetic Arm Senbon - I don't know if it is possible to do but it could be an animation of a puppet appearing for a moment in front of the caster and casting a jutsu similar to explosive kunai. 2. Prepared Puppet: Eight Waves of Needles - animation similar to above but the jutsu could be similar to Kunai Shadow Clone Technique but with bigger damage. 3. Hiruko - caster would hide inside Hiruko-like (the one Sasori was inside of) puppet that would grant him temporary resistance to damage but would be snared at the same time (let's say for like 2-3 seconds). 4. Kuroari - caster would snare or stun an opponent for i.e. 2 seconds by summoning Kuroari (the one that Kankuro used) and do damage to him. I would love to know what you guys (especially GM's) think about this. Finally, I would like to mention that another flaw of the Great Puppet is that it simply looks freaking ugly Thanks for reading this! Sanshouo
    1 point
  43. Good day folks, been a while since I've made a post on the forums, as it's been probably for a lot of you, some I know don't even visit the website except for the cash shop. I just wanted to spark a few questions towards @Ueda hoping we could hear a word regarding the state of the forums. A lot of us have been wondering, is the plan for the future now to deprecate these forums and move community discussion strictly to the Discord? A lot of parts of this site aren't optimized at all or not even working properly. Where are the forums going?
    1 point
  44. The death of forum activity has honestly hurt discussion revolving all the different aspects of Nin. Discord is much more chaotic and messages sent there are much more reactionary rather than thought out (in my opinion). I miss the glory days of these forums being active
    1 point
  45. Starting January 31st 2024, we will no longer be accepting support requests about forgetting email addresses. It will be fully your own responsible to note down your email addresses or rely on this tool to get your email addresses back. We cannot continue to allow our limited support team to be inundated with such requests and be used in place of a notes app or password manager.
    1 point
  46. There are a lot of clothing items that look like they should give the concealment buff, that don't. I just think, well, they should. Items such as the Kaku Protector and the wanderer scarves, for example, look like they should conceal you. There are probably others that I can't think of as well. This would only benefit the entire player base with zero downsides. We all get more mask options available to us, and will be able to customize our ninjas more without having to sacrifice another slot for a mask if we want concealment. There are a few outfits I enjoy that I have to sacrifice one part in order to be masked, even though there is already a part in the outfit that looks like it should clearly mask my identity. I'm sure many other players have experienced this, albeit small, dilemma. I know this isn't a dire issue, but it would be an appreciated update giving us all more mask options and more customizable outfits while masked, without having to really add anything (I assume at least. idk much about game development, this just appears like an easy thing to work on).
    1 point
  47. Mobs should do less damage. They seem over powered especially for lower levels who are forced to leave their village. Adding status effects to every mob is also over powered, maybe if one boss like mob was present or it was given to just a special mob it would make much more sense. For example, Bears could revert to being normal with less damage, but a polar bear could have the current bear's damage with an stun. This will also help people feel as if they're accomplishing something and not wasting time. Spending 3 hours after doing daily missions and repeat puching mobs gets old and without any other source of events going on or rp or anything to keep them interested, i've learned that they would try the game then quit either the day of or within the week of playing.
    1 point
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