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  1. - Suggestion to improve the global commerce of nin online. Well, as we all know, the online Nin trading system only focuses on farming and publishing your items within the game through chat and / or discord to reach a few people from other villages, but how about making it more optimal? as it matches. I propose to create a global trade npc with contact with all the villages that each player has accessibility to and publish their items with the NPC and everyone from different villages can see what you sell by having a complete tab of all the players selling their items to different prices and you have to choose a price to your liking when selling the item the system will charge you a tax after 1k onwards of 2% if you have gold 1% when your item is sold it will charge you the tax but as long as you want to remove the item from the store you will be refunded the money of the tax collected. - What will happen to the item and the money when it is purchased? Answer = The item will be transferred to the player who bought the item and the money has two options which are: 1. The money will be transferred directly to the player and a message will appear in the chat when you log to your account then it will say for example: "Your bonesword has been sold for+300000 ryo" and this ryo you can go to claim it at the merchant npc. 2. The above but instead of going to claim the Ryo with the npc that the Ryo appears directly in your inventory. - How does the tax system work and what would happen to the items when you put them in the npc store? That the NPC charge you a small tax that goes to 2%, for example, you go to the NPC and put your item in the store, the merchant will put a 2% fee, for example, you put your item at 300,000 ryos, they will charge you a 2% tax. Therefore, they will take away 6000 ryos in case the item is sold, which would be if they are 300,000, it would be 294,000 the final money. 1. Advantages if you're gold: The NPC will charge you only 1% tax The items when you deliver them to the NPC this will save it as a kind of bank but it is not a bank because after a certain time if the item is not purchased the merchant will return it to you and it will appear in your inventory again. 2. Advantages. I would encourage rp at the system level as this would help to make trade alliances as if it were a merchants guild that does not support any single village that concentrates on doing its business work for its own enrichment. 3. Eliminate 90% or 95% of the NinGeneral trade channel 4. That people can set the price they want and that others buy it under their own responsibility, thus bringing an economy of supply and demand. - Functional suggestion: To further strengthen the RP in the villages, the kage have the option of removing or not the npc from their village to cut commercial alliances: in the case that the villages do not want businesses in their village, the npc will have its predetermined place '' tanzaku ' 'You can also go to enemy villages that if they have said npc and conduct your business. - Here are some fan art of how the trading system with interface and npc would be implemented in the game. (By : LP20 the sexiest) - NPC in tanzaku (area where the npc will always be) - What the trading system would look like in the game: - A closer look at the trading system: - What would the npc look like in the villages: Leaf Village: Mist Village: Sand Village: Suggestion idea: @Inara Artwork art: @Lp20 Concept ideas: @Donatello Johnson@Kuhou@Kodigo@Butterfly@Krait@Ryutekzu@Prince Cabo (Please support this suggestion.)
    83 points
  2. Dear Ninja, It's been a really long time since I've posted a development log. This is going to be the first one of 2018.. don't expect a lot of these though! It takes up time to write these and prepare pictures and stuff, so most of the time, I'm just going to implement them into the game quietly. But as we move into the next development phase, I thought it'd be interesting to share some plans for the future. The current development timeline is.. Mastery Combinations The recent balance changes was to make way for new jutsu based on hybrid stats builds. This is the start of level 50+ content, jutsu styles like Medical + Taijutsu giving Tsunade/Sakura aka. Inner Strength style. Inner Strength style will be scaled based on Agility and Chakra stat. We will release these combinations one by one starting with Inner Strength, then Taijutsu and Sword + Elemental Masteries, eg. Water + Sword to get Suigetsu/Zabuza style jutsu. Lightning + Taijutsu will give you Raikage style jutsu. Elemental Kekkai Genkai will take a backseat for now (eg. Wood Release). Second Non-ninja village Takumi village is a smaller, non-ninja village. There are multiple of these planned for each country. Takumi village is in the land of rivers, ran by the Daimyo of the land. The next one is a slightly larger casino/gambling village inspired by Tanzaku Quarters (the village they found Tsunade in), which will feature ways to lose all your savings! Forbidden Techniques I get this question about jutsu like Rasengan or Hiraishin Technique a lot. "What mastery is it going to be?". It's been one of the trickiest thing to balance, but I think I've managed to find a way to balance such techniques without being over powered. The latest addition of limited jutsu slot is one of the changes made to accommodate such a balance. With limited slots, just learning every jutsu becomes impossible. Combined with the rarity of these scrolls, you will find that even though very few ninja will have Rasengan for example, it will not break the game because they will be sacrificing another jutsu to make way for their Forbidden techniques. It will still be a challenge to fine tune these jutsu to not be over powered, but still feel valuable and pay homage to their anime counterparts, but I have no doubt we're going in the right direction! Specialized Masteries Once you reach level 50, you will be given the choice to specialize in your previous mastery to unlock Advanced Jutsu for that mastery. Eg. Taijutsu + Specialize will give you 8 Gates style Taijutsu. Fire + Specialize will give you Advanced Fire Ninjutsu which will feature even more crazy AoE. Specialized Masteries continue to scale with damage. Land of Iron This one has been in the works for the longest time. But it was postponed due to it being something from Shippuden. So it felt like it had to be level 50+ content. Once the new jutsu are released, it should be about time to implement all the art done for it. Mist village A slightly more distant goal, the hope is to release the legendary bloody mist sometime within the year. I hope this gets you excited for the year ahead! There's also probably going to be a lot of smaller misc. things added through the year. As always, it's not going to be easy mass producing high quality art, so I hope for your support in this journey. Regards, Rory
    65 points
  3. Hey guys, Just a less gameplay, content related development log, and more a thank you here - so only read if you really care about the game and my own life stuff. Thanks for supporting us monetarily First, the thank you is because this past month has become the most financially successful month of Nin Online in it’s history since 2013, which is incredibly humbling for me because I never thought the game would see so much support. From the start, I’ve been very adamant about trying to be ethical with monetisation and making it as non-Pay2Win and as optional as possible. We sell strictly only cosmetic items in the cash shop, and exp boosts apply to everyone, which was an idea taken from a peer game that saw much more success with the feature because of the larger player base. That being said, doing this has no doubt been one of the reasons for the Long-term support of our most dedicated ninja in this community, whereas multiplayer games in the same genre which are selling out and becoming P2W dwindle in player numbers, Nin has been consistent and even growing! Thank you for from the bottom of my heart for supporting the game’s development. We have more in stall in the coming months and have no intention of slowing down in content. To be fair to the contributions, everything past a reasonable living is what I have and will spend on speeding up development of content on the game. In recent months, I’ve been paying Seth to rework the server in a modern language, and this month’s sales incomes are going towards paying a freelance artist, Zane, to create more summons - which in just the past 2 weeks meant 2 new animal summons on top of the content that I added. Thanks for supporting us by playing In the past few months, there’s also been a lot more active players than usual, and it’s very encouraging to see whenever I come online. It has been a tiring 6 years to create the world of Nin and the characters in it, and it makes me happy to see it explored. I try my best to leave little Easter eggs and lore around, and it makes me happy to know that people have lived through this world. A lot of people have expressed positivity to the amount of new content that has been added in the past few months. But in all honesty, these past few months have been better for me in terms of work, I’ve not needed to put in as much effort as the past 5 years of development because a lot of the groundwork has been laid out and a lot of the systems that are created like clans and summons are not entirely utilised yet, but have been implemented. So it’s a lot more of doing the fun stuff, and not so much the nitty gritty boring backend stuff. With better financial support, I’ve also been able to get help, which is much needed. On a personal note As some of you all know, making Nin Online has taken a good part of my best years, and I while I don’t regret it, hear me out. When I started Nin Online in 2013, I worked on Nin day-in and day-out non-stop, even working through nights in my mandatory conscription, when I finished that, I was a graduate of game design and was immediately scouted to join a game studio, which I left to continue working on Nin Online, which was at the time not making money. As I see my peers working in reputable game studios like Square Enix and Ubisoft, it is a little bit worrying for myself as to the Long term viability of this game to sustain my life. I’ve also chosen the much less conventional path, which is scary in itself. As it stands, Nin Online is not great income for myself, but is more than enough for me to live my frugal life style while not worrying about rent and bills - but that’s because I don’t have any debts to pay off or people depending on me to feed them. But I eventually do want to get married, buy a house and have kids. I’m not young anymore, and so I do have to worry about long term career unlike when I started this at 18. Which is why I’m just making this personal note to ask that if I ever do announce another indie project, that I would get the same support or at least your consideration before the inevitable things like “cloud when?” Or “go back to working on Nin”. Because as I’ve said, I have no intention on giving up on Nin Online. But at the same time, I don’t intend for it to be the only thing I do with my life and skills. If I do have other things I’m working on, you can guarantee that it’s at my own expense and not at the time I would’ve worked on Nin Online. From 2013, the way I mainly funded myself and the development of Nin Online was to take freelance work from other game Developers and studios. But In the past year, I’ve been able to spend less time on freelance, almost none at all, and focus that time and energy on Nin Online and side projects. I love Nin Online, I have no doubt that the players here love Nin Online. But I really hope that when I do inevitably have more to my resume, that my time contribution to Nin Online will not be discredited by time spent on other things. This is no doubt the proudest thing I’ve made. But I hope that when I announce Shinigami Online, Pirate Online and My Hero Online (jk I’m not making any of that, mmorpgs are way too much work for a side project) that it’ll be supported by everyone, and I don’t expect anyone to pay for anything - but a quick shout out, a nice steam review, a retweet, a share, all of that would be appreciated, and anything else I’m successful in will also help me pump that back into improving Nin Online and getting more help. BUT YES MORE UPDATES ARE COMING, CLOUD WHEN - Probably not for a few years - BUT UPDATES NONETHELESS. SAMURAI, MORE DOGGOS, BUFF FAN BUFF WIND, PUPPETS REWORK ETC. NO ETAS. STOP ASKING ME FOR NAME CHANGES. HAPPY THANKS GIVING!
    64 points
  4. Dear Ninja, Soon™ is finally here as we prepare to launch the Hidden Mist Village as the third playable starting village for Nin Online. This will be a game changing moment as it will be the biggest update since the launch of beta in 2017 (which introduced Sand village and Missing Ninja) in terms of content being introduced at the same time. because Mist village will launch with plenty of new content! The Land of Water Welcome to the Land of Water, a region ruled over by the Water Daimyo. The creatures and enemies roaming this new land is unique to it's shores. Even if you are not a Mist ninja, soon your missions will take you to the Land of Water, so you'll soon explore it yourself! Along with the Mist Village, a smaller village will also be present on launch, a small settlement on the edge of the Land of Water which will be used for storyline missions as time goes on. The Land of Water is a country ravaged by war. Bloody, and bloody poor, not everyone can afford to live in the biggest village. The mapping done for the Land of Water, including the Hidden Mist Village itself, is in my view, the finest of all the game so far. With detailed forest maps, and more details fit into each screen than ever before. The village is expansive, and all in all, we're introducing almost 50 new maps at once (including interiors of course). New Organization: Hunter-nin Hunter-nin are a concept unique to the Hidden Mist Village. Replacing the concept of an ANBU, hunter-nin stalk and kill missing Mist ninja to protect the secrets of the Mist. When the Leaf and Sand ANBU get ANBU swords, Hunter-nin will get water whips. New Organization: Mist Military Police Force Basically the equivalent of LMPF and SMPF for the Mist. The MMPF will be available at launch. However, due to the lack of Chunin in the village, there will not be much use for the organization early on. New Sub-mastery: Soap Bubble Style Just as the Leaf village has Gentle Fist style and the Sand village has Fan Style, the Mist village will launch with a complete and unique sub-mastery as well! New Politics With the introduction of a third village, a lot will change in terms of politics. Leaders will be hard pressed not to maintain a good relationship with at least one other village. Being in war with two villages will be hard for a village, so alliances will actually begin to matter. The Mist village will be ran as a militaristic dictatorship, where power will be challenged by others every few months. It will be a survival of the fittest. A battle to the death will determine the leader. This is very different from the Leaf village which is a democracy, and the Sand village which is a monarchy. With this, the kind of player who seeks for battles as a way to consolidate power should gravitate towards the bloody mist. The advisers of the Mist village will consist of 1 member of each clan in which the Mist leader favors. So once the victory has been won, as a check on power, the leader of the Mist village will choose 3 clans, which will each elect a respected member of the clan to become an adviser to the Mizukage. If all 3 clan leaders decide to, they can call for a battle to find a new leader at any time, but it has to be a Unanimous decision. As with any good dictatorship, we've already chosen that the village will be ran by no other than Mizukage @Kenock, with myself and @Sezu as the advisers to the Mizukage. We will work (mainly Kenock) to maintain some semblance of order while the village is in it's growth period without any proper ranks. New Soundtracks Of course, with a new location as major as this, we will be introducing new music to bring out the gloom of the Hidden Mist Village and the Land of Water. And even more..! The Mist will launch with just one unique summon, and more after, initial clans will be ready... I'll be detailing the work done for the village in further details in a development log post launch. New Launch Date We're here at a point we can safely announce that the launch date will be.. Regards, Ueda
    58 points
  5. Good morning to all ninonline. I would like to put this post to ask that an organization be put in missing to be able to play in conditions. We have been about 1 month since it was removed, we do not know what to do, we are a very large organization of approximately 34 - 37 members of which more than 20 players are active daily. We are only looking for an organization to be able to play all together, you cannot imagine how complicated it has been to play this month for us, we have had to emigrate to the villages of which x players have gone to each village waiting for the organizations to arrive one day. . We only ask for an organization as if it is put in one of the houses that we have bought, we do not care, we just want to play together. I am going to leave you some images and videos of who we are. here I leave a video of what Diablo is, what represents us here i let some photos to us: This photo was from a few days ago we are many more but right now for not having org they are playing in the other villages until we have it: with only 4 members we were able to get to the mizukage office : this was from when we started together: we even made a name on the BR server : today we fight leaf this is the result: This organization comes from the Hispanic community although lately we have been letting in anyone we know is trustworthy. We are an organization that grows every day and I believe that we would have to have an organization in order not to lose what we have built with effort. please let us play together! I beg you! @Ueda@Erox
    57 points
  6. After listening to @Ueda and @Serias talk about the vision of the game and the amount of effort that went into implementing the Hidden Mist Village and the Hidden Sand Village me and my friend @SpellWiz started brainstorming ideas and a village layout for the Hidden Cloud Village. This is what we came up with, because Rory and Serias appreicate any playermade content that could contribute to future development and success of NinOnline Basic line-art of cloud village layout I imagine use of flicker pads and bridges to traverse the village Exclusive Passive: Body Flicker range is increased by 2 tiles. Decently balanced mastery. Similar to Sand's perfect cloak. Due to the Cloud Village's structure, it's ninja have adapted to traverse the large gaps. Exclusive Combo Mastery: Laser [Water / Lightning] Ninja from the Cloud Village have passed down techniques that utilize Storm release to create focused lasers. Exclusive Alternate Mastery: Cloud-style Kenjutsu [Weapon Master] Agility-locked sword(s) with agility-based weapon master skills. Can use strength-based weapon master skills with the cloud-locked swords, and vice versa. Agility and strength-based weapon master skills share respective cooldowns. Any cloud-locked swords have lower base-damage than current swords, but higher attack speed. Level 10: Cloud-style Backlash Slash Free-aim-based skill. Charge and perform an upwards slash, interrupting casting jutsu on-hit. 1-2 tiles directly in-front of the user and 2-1 second standing-running cast-time based on level. Level 15: Cloud-style Reverse Beheading Free-aim-based skill. Spin instantly, dealing damage to all enemies within 1 tile. 1s - Instant cast-time based on level, 1 tile radius in all directions. Level 20: Cloud-style Riposte Free-aim-based skill. Users swiftly lunge forward creating an extended range of up to 3 tiles. 3-2 second running cast-time based on level. Level 25: Cloud-style Afterimage Strike Target-based skill. After seemingly splitting into 3 from the intense speed, users instantly move in-front of and attack their target up to 3 times instantly. 2-1 second running cast-time and 3-7 tile range based on level. The user briefly appears surrounding the target on all sides except directly behind them, and any spots unavailable reduce the amount of hits. Level 30: Cloud-style Deception Beheading Substitution-based skill. The user feigns Substitution Technique, preparing to counter. Before receiving an attack, they reappear right in-front of the attacker and launch a counterattack. Level 35: Cloud-style Crescent Moon Target-based skill. Makes the user instantly move in-front of their target and widely slash, creating a large crescent shape hitting all enemies within 2 tiles on all sides of the user, except directly behind. 2-1 second run-cast and 2-4 tile range based on level. Exclusive Summons: Drill Bird Walk/Flicker. Lunges forward to attack head-on with it's beak, creating an extended range. (2-6 tile range based on level) Not as ugly or huge as Pain's monster. Baku Stationary/Target-facing. Pulls in all enemies in a cone-shaped radius. (3-7 tile furthest-point range and 1-2 tile knockback towards summon based on level) Not as huge as Danzo's monster. Or a simpler elephant. Exclusive Organization: Kinkaku Force 5 Members. Aimed to be a heavy team-play based squad. Bashōsen (Fan): Weapon-slot item with jutsu-on-basic. Random large-scale element-based attack is released on auto-attack. High damage, as well as effects based on element. Cost 100 chakra per-cast. Gives 25 intellect. Kohaku no Jōhei (Pot): Weapon-slot item with jutsu-on-basic. On use, pulls target towards snared user. (Think 1 tile knockback towards the user, 2 tiles if target is below 50%) Consumes 100 chakra per-second. If a target is touching the user, while below 20% health, they are killed and instantly sent to their hospital and counted as a kill for the pot's user. Gives 25 fortitude. The next three are a testament to the "team-play" design of the organization Kōkinjō (Rope): Weapon-slot item with jutsu-on-basic. Upon the user successfully landing an auto attack on a target without "Word Soul Leak", "Word Soul Extract", "Word Soul Seal", nor "Word Soul Sentence" debuffs, 100 chakra is consumed and the target receives the "Word Soul Leak" debuff for 30 seconds. Gives 25 agility. Shichiseiken (Sword): Weapon-slot item with jutsu-on-basic. Upon the user successfully landing an auto attack on a target with "Word Soul Leak", 100 chakra is consumed, the target's "Word Soul Leak" is removed and they receive the "Word Soul Extract" debuff for 30 seconds. A linked, targetable and invincible, "Word Soul" mob is spawned at the location for the debuff's duration. Gives 25 strength. Benihisago (Gourd): Weapon-slot item with jutsu-on-basic. Only with a "Word Soul" mob as a target, on use the user pulls the target towards themselves. (Think 2 tile knockback towards the user) If the target touches the user, it is unspawned and whomever it is linked to has "Word Soul Leak" removed and receives the "Word Soul Seal" debuff for 30 seconds. After "Word Soul Seal's" duration you receive "Word Soul Sentence" for 30 seconds, during which you are pulled toward the gourd's user. (Think 2 tile knockback towards the user, 3 tiles if target is below 50%) Anyone touching the gourd's user while under the effects of "Word Soul Sentence" are killed and instantly sent to their hospital and counted as a kill for the gourd's user. Consumes 50 chakra per-second while pulling anyone. Insignificant chakra results in the inability to pull "Word Soul" mobs, as well as no one with "Word Soul Sentence" being pulled in. Those affected by "Word Soul Sentence" are only pulled while the gourd is equipped. Gives 25 chakra. Cloud Village is years-away content, and I expect literally nothing to come of this post besides simple chatting. For most things I have given example cast-times, ranges, etc. but more balancing would be required for any actual implementation. The organization items may sound a bit OP or over-tuned, but compared to puppets/ssm I would defend the suggestions. Specifically, the 3-man combo items would require 100 chakra each and 30 seconds to execute 1 person, which a 3-man squad should be able to do easier than using these items. The theory is 3-man comboing the healers and killing everyone else. Also, the Gourd user would be a target the entire time to stop the effects of "Word Soul Sentence." There's also the village layout; according to the devblogs, round buildings are especially tough...that's the entire village. Flicker pads is a personal preference, as I feel that it would be cool to traverse the village that way. Based off the basic line-drawings, a pure conversion to pixel-art and mapping wouldn't be possible, but the ideas are there.
    49 points
  7. Hello guys. I know most prices are already established in the game amongst the higher-level players, however, I feel like the low-level's deserve a fair chance too. As such, I'm posting a list with the market prices of each item. If they do not sell on the market, I will just insert their value when sold in any village store. (If anything is wrong with the list, notify me by PMing me on discord or just correct me on this post itself.) You should, naturally, feel free to add in on all the things that I have personally forgotten the prices of, such as the Tunneler's tongues. I mean, come on... They only thing I farm nowadays is wolf fur, lol. Thank you! Without further ado, here are the lists: Items with no market price: Cocoon (14-09-2020) 1 ryo each Spider Eggs (14-09-2020) 2 ryo each Scorpion Tail (14-09-2020) 2 ryo each Ant Feelers (14-09-2020) 2 ryo each Dragonfly Wings (14-09-2020) 2 ryo each Canine Fang (14-09-2020) 3 ryo each Honey Comb (14-09-2020) 3 ryo each Fox Fur (14-09-2020) 3 ryo each Tiger Fur (14-09-2020) 4 ryo each Scarab Shells (14-09-2020) 4 ryo each Rat Tails (14-09-2020) 5 ryo each Tunneler's Tongue (14-09-2020) 5 ryo each Big Scarab Shells (14-09-2020) 5 ryo each Insect Wing (14-09-2020) 5 ryo each Undead Charm (14-09-2020) 5 ryo each Bear Paw (14-09-2020) 6 ryo each Grey Bear Paw (14-09-2020) 7 ryo each Hawk Talon (14-09-2020) 7 ryo each Items with market prices: Snake Venom (14-09-2020) 15-20 ryo each DNA Sample (14-09-2020) 55-75 ryo each Wolf Fur (14-09-2020) 50-100 ryo each Racoon Tails (14-09-2020) 80-100 ryo each Hawk Feather (14-09-2020) 250-350 ryo each Blank Scroll (14-09-2020) 250-300 ryo each Tier I scroll (14-09-2020) 500 ryo each Tier II scroll (14-09-2020) 1,000 ryo each Tier III scroll (14-09-2020) 1,500-2,000 ryo each Rare drops (market prices): Cigarette (14-09-2020) 1,000-2,000 ryo each Gas Mask (14-09-2020) 1,500-2,000 ryo each Seji no Hani (14-09-2020) 2,000-2,500 ryo each Poison-Laced Kunai (14-09-2020) 2,500-3,500 ryo each Twin fangs (14-09-2020) 3,000-4,000 ryo each Religious Katana (14-09-2020) 3,000-4,000 ryo each Black fan (14-09-2020) 3,000-6,000 ryo each Snake Rope Belt (14-09-2020) 4,000-6,000 ryo each Veiled Sakkat (14-09-2020) 4,500-7,500 ryo each Red Scarf (14-09-2020) 7,000-15,000 ryo each Great Grandfather's Muramasa (Usually just sold to the shop for 7,500 ryo) (14-09-2020) 8,000-9,000 ryo each Arms Bandages (14-09-2020) 20,000-30,000 ryo each Gloves Knuckle (14-09-2020) 20,000-40,000 ryo each Shirokata (14-09-2020) 40,000+ ryo each Dark Bandit Blade (14-09-2020) 50,000+ ryo each Ragged Bandit Pants (14-09-2020) 60,000+ ryo each Oriental Fan (14-09-2020) 80,000+ ryo each Tonfa (14-09-2020) 90,000-120,000 ryo each Blood Katana (14-09-2020) Picture: TBA 120,000-150,000 ryo each Kotsuzui Tanto (14-09-2020) 200,000+ ryo each Blood Tonfa (14-09-2020) 250,000-350,000 ryo each Festival Items: Black Dragon Festival Mask Price: TBA Red Dragon Festival Mask Price: TBA Event HQ Items: Stylish Sword (14-09-2020) 6,000-10,000 ryo each (Un)Hooded Robes (Various Colors) (14-09-2020) 6,000-10,000 ryo each Hermit Forehead Protector (14-09-2020) 6,000-10,000 ryo each Sashed Kimono (Various Colors) (14-09-2020) / 15,000-20,000 ryo each Limited-Time Tradable Cash Stop Items: Purple War Armor (14-09-2020) 4,000-6,000 ryo each Gold Furred Armor (14-09-2020) 5,000-10,000 ryo each White Hermit Cape (14-09-2020) 8,000-12,000 ryo each Ceramic War Armor (14-09-2020) 50,000-60,000 ryo each Date and time notation is written in European Format: "DD-MM-YYYY"
    46 points
  8. Dear Ninja, It's been months since the last development log as usual. Since the game is already released, often times it makes more sense to just release things rather than spend time explaining what we will release or have released. The content speaks for itself! Since today has been a rather productive day already, I wanted to take some time off from patching the game to talk about the current plans for Advanced Masteries and the content on it's way. We have a lot planned and here's a short roadmap (with no ETAs). Planned Updates with no ETAs 12 Guardians Ninja for Leaf village This is the Leaf equivalent of 7 Swordsmen of the Mist and the Puppets Brigade for Sand. 12 Guardians will wear a sash that will increase their stats while worn. Finishing the remaining 3 Clan Outfits! Amazingly, thanks to the contribution of our artists and players who have mostly commissioned other artists to do custom clothings for their clans, we've completed 12 out of 15 of our clan's looks. Arbitrary Level Cap Increase from 50 -> 60 The level cap will first increase from 50 to 60, with some caveats. There will be no new content released along with this, and nobody is expected to grind this out. There will be a level 50 quest line coming in the next round of updates that may take awhile. Here's where things get a bit interesting. From level 2-50 you gain 5 stat points per level, however, once you past level 50, you gain 4 points per level. Once you past level 60, you gain 3 points per level. This is a complete explanation.. 2-50 - 5 points per level 51-60 - 4 points per level 61-70 - 3 points per level 71-80 - 2 points per level 81-90 - 1 point per level 91-100 - no points This may sound confusing, because why is it that it's becoming less rewarding to level past 50? This is to balance PvP at a mid-level rather than all the way at the end game. Or simply put, the stats rewards is purely based on this philosophy: "A lower level player should stand a chance against a high level player" Or in simpler terms "A level 50 should be able to fight a level 100 without feeling it impossible, a level 70 should have a fighting chance against a level 100 and a level 80 should find it very easy to outplay a level 100." Or in simpler terms "Gai Sensei should have a chance to defeat Madara" Or "Naruto should be able to fight Zabuza" The reason why I've decided to raise the level cap arbitrarily is because of this progression plan: 1-9: Academy Student Phase 10: 1st Mastery 30: Summon / Cursed Seal 35: Last Jutsu of 1st Mastery 50: 2nd Mastery 61: 1st Advanced Jutsu 75: Last Advanced Jutsu 90: "Max Level" So if at level 10, you pick Water Mastery, between level 10-35 you learn all your Water Jutsu. Between 35-50, if your time as a fully complete Water Ninja. But the moment you pick your 2nd Mastery at level 50, you don't have any time at all to learn Jutsu, instead you can have all the jutsu of your second mastery immediately. So if you learn Earth Mastery at level 50, and there isn't a buffer period from 50-60, there will essentially be no time between you going from Level 49 Water Ninja to Level 50 Water, Earth, Wood Ninja. So these levels are still fine to raise before adding Advanced Masteries. Land of Iron The Land of Iron will initially be rolled out as an extension of the game's world, with grindable enemies. But will not feature much else. Land of Iron Mission Arc The missions for this land of Iron will come after the place actually opens as purely a grind spot. Along with this, will come new drops, new clothings and perhaps new mini-games. Conclusion The purpose of this post was mainly to explain the coming increase in level cap and why Advanced Masteries / Combined Masteries will be absent in this level cap increase. None of these updates have an ETA on them, so they can come anytime between Soon™ and 2026. Somewhere inbetween may be the new Server revamp, Advanced Masteries, Combined Masteries. But I hope everyone enjoys today's updates! Regards, Ueda
    45 points
  9. Hayashi Attire Concept By: Yousei Reiketsu *Edited December 19, 2020* I was playing around with some concepts lately, After seeing a lot of the clans attires recently being imported into the servers I was inspired to attempt to make something neat of my own. The concept above derives from many vast inspirations. In this post Ill be breaking down each piece while providing additional backgrounds upon what slots are these concepts intended to fill, a brief description of them, as well as a little bit f background upon the process in which how these pieces came to be. Hope you enjoy them. Attire Components
    44 points
  10. Hey Ninja, Last month was a good month for Nin Online in a lot of ways, so I just want to express my thanks for the support and know that we're still trying our best to make Nin Online a more complete game day by day. It's a little bit of a stretch, but based on a number of factors, including financials, March 2019 was the best month for Nin Online since the launch of Open Beta in April 2017. It's the best month for new registrations in a year. It was the best month in terms of the size of the active player base hands down with days peaking at 100+ players (120+ even) and our slowest hours still having a strong 30-50 players online. In comparison, just a few months ago before solving the server issues plaguing the game, our player base was peaking at around 30-50 players. I can't understate how important having a stable game service is and was for Nin Online, and I just want to let everyone know that the future looks bright for the game, and the things that people are excited for have never been closer. Greetings from the Hidden Mist Village I also can't understate how more fresh faces, fresh ninja, add so much to the experience because each ninja in the Nin Online world is a living, breathing person with their own original character, and behavior. So if you've recently joined us, welcome to Nin Online! As many of you know, I've been sick for awhile (mostly better now). I've still been working, but I've not been handling as much support as I've used to. So it's surprised me that people are supporting the game so much. If anything, it's been reassuring. Thank you, Ueda
    43 points
  11. Dear Ninja, This new year marks a special time for Nin Online, as it'll be our first year of game service completed. For us, this is an important milestone, as for the previous 3 years of development, the game was running through alpha test cycles, where we could afford to be sloppy, mess things up, and wipe everything again and again. Thanks to @Seth, and with the help of @Suirad and @Robin, since Open Beta launched in April, we've kept the server online without any maintenance lasting more than a day, and we've avoided any hiccups that would require a wipe or major rollback. Despite it being hard to balance both development and maintaining a game service. 2017 was a surprisingly good year for development. Starting with the launch of Closed Beta in January, which saw the released of Sand Village, Bingo Books, Reworked Masteries, Reworked Tutorials, an expanded world map and Daily Missions. We then took the server down a month, and launched Missing Ninjas, Takumi Village and fixed problems found in the Closed Beta. Throughout the remainder of the year, we released an Introduction Scene for both villages, RP Missions, ANBUs, Neo-Akatsuki, a new User Interface, support for larger resolutions, Rebindable Keys, 4 new sub-masteries, 25 new unique Jutsus, we've introduced NPCs which can use Jutsus which we've used to create ninja mobs, 50+ new Mobs & NPCs, 100+ new items, we've expanded old maps to work in larger resolutions and expanded the size of the world with a bunch of new areas, we've spent countless hours reworking features so that they scale with an ever growing player base. There's been so much smaller changes and new content that it's hard to list everything down. We also have a lot of content that's half-way in the works, and will eventually see the light of day. I'd like to thank @Stephen for expanding the game's content through existing art and constantly giving his ideas and time to the game. I'd like to thank @Sezu for creating tons of new content and art with me and without me. I'd like to thank and welcome back @Akiro who've been a big help in taking care of the community since his return, our composer Justin West who has contributed a large amount of new tracks this year (some released and some not), I'd like to thank the rest of the staff team and lastly I'd like to thank all the Gold Ninja, and those who monetarily support the project regularly. However, in all of this, we've not managed to spend enough time actively hosting events. We've only did one combined Chunin Exam, and one for the Sand village. We've had smaller events along the way, but nothing as grand as our live streamed spectacle of a salt fest. The reason for this has mostly been because of how rough the 3rd Chunin Exams went. Hopefully, in 2018, we'll have the time and resource to focus on running regular events as originally planned. I'm still thinking about how much of it I can automate while keeping the essence of what makes this big event what is is. Regardless, Nin Online has been going strong, and I can safely say that this has been the most productive year of development to date and it couldn't have been possible without everyone's support. My thoughts in closing.. Nin Online is an extremely niche game, made for Naruto fans who aren't content with the kind of games we keep getting, like the web game or mobile games. Online games in this shape and form, in general, are a dying breed. To game companies, the money has long moved to quickly developed auto-play games on mobile, which is why you will never see a real Naruto Online but instead get games like Ninja Voltage. Realistically speaking, a game like Nin Online should not be able to exist because Nin Online does not make enough money to justify it's existence. That being said, the game still exists thanks to everyone who has donated to the game, and everyone who is a positive impact on the community, and will continue to exist for as long as we have that! Thanks everyone for listening to my rant! Look forward to lots more in 2018. Regards, Rory
    42 points
  12. Dear Ninja, (Updated: 10th April 2019) After 1 year of Chunin Exams monthly, we've decided to scale back on the frequency of Chunin Exams to build up more anticipation for each of them. As such, we will be alternating between hosting Chunin Exams and Wars on the first Saturday of every month. More information about war events coming soon! As it goes, every thing else remains the same, including the time of the event. May will be a War Event, June will be a Chunin Exam and so on..! As the start of a new initiative to fulfill the initial design of Nin Online's ranking system. Beginning April 2018, there will be a Joint Chunin Exam, where both Sand Ninja and Leaf Ninja will participate in, on the first Saturday of every month. Chunin Exams details The event registration will take place at 1pm EST and the entire event will commence at 1:30pm EST. It may last anywhere between 1 - 3 hours depending on how far our Genins make it. Participants are expected to stay throughout the event for the best chance at promotion. The registration location will be announced in-game each month, on the event registration time. Requirements You are to form your own teams of 3 before or during the registration phase. There is no level requirement! Academy Students are not allowed to participate, you have to promote to Genin rank if you want to participate. The entry fee for each team is 15,000 Ryo, prepare to hand over the in-game currency to Shiken during the registration phase after a GM has verified you through the gate. Chunin/Jonin can enter teams to help conduct better RP, increasing chances for promotions. However, entry fee will no longer be waived for teams with Chunin/Jonin team leaders. Missing Ninja cannot participate in the Chunin Exams. Kages of each village have the right to debar ninja from their village from joining. Valid reasons include (but not limited to) misbehavior, breaking treaties, disobeying commands. Rules & Regulations In order to run the event smoothly, your cooperation is required, as such, rule breakers will be kicked from the event which may result in his/her entire team's disqualification. Stay in character Unless you need to ask a serious question, stay in character during the event. Remain online and active If you choose to go AFK and you miss calls for you, we will not wait for you. If you disconnect, quickly reconnect and inform a GM. Follow instructions The GMs and myself will be giving instructions to follow throughout the event Nothing is prohibited unless stated first by the proctor. The GMs will give instructions on what is prohibited in that particular exam. For example, unless explicitly stated, Chakra Pills and Blood Pills are not banned from use. Tips for excellence While these aren't rules, it is recommended to try you best so that you have the best chance for promotion. Make good use of any time given to showcase your RP and your character. Dress for success. If you're a Sand Genin, dress like a Sand Genin. If you are a Leaf Chunin, dress like a Leaf Chunin. Build relationships with the other participants beforehand so that RP is unique. Stand out in your own ways. Use /e to emote (eg. /e watches the fight in excitement) Conclusion The 4th Chunin Exam will be the last grand spectacle Chunin Exam, as of moving into beta phase and running the game as a service, we have to steadily move towards running regular events rather than grand unique ones. I can't promise changes on each exam, but we will try as often as possible. Regards, Rory
    39 points
  13. Background: A man that got Abandoned by God since the Start. My name is Tormenta; adoptive son of @Hideo Hozuki, my biological parents fell in Battle, I never met them, they weren't the best humans either, my biological mother was a woman that was doing human-traffic, my biological father in the other hand was a schizophrenic that just wanted to open humans to "Study how their organs works" (Even though everyone knows it), the life with my stepdad Hideo was really harsh, on my childhood I was considered as a rogue ninja already since I was living with Mr Hideo, then I started to develop some sort of hate for the village that gave me the back. My childhood was really a surviving task everyday compared to other childs on the world; my whole day was doing hard jobs that forced me to get mature quickly, had to earn that bread everyday and Mr. Hideo was getting sick already, so, in my despair to help the man that gave me a place to call "Home", I started working as a thug for the big organisations that rules the underwold like Yakuza. With my good body, trained with the hard jobs and polished with the hard life, I started doing the dirty work, had an exepcional affinity fighting with the fists, made my way through using basic Taijutsu for quite some years, it helped me out to pay my stepfather's medical bills and for the very first time, eat real food. Then, the day that changed everything happened, the day I lost it all and then got something in return. Mr. Hideo passed away getting ambushed by the enemy faction's thugs, as I saw his body slamming the floor with a huge cut in his chest, I felt all the rest of my life falling apart with him. The man that raised me, the man I could call father, passed away in an horrible way, and he said the same thing He always used to say when I started in the criminal world life, "The one that kills with iron, dies by iron". He told me always to leave that kind of lifestyle and be a man of good, that whatever comes easy leaves easy, learned that the hard way. A new beginning. I left the criminal lifestyle, went to the Leaf to re-join as a former Ninja, kept following the way of the fist and trained the art of Gentle Fist; a style that goes all agaisn't my old style, one that is made to protect. Went to the medical school and studied the arts of Chakra infusion to heal others, in the Memory of Mr. Hideo. Started my own fishing business to earn money in a honest way. (Go and Like it ) Started guiding the new generations on the straight way, giving advices based on my past experiences, so they wouldn't do the same mistakes I did as a young one. Made my way back to my old town that saw me grow, now with a clearer view of the world, now with more experience about how everything works, now with more refined arts made to help, not to murder, now with a clear purpose; be the wise leader that the town needs.
    37 points
  14. Considering the danger zones as their own content (just as RP and Events would be considered a content category), it feels like there has been some neglect to what the zone offers, which can be seen in the recent decline of activity, specifically varied activity in the danger zones. By design, the danger zone accounts for all different forms of PvP, however as the game has evolved and the players' understanding with it, it feels like there is only one way to play inside these zones effectively, which at the moment is to bring as many numbers as possible (or not go out at all if you don't need to) and camp map swaps (which is by far the most effective strategy for winning fights). Personally I've played Nin for ~8 months actively, and during that time, played all kinds of content in the DZ (Solo hunting buffed/unbuffed, outnumbered fights, village raids, PvE, and missions to name a few). The problem: Gameplay is frustrating as it rewards clumped high numbers and mapswap camping, leaving other forms of DZ content neglected Current danger zones have very little incentive (I want to emphasise this, as it is different from the point below and will expand on it later) to go into There is no punishment or sense or urgency to push danger zones (players can effectively wait as long as they like before heading out) I will expand on each of these points, and offer a glossary of suggestions. Please note, this is not a criticism of dangers zones, it is more of a forum to suggest improvements to bring life to them. Please keep discussions on topic and take an objective viewpoint rather than a personal one so we can get points across Problem 1: High numbers (Clumped) + Mapswap camping Part 1: High numbers (Clumped) High numbers on their own are not an issue, infact they bring a more interesting outlook on the game. The problem is when large numbers are clumped. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is the 60 second death timer. The timer feels way too long considering the DZ maps are so small. A player can run from Dark spiders to South Tigers (a very significant coverage of the whole danger zone) in under 60 seconds. This becomes even more of a problem while fighting groups as once you are outnumbered, it does not matter how many people you kill as your kills can be revived with relative ease. Focusing medics is a viable strategy, however the punishment for running high medics in groups has no drawback since all groups are encouraged to have as many numbers as possible. Proposed solution: Reduce respawn timer in Danger zones from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. Safezone timers can stay 60 seconds. Part 2: Mapswap camping Mapswap camping is by far the most efficient strategy to kill any sized groups. For clarity, mapswap camping is when you are waiting on the edge of a narrow map, ready to unload all your jutsus when the enemy swaps into the map. The reason this works is because the enemy coming in cannot react while they swap in and many jutsus have no AoE limit. This inherently is not a problem, as it means with proper flanking, you can also corner the people camping the mapswap, if pushed from the other side, as shown below: The problem develops when you consider how dangers zones are layed out - there is a presence of corridors. A corridor is a map where once you have passed it, you cannot get back into any map above or below it until you pass it again. These are absolutely terrible for the danger zones and what facilitate mapswap camping as a viable strategy. The diagram below shows how corridors work: Each square represents a map in the danger zone. The red squares indicate corridors, and as shown, once you are holding one of these corridors, you cannot be flanked, and can effectively mapswap camp indefinitely, which leads to frustration and a stalemate from both sides. Proposed solution: Remove all corridors from DZ with the introduction of new maps. This would not only allow for outplay opportunity with big factions flanking one another, it would also allow for smaller hunting parties to use creative use of maps to evade opponents and bigger groups. IMO this is the single biggest change DZ's currently NEED. The diagram below shows an example of how new maps can be introduced to remove corridors: The full list of narrow corridors (these are the ones especially viable to be camped): Tanzaku Valley Leaf Tigers Mini Bottom CF Dark bridge Mist Bears 3 Mist Bears 4 Mist Foxes Mist Dragonflies Bears 2 Bandit Caves Bounty House (mainland) KB North Coyotes South Coyotes Takumi Tigers Takumi danger zone Problem 2: Current danger zones have very little incentive to go into Outside of missions (which become basically irrelevant once a player hits max level), bounty and the pure enjoyment for fighting, there is no incentive for the average player to enter a danger zone. This one I think can be fixed relatively quickly by offering more ryo incentives of going into danger zones without the requirement of players being in there. Proposed solution 1: @Ichika has already made a great post about this, I will link it here Proposed solution 2: Introduce a new mob map (suggestion would be the map left of snow wolves, but any new map equidistant from villages can suffice) where a relatively easy mob to kill (compare difficulty to between bears and hosts level). This mob drops an item exclusively used to sell to the shop for ryo (between 20-40 ryo) and commonly drops it (same way as hosts drop DNA). This would encourage players to actively leave the safezones to get consistent ryo rewards, at a higher risk - I use the word consistent because drops like DNA are not consistent, they must be sold to another player to make money. Problem 3: There is no punishment or sense or urgency to push danger zones (players can effectively wait as long as they like before heading out) There is no urgency at all to push danger zones. Compare this with for example raid points located at GD entrances, there is a sense of urgency where you must push, or lose something as a village. This applies to absolutely nothing inside the DZ (except gaining ground so they are not mapswap camped by another village :rofl:). Proposed solution: Honestly, I'm not sure. I would suggest something like raidpoints, but I'd like the community help on this suggestion. Conclusion The points mentioned above are in order of priority. I want to emphasise that these changes are very important to keep danger zones as enjoyable content. Many players enjoy nin specifically for content in danger zones and it's pretty much a part of every players gameplay. I hope you can give feedback on this forum post objectively and that relevant people like Rory and Erox as well as the other admin team not only see this, but give feedback on their thoughts about this, as well as the rest of the community. This post took a lot of effort to create, so please give me the same respect by keeping discussions on topic.
    37 points
  15. Dear Ninja, Embark on a journey to the northern section of the Land of Iron, where you will discover the capital of the land, Iron City. Ruled by a faction of Samurai that are oppressing the people, you will need to earn the trust of a group of rebels barricading the exit of the city and planning their attack! We're starting off 2021 with a new location, the Land of Iron. Arriving in the Nin Online world on 9 January 2021, Saturday. Expect the new location to come with a level 50-60 story arc, like the Land of Toads arc, that includes over a dozen new Quests, as well as new items, weapons, enemies, bosses and more! Hope you guys enjoy it! Regards, Ueda
    37 points
  16. 7 Swordsmen of the Mist Added The Swords Chamber behind the Mizukage office is now open to members of the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist. Once entered, they may claim their swords. The 7 Legendary Swords are available in exchange for 100 Ryo and 1 Daily Mission. They drop on death for others to pick up and sell for 100 Ryo. In the future, special missions will require you hunt for unique organization items such as Anbu Swords, Hunter-Nin Water Whips, 7 Legendary Swords etc. Balance of these weapons are all experimental, and are very likely to change, as with many things in this update. ANBU Swords Added Anbu Swords for both Leaf and Sand ANBU are now available in their HQs. They provide large stat bonuses above any other obtainable items in-game but are temporary as they drop on death. The swords are available in exchange for 100 Ryo and 1 Daily Mission. In the future, special missions will require you hunt for unique organization items such as Anbu Swords, Hunter-Nin Water Whips, 7 Legendary Swords etc. Hunter-Nin Water Whips Added Water Whips for Mist Hunter-Nin are now available in their HQs. They provide large stat bonuses above any other obtainable items in-game but are temporary as they drop on death. The swords are available in exchange for 100 Ryo and 1 Daily Mission. In the future, special missions will require you hunt for unique organization items such as Anbu Swords, Hunter-Nin Water Whips, 7 Legendary Swords etc. Neo-Akatsuki Rings Reworked Neo-Akatsuki Rings are no longer teleporters back to their HQ. The rings will now be accessories that grant large stat bonuses while equipped but drop on death similarly to the ANBU Swords and Hunter-Nin Water Whips. Twin Fangs art replaced and name changed to Twin Blades. The old Twin Fangs artwork is now used for "Kiba" sword for 7 Swordsmen of the Mist. Pink Blouse & Skirt Combo now available for Kunoichi (Female ninja) in Sand clothing store. 12 Guardian Ninja and Puppet Brigade organizations added (WIP: These will be the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist type organization for Leaf and Sand) PS: This is part 1 of a major update for official organizations. More you can expect next include Medical Organizations for each village with certain medical ninja bonuses, 12 Guardian Ninja for Leaf, Puppet Brigade for Sand. There will also be missions rewards for Organizations that are supposed to be pitted against one another. For example, ANBU might gain rewards for hunting Neo-Akatsuki Rings, while Neo-Akatsuki might gain rewards for retrieving Jichuuriki souls. Thank you Hoseki & KingPak for working hard!
    37 points
  17. Hello Nin Onliners and welcome to the Mastery Guide of Nin. This Guide will give you a rough summary of what each Mastery is about and the playstyles revolving said masteries. Also, the current High to bottom tier of each mastery. I will also update that tier list every month due to the "Metta" always changing. *Please Note: If you pick a mastery strictly because it is top tier at the moment or high in the Metta food change just keep it mind it does change. Choose a mastery because that's who your ninja character is not because it's the hot thing. Also this is my view on each mastery and not the actual lookout on them from Rory's perspective or the rest of the community so please don't bash or slander what is said here but simply provide positive feedback until the topic is locked.* List of all Masteries Fire Water Earth Medic Lightning Weapon Master Wind Taijutsu Bubble ------------------------------------------- Tier List Tier S - Weapon Master (Int), Fire, Wind, Tier A - Water, Lightning, Earth Tier B - Int Medic, Chakra Medic, Tier C - Bubble, Fan, Taijutsu, Gentle Fist, Weapon Master (Str) Tier D - *Fire/ Int Weapon Master has been moved to S tier due to the high damage they can do in a burst now. Bubble moved to a High C tier/Lower B tier due to its melee damage scaling properly and Kunais as well as the coming buff. Fan, taijutsu, gentle fist, and str weapon master is now C due to the current stamina system * Also, this Tier list is how I see them and not the collective of the community. Tier List is also Subject to change along with the Meta. ----------------------------------------------- Fire - Fire is one of Nin's most original masteries and was one of the first created in the game. Fire mastery is used a lot by new players and experienced ones due to the fact that their abilities have a lot of Crowd Control with long range and High Base Damage. The Jutsus of the fire mastery can damage multiple opponents at once and cause a Damage over Time Burn status to who is hit increasing the damage output of that jutsu. Fire is GREAT for training and farming for items in the game. The downside to using fire however is that the jutsus take a moderate amount of chakra to use and several of the jutsus require you to cast, aim, and you can even get self-stunned from using them. Water - Water is one of the most balanced masteries Nin can offer and has nice utility with its jutsus. Water has some of everything that everyone likes when it comes to playing the game. Crowd Control, Stun, and Knockback are things people like and this is where you can get it. Water is great for training and it's jutsus aren't as hard to land as some of the other masteries. Water has a second substitution jutsu which comes in handy with escaping and has a stunning jutsu called Water Prison. Water is overall balanced in terms of damage and chakra cost making it new player friendly and easy to use. The downside of water is that Water prison takes a while to master so don't expect to land it in fights at levels 1 and 2. Water Shark is also terribly hard to land due to you needing to stand still and cast it giving your opponent time to evade the move. Bubble - "Who's your bubble buddy? That's right I am!" Bubbles utilize a weapon known as a Bubble Pipe which can only be used as a Neo - Mist Ninja. These Pipes require 20 strength and allows you to place bubbles on the ground that snare opponents. Bubble users aren't the best damagers at moment but that may change in the future who knows! Bubble has quite the utility ranging from several jutsus that stun such as Great Bubble Shark, Soap Bubble, and Bubble Spray! These jutsus will keep you snare locked and make you think twice about running into a bubble. We have SpongeBob beat at blowing bubbles because ours are deadly! Moderate Chakra Cost, Average Damage, and Great Support/Utility is what this mastery brings you. You also have a deadly Bubble Clone that hits like a truck but can easily be popped by a needle so WATCH OUT!! Bubble Pipe can only be used with the water mastery now. Choose your path Wisely. Earth - Earth is 1 of the most crowd control-oriented masteries and most defensive mastery in the game. Earth allows you to knockback, snare, and slow several opponents at once with its jutsus and even gives you the ability to create an Earth Wall which can repel most if not all ranged attacks until it's destroyed or disappears. Earth has 1 of the best AOE Snaring jutsus in the game as well called Earth Prison which allows you to bind several opponents at once at given levels. Earth revolves around team play mainly due to its innate nature to Crowd Control everything it also has great synergy with almost every elemental mastery. The down side with earth is the Chakra cost on a few of the moves and the need to stand still to cast the jutsus. If you can manage with that its good. Lightning - The Mastery that rules Stuns; Lightning is a deadly mastery but takes a lot of skill to use solo. Lightning has 4 stunning jutsus one of them being the famous Lightning Cutter Technique that sets up for outstanding combos and does great damage. Lightning is great in 1v1 battles and team battles due to their stuns and the little crowd control that they have from the jutsu Lightning Current. Lightning cutter also sets up combos for teammates. Training wise lightning is a little slower than most masteries due to not having not as much Crowd Control. It's more of a single target mastery. The downside of lightning is that the jutsus require precision and timing to land certain moves and requires a decent amount of chakra as the moves cost quite a bit. Wind - A strong wind that can blow you away! Wind is a mastery that consist of High damage and Long range techniques. Jutsus Like drilling air bullets or vacuum sphere has high damage and long range going up to 15 tiles away. Wind requires great accuracy when using it's jutsus with moderate to high chakra cost. The highest chakra costing jutsu cost 52 chakra but does high damage as a result. Wind also has the ability to knockback the opponent but again only if you can land the jutsu. If you're from the Neo-Sand Village Wind also has a sub path which uses Fans and the strength stat instead of the intelligence stat. Fan - Fan is a mastery than uses tools to blow strong winds and force you to fly in the direction they want you to. They have Close to Mid Range fighting capabilities and if you take them lightly they will make you pay for it. Using signature jutsus like Slashing Tornadoes to set up combos and knocking enemies back and slowing them with skills like Wind Mask make them a threat. Moderate Chakra Cost with great damage. A little slower than other masteries but the burst damage is great. They can cause bleeding with slicing winds from a distance and create cyclones right in front of them. With great crowd control and the use of a fan you'll have a hard time getting close to them. You better pray they don't have a blue fan also because if they do Lord help you. Fan can only be used by Wind users now Choose your path Wisely. Medic Int - Sinner and Saint; Medics keep the game going and keep the players surviving any creature or opponent they face. Medics have 2 different playstyles with the Intelligence path revolving around Poisoning their opponents and the Chakra path which supports his teammates and himself through heals while dealing moderate damage. The Poison path for medics is a grueling path early on due to the need for tools to cast 1 of the jutsus, but as you progress it gets moderately better as you unlock 2 other poisoning jutsus that help with training that cost nothing but chakra. this path also allows you to learn Curse Mark which allows you to boost all your stats by a set percentage based off your overall chakra. As a poison medic you also have better synergy and a better chance at getting a mastery that works well with it mainly an elemental. Due to recent changes however you can not use this path and cast healing techniques on teammates as they share cooldowns so decide properly in the middle of combat. If you're ok with using only 3 jutsus to deal damage you will survive the grueling training, but if you can not then my friend its ok for there is always another path to take. Chakra -The Chakra path for medics has it harder early on than the other path due to you needing tools to level until level 15 where you get chakra scalpels. Chakra Scalpels will be chakra medics main source of damage as well as Throwing Senbon. The Chakra path can apply a lot of pressure in combat due to the need to not charge chakra as often as most people in the game. They can also solely focus on 2 stats; HP and Chakra which makes them a force to be reckon with. However, if you cannot land melees or Senbon the other path may be better for you because this path takes more skill to deal damage but on the bright side your healing abilities will make you a nuisance throughout the game. Choose your path Wisely. Weapon Master Strength - What's hotter than someone with a sword? Strength weapon masters have the ability to use swords to hack and slash at the opponent and dwindle down their HP using sword-based attacks. Harder time training due to needing to be in close range to land blows but if you can stick it through weapon masters are great in the end game experience and in Combat against other players. Feeling bored? You can always get some friends and go fight bosses to achieve a stronger and better sword! In the future weapon masters combined with elemental masteries will gain enhanced sword abilities that give their swords other little things like burn, stun, knockback, slow and so on. There is always a new sword coming out as well so never be bored as there are continuous bosses to fight or bosses to be added they drop new swords. Weapon Master Intelligence - The Intelligence path for weapon masters is mainly played as a second option and not a first. Reason stating...RYO! This mastery is a money sink and if you don't have the money or the means to make the money to use this path of the weapon mastery then don't go it. However, if you can handle the costly need for ninja tools to use your jutsus this mastery is great! Low Chakra cost, Great Damage, and Great Crowd Control is what this path offers. You also have the ability to set traps in preparation for raids or to block enemies from getting through locations. This path excels in team gameplay due to these traps but is tougher to use in 1v1s as the opponent can just avoid your traps. This path also has some of the nicer animations and cool tricks for example: Shadow Shuriken warps you to your opponent if you land it. Exploding Kunai causes a nice size explosion when maxed and it hits someone or something dense. Choose your path Wisely. Taijutsu Agility - Agility Taijutsu use to be one of the best masteries and still is if used correctly. It offers a second substitution jutsu to evade jutsus, knockbacks that can interrupt casting, low cooldowns, a stun, and consistent DPS. Moves like Seismic Dash combined with Body flicker gives you the opportunity at easy damage and low cooldown moves like Breaking Kick offer you the ability to continuously pressure your opponents into a corner as you rush them swinging your fist and your legs in this case. 2 of its other jutsus offer great range and 1 of them even stuns the opponent for a slight second! If you build your character correctly you can even combine it with elements like Water (Tai Water FTW) or Fire. The best synergy with this mastery is Medic due to Chakra Scalpels and Agility working together to give higher damage output when punching your opponent. The downside of being agility taijutsu is that the jutsu damage/scaling isn't as good as the other masteries as well as the mastery not having any other mastery that is based off agility. Taijutsu Strength - The sub path of agility taijutsu is its strength counterpart called Gentle Fist. Gentle Fist has higher base damage/scaling and a good variety of jutsus. Jutsus like 16 Palms if landed can silence your opponent for x duration and drain their chakra over time causing them to constantly need to charge. They also have Rotation which allows them to knockback opponents if surrounded but this jutsu you don't get until you are higher level and train one of the other jutsus to achieve it. Some of the other jutsus of this sub path cause knockbacks and stuns as well but give a higher damage output than its brother Agility taijutsu. Focusing more on burst damage than DPS this mastery can offer some good follow ups. Downsides of this path is that it only has 1 substitution and its the basic one so you only have 1 chance to evade a jutsu. This mastery also has higher chakra cost than the other path with a couple jutsus that have cast times. On the bright side because you are strength based, you can combine this mastery with the likes of Strength weapon master to maximize damage output. However there is no advancement if you combine the two but there will be advanced gentle fist in the future. Choose your path Wisely.
    34 points
  18. Hello Ninja! My name is Wolf, I'm the new Developer working on Nin, My jobs currently consists of remaking the software powering Nin Online and then further upgrading it! Some of you may already know me, and may have even played on the new server I made.. The new test server which as I write this is online and fully playable, Is a completely rewritten server built with modern development tools. I wont go deep into the technical details about this now, But basically both performance and stability will hopefully be greatly improved, but most importantly it'll break us free from limitations placed on us by the old engine which is extremely dated. We plan to replace the server application as soon as we can. However an exact date is unknown as of now, as we have a few more issues to work out. This upgrade will not wipe any existing data, don't worry! The plan is to install this new server without affecting the game in any way besides improved performance initially, and then further improve it from there. If that's all old news to you, that the server is being remade, read on! This development log is actually not just about the server. We're also going to be previewing the new client in development using the Unity Engine! The new client is still heavily in development, but already has improvements from the current one. Some Clips: 7c40cfc8ecc51bd89b2bbb13b6413e3a.mp4 122c47da0c2fb868afbd46bb9a678085.mp4 122c47da0c2fb868afbd46bb9a678085.mp4 Some Pictures: Looking at these images and videos you may think its just a weird stripped down version of Nin Online, and that's kind of what it is at the moment. It has a long way to go, But this new client already includes some things the old client could never do, No spoilers But the biggest thing we've noted, is performance! This client idles on around 300+ fps on my machine in Leaf Village, to give you an idea just how much better that is, the old client runs at 40-50 fps on my machine. That being said, not everything is loaded at the moment. So whats done so far? It may look simple enough, display some graphics, make a character walk around, but this isn't what the client is doing.. The client can connect to the server, Load all the server data, see Maps, walk around, attack, See other players, see NPC's, fight NPC's, see animations and effects, and some other minor things. There's still a lot that isn't implemented such as NPC Dialogues, Projectiles, Chat, Inventory, Hotbar, Targetting, Jutsu and all the menus just to name a few. So don't expect this client to replace yours any time soon. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon! Regards, Wolf
    33 points
  19. Dear Ninja, The Problem In Mid-2019, when attempting to run a Inter-village Joint Chunin Exam, and subsequently a War Event, we found ourselves in a situation where we could not continue those events due to the server crashing because of the increased load on the server software/application. As some of you might know, Nin Online was built on top of an engine that was built in the 90s, using a programming language that is very outdated, Visual Basic 6 (VB6). Not for no reason, in 2013, this engine was the only viable choice to build a game like Nin Online available open source. The engine that Nin Online was built on was a fork of Mirage Source called Eclipse Engine, which was built by @Robin. From that point on, I knew that the growth of the player base would be unsustainable on our current VB6 server software, and started moving all of our resources into resolving this issue as a priority. The Conversion Project History It's been a long journey to get here, but we're finally in the final stages of using our new server software rewritten in a modern programming language. This is not the end of the project to enhance the server, infact, it's a new beginning. This long project has seen multiple attempts, the earliest works on it began in late 2018. But with the addition of a new member to our team, @TheWolf who has been working with us since February this year, we've managed to get it to a point we think it is capable of replacing our old server software completely. The project consisted of many stages, and we have a lot of people to thank for their contributions. Including @Seth for leading the charge for the project in the majority of 2019. At that stage, we were trying to convert the server from VB6 to VB.NET, but it ran into a lot of issues. Issues that we learned from and restarted in February 2020, with mainly Wolf and myself working to get it converted from VB6 to C# this time round. Seth also jumped in a couple of times to lend a hand in this new version, being more familiar with the Authentication Server's code base than anyone else. We also got a lot of advice and help from @Robin whom helped us each time the project ran into a dead end. As well as @Suirad for creating a whole application to convert our VB6 binary data into readable JSONs which we then converted to C# binaries format. The Benefits of this Project Immediately, we expect everyone to feel noticeable improvement to the game, less hanging, more smooth combat. But the real reason we needed to move is that VB6 was simply too limited in features, and it's outdated IDE made it hard for us to debug problems like the crashes that were happening with too many players online while hosting events, as it gave us little information to work with. Thanks to this new server software built in Visual Studio/C# we can use state of the art tools to solve these issues as well as continue to optimize the performance to scale better. On top of all of that, there was always the fear that eventually Windows would stop supporting Visual Basic 6 runtime although highly unlikely in the near term, it will down the line happen. So moving to a modern code base means we are future proof. This is just the start.. We are going to continue to optimize the server in radical ways which will bring about better performance! With this fancy new server, it'll be easier than ever to add more on top of it, including new features and revamping old ones. During the time which the server has been the main focus, I've also been working on content updates for when the New Server Software is finally operational, so expect some content updates soon! Wolf is also in the midst of rewriting the Game Client in Unity C# which will then mean that Nin Online will be fully modernized! TL;DR New server software is up now, it was a lot of work, this means Nin is more than 66.6% modernized now. only our client remains. That's in the works. Content updates coming soon. Regards, Ueda
    33 points
  20. Hey Ninjas, It's been a long time since I've made a development log. Though there has been so much progress going on. I finally decided to do one regarding a new jutsu which has had a very unique development process. For awhile now, I've been resting on completing the Jutsu kits for all our 1st Tier Masteries and focusing development on the Sand Village and other aspects of the game. But with the Sand Village coming to completion, I'm moving some of my time back into developing our kits to it's completion. We've had this piece of art @Fernando made, lying around for almost a year, which both of us found very hard to animate in 2D. Most of our Jutsu animations are usually pixel art animations, which mean they are done pixel by pixel, but for the first time in Nin Online history, I decided to use my 3D art skills to create a Jutsu animation. The task at hand was to create a Spiked Exploding Ball for Weapon Masters. So first of all what I did was create a simple 3D model of a ball with knife sticking out of it. This is Autodesk Maya and the model I made in a few minutes Next I textured the model with a simple texture of metal and an explosive tag on both sides. Next I made a simple looping rotating animation for it. Our 2D sprites are all shaded in a method called Cell shading, or Toon shading in Maya. So I used a shader to get this look. And finally, once I rendered it out and did some post-editting, I achieved this! It's a complex animation that fits in our game's artstyle and makes weapon masters that much more awesome! Hope you guys enjoyed this dev log entry! If you guys have any part of my art creation process you'd like to know more about in-depth, feel free to suggest it and I can try to document it in the next development log. Regards, Rory
    33 points
  21. Shikate's Development Log Here we will talk about combining your shape and chakra manipulation to create awesome earth jutsus. Are you ready my dear doton users? I'm sure you can't wait to learn! But first, let me introduce myself. My age is 16 and I come from Poland. I have been spriting since 2009 and I'm chosen to take care of developing jutsus for Nin Online! Aren't you sleeping yet? I hope so. Let's get started! Doryuu Heki A basic defending technique. That's what earth jutsus are, aren't they? Just remember that trapping yourself is not a way to run! Doryuu Taiga Have you ever dreamed of getting drown in a milk chocolate river? The jutsu is quite similar, unfortunately, we have replaced chocolate with mud Doryuudan Of course some of you might be perfect at Doton style. What would you say about mixing your Katon and Doton chakra to create something even greater? Shakugaryugan That advanced type of chakra will win fights for you! Okay guys, I hope that I'm not that awful at learning! Be sure to comment my development log and keep the topic alive! Thank you for your attention
    32 points
  22. February 2020 PromotionsLeaf Village Jonin: @Hawt Chunin: @Ichika @Hadashah @Dangan Sand Village Jonin: @Mana @Booty Gang Pinku Chunin: @Beat @Small @Peperoni Johnson Specialized Jonin: @Ayo for exemplary Medical Ninjutsu usage Mist Village Jonin: @Carolinne @Adult Sasuke Chunin: @Leiting @Amatizu @ExiledKyoho @Shiv
    31 points
  23. Dear Ninja, Although the Clan system is still quite awhile away, since I'm making the changes to display name policy. I should quickly explain why we're going this route for Clans. It has been the plan all along for clans to be a selection of presets, unlike Organizations, which players can make and join. What Clans are in the Ninja World When designing the clan system, the first thing I want to look at is what clans are supposed to be. In most cases, a clan is a family. When there is a structure, a leader, an elder, and there is still a clan house or home. It's a bloodline in some cases, when there are few remaining ninja in your clan, and there is no longer a family structure, we know it as a bloodline. You trace your special abilities back to a bloodline lineage. We know ninja from a some clans can potentially learn special jutsu passed down through their clan, and ninja from other clans sometimes have bloodline limits that can give them special abilities naturally - like doujutsu (eye jutsu). Clans can be small, but they can also be large. They tend to stay within the village, but can decide as a whole to turn their backs on the village sometimes, and have small subsets remain. Clans don't pop out of nowhere. They are ingrained in a village's history, when generations die, generations below still continue their legacy. So I took all this into consideration for Nin Online's Clan system. What Clans will be like in Nin Online (Not Anytime Soon™) Do note: All of this is subject to changes, I am still deciding a lot of things regarding WHEN you choose clans. There is a chance we might do it later in the game and not at character creation for example. On character creation, you select from a variety of clans of that village. Each clan will have unique outfit(s), and a default hair color or eye color recommendation. Some clans will have fixed eye colors for their unique doujutsu (eye jutsu). Some clans don't have eye jutsu and do not limit your hair colors. (All of these colors are still changeable in-game with the premium eye color changer - take those as colored contact lenses and rainbow hair dye - hair dye literally, but your character's natural hair color is always your clan's) Having a manageable number of presets per village will allow me to give each clan unique jutsu and outfits, because it will become a sustainable feature. If clans were player made, they would not be able to get these things because we cannot infinitely add more clothes into the game for every player clan made. This would be unsustainable for me as an artist and for our server which cannot infinitely add more items. Every clan outfit is one less important that everyone else can wear in-game. It will also allow us to create clan houses for each clan, where you could learn your new clan jutsu and get clan clothing pieces. Having preset clans will create belonging for new ninja, and make it so you have to work together as family. We'll be able to see special RP occurrences like an entire branch of a clan decided to leave their village and become a sub-set of their clan as criminal missing ninja. You might see that older players are less accepting of new members in a clan and do not work together to create a welcoming clan. This will cause splits in the clan. Whereas in clans where the senior family members have good structure and are welcoming will be more holistic and united. We will see clans that dominate the politics in their villages and clans that feel underappreciated and leave. New ninja who choose that clan in the future will also be more likely to join their kin as missing ninja as being a ninja from that clan would lead them to being ostracized by their village. The way "clans" in Nin Online are right now, you see players who form their family name and have people change their name to join them. It doesn't feel permanent, unlike what a family should be. Having a limited selection of permanent clans that will remain around indefinitely will make it so that each clan will potentially have a large number of family members. Instead of 5 or 6 player-made clans with 10+ members that see maybe 5-6 online at a time. I'd love to give the chance for current pre-made clans to have their clans turned into one of the preset clans for their village. This will most likely be the case. I will of course have my own ideas that I might want to impose onto the clan's overall aesthetic and name (got to keep them as lore friendly with the other clan names) and of course, I will be the one to decide what clan gets what jutsu as that falls into balance. I hope this gives you a better idea of the vision for the in-game clan system of the future. Don't get your hopes up on when you'll see any of this anytime soon! Regards, Rory
    31 points
  24. Dear Ninja, You are invited to join the 4th Chunin Exams on the 3rd March 2018. This will be a Joint Chunin Exam, where both Sand Ninja and Leaf Ninja will participate in! Missing Ninja are not allowed to participate. Chunin Exams details The event registration will take place at 1pm EST on 3rd March and the entire event will commence at 1:30pm EST. It may last anywhere between 1 - 4 hours depending on how far our Genins make it. Participants are expected to stay throughout the event for the best chance at promotion. The registration will take place in the Sand village Chunin Exam registration hall, as it will be using the Sand village's facilities. Requirements You are to form your own teams of 3 before or during the registration phase. There is no level requirement! Academy Students are not allowed to participate, you have to promote to Genin rank if you want to participate. The entry fee for each team is 15,000 Ryo, prepare to hand over the in-game currency to Shiken during the registration phase after a GM has verified you through the gate. Teams that are registered along with a Chunin/Jonin Rank Sensei will have their entry fee waived. However, the Sensei must stay throughout the event and may only enter one team. Missing Ninja cannot participate in the Chunin Exams. Kages of each village have the right to debar ninja from their village from joining. Valid reasons include (but not limited to) misbehavior, breaking treaties, disobeying commands. Rules & Regulations In order to run the event smoothly, your cooperation is required, as such, rule breakers will be kicked from the event which may result in his/her entire team's disqualification. Stay in character Unless you need to ask a serious question, stay in character during the event. Remain online and active If you choose to go AFK and you miss calls for you, we will not wait for you. If you disconnect, quickly reconnect and inform a GM. Follow instructions The GMs and myself will be giving instructions to follow throughout the event Watching the Chunin Events Live More info TBA Conclusion This Chunin Exam is set to be a little more forgiving. Here's hoping that all the veterans and some newer players join the ranks as Chunins! Jonin Promotions inbound! Regards, Rory
    31 points
  25. Village Special Abilities! Born and raised in the Leaf village, Leaf Ninja all have a Will of Fire, an undying determination to keep on fighting. When you faint, within the first 10 seconds of fainting, there is a 5% chance that you will get back up to fight again! Being a small village, the Sand village trains it's ninja to be adept in stealth over pure strength. All Sand Ninja are Born Assassins that are able to use Cloak of Invisibility perfectly. They can however, still be dispelled by someone with a high chakra ability - Sensory Technique. Trained by their element, the Mist village starts all of it's academy students fighting on top of water filled arenas where they learn to charge and maintain their chakra while standing on water.
    30 points
  26. Dear Ninja, First of it's kind rant Dev log. Balance is hard. Everyone has a favorite kind of ninja they want to be, and in an anime/manga, you don't have to consider balancing it in any legible way. When initially designing each mastery, I had a vision for it to affect the players gameplay heavily, for them to be good in certain scenarios, weak in others and also plan unique training experiences for them. For example, as a Tools Ninja, you would have a unique advantage in battles where you could prepare in advance by placing traps. You would have a harder time in spur of the moment battles or ambushes. You would also spend a lot more ryo on tools, hence have a harder time leveling up. As a fire ninja, you would have a big advantage in small arenas. Without any meaningful crowd control, you would rely heavily on AoE and landing your jutsu, which would be more easily done when there is little place to run. The large open world of Nin Online has little tight spaces besides bridges and valleys, but as new arenas are used for more chunin exams, maybe we'll see arenas where this mastery and others shine more. Sword ninja and Fan ninja are the only mastery where you need to hunt for your weapon. As more boss fights come, you will hunt for better weapons with better stats. I got a message from somebody saying tool ninjas were unbalanced because it was too broken because they OP when they can prepare for fights but are useless when they are fighting unprepared.. Good job me? My point is that there's a special place for each mastery in the games balance. The ideal end point is not where every mastery is balanced in a 1v1 fight or a 5v5 team fight. The end goal is for each mastery to have areas where it excels, and are weak in. Arenas where some will prosper and others fail. The end goal is not for support medics to have the same easy time training as Taijutsu ninja. The ideal balance is when each class feels like it has enough merit and fun points to be worth the training. There's a lot more to do, and always will be more I can do to improve the experience of each mastery. Sometimes tweaking values isn't enough, and sometimes it fixes things entirely. But there's more to balancing and game design than everything being fair in a 1v1 fight and I hope everyone who reads this gets my vision at least. PS: Typed on my phone right before bed. Ignore typos!
    30 points
  27. Hey Ninja, This week we'll be talking about the biggest change in the game since 2013. There are so many bookshelves in the game and it's been bothering me how they all have the same books in the same order, and I don't know if this bothered a single other soul, but It really bothered me. I actually designed the bookshelf tileset to be modular in 2013, but I never got the time to do a simple edit to make more varieties. Behold, more variation of bookshelves! Before / After (animated GIF) & that bin & that bin A more extreme example of a map with way too many of the same shelves previous.. & that bin tho More examples On a slightly more serious note, I actually added a bunch of new tiles into the game to make interiors more lively and maybe for that one or two cases, give people more to RP with. I know these are things the game doesn't need but I still want to do improvements like this because they make the world feel more alive to me. In the same way all the maps could've just reused all the same art and been clones of one another, and saved me a lot of time, I don't want to not make the art look good in every way just to save time. In the end, I want Nin to be something I'm proud of in every way. More small upgrades to other maps coming soon!
    30 points
  28. Introduction We're introducing a new testing stage for Nin Online, it is called Early Access Testing Phase. In this period, players will be able to play the game for a short period of time (15-60 minutes), such as to stress test to prepare for the Closed Testing Phase. Details How do you become a veteran? You must have Gold Ninja or Silver Ninja for at-least 6 months, be a friend or family member of one of the staff, or invest into the game. Investing basically means that you have contributed more than the required amount to play the game early such as a $25 or more, something which takes a lot of faith in the project to do and is something we appreciate a lot. This does not mean we're going to make the game P2W (pay-to-win), but it is a way to show gratitude to those who make the game possible. Also, the more that you donate to it, the greater chance that you will be selected. Those that have contributed $50 or more, will most certainly get in these tests. You will be given a special user group permanently called Early Access whenever you are selected to be apart of these tests. We will post a topic with a timer a week before the test, if you reply to it your chances of getting into the Early Access group will be strengthened, and the more constructive your reply is the better. Players apart of the Early Access group will be sent a mass personal message when the test is about to start usually within 1 hour, and it is up to you to be on when it happens. All accounts will be wiped for each test including the one before the Open Testing Phase. Date These tests will be at random times, and we will create a forum topic a week ahead of the time it will happen. Make sure to subscribe to the Gold & Silver Lounge forum to keep up-to-date on these testing periods. We will not mass email for these tests, it is only for people who are active on the forum.] If you get notifications for personal messages, you will get on in your email an hour before the test. No rewards will be given for testing, but it is a way to help the game improve.
    30 points
  29. What I am recommending is a alternative way to complete "player kill" missions such as WW / CBK in the form of a new Mob. This mob spawns in a dz near each of the villages, this mob auto attacks enemies who are not from that village, has mid tier difficulty (no insane dmg like the village bots), is considered a ww / cbk kill and spawns every 30 minutes. The Pro's: * An alternative way to do Waging War / Cold Blooded Killer missions when dz's are inactive. * Demotivates just killing alts as simply going to said map is a confirmed kill * Promotes entering danger zones even if you're not in a group, which in itself promotes less army's to enter danger zones as they're more likely to run into small / solo players trying to do ww / cbk *offers protection to lowbies farming in those areas The Con's: * Would very minimally dis-incentivize killing actual players, this would be very minimal though as the 30 minute timer still acts as a buffer to make killing real players more rewarding and the need to come near enemy villages would most likely still mean a net positive on PvP encounters. Thanks for reading.
    29 points
  30. Hey there! Im Fuze, some people know me from my youtube videos or maybe some of the work ive done for the game! Today i had some free time and tried this little concept out! Item rarities and different types of drops! How will this work? The base idea around this new mechanic would be that as you are grinding for these rare drops there would be a chance for the item to drop a different colored variant, pretty much the way @Antartalked about the shiny drops ! The items will have the same drop chance as the normal item and also no stat changes but as you move up to the prettier ones the drop percentage may decrease! Possible example Player A: (farms the bandit bosses for a while and manages to drop the black and white double arm bandages! Player A then goes on to sell the item for 100.000 ryo! (just an example) Later on Player B also manages to drop a pair of double arm bandages but not one of the rare variants so he goes on to sell it for 20.000 ryo! (just an example) Conclusion and final points of this post Giving the community focused economy a change and providing the players with more customizability! thanks for taking your time to read to my post, hope you like this idea and i am looking forward to seeing such changes ingame!
    29 points
  31. Before I start, can we please be civilized? If you disagree with something, it's completely fine just don't start dragging the person and their opinion. First of all we have the org problem. Our 12G buff is extremely underwhelming compared to what the other villages' orgs bring. They both have a lot of CC and in the 7sm's case, the stat buffs are quite literally broken. In the past few days, Sand literally proved that even with lower numbers their puppets can carry them to victory. I've been in 12G and I can assure you that most of us DO NOT want anything that is also BROKEN, we just want something to be able to compete with the other organizations mentioned above since clearly sheer numbers can't be the solution for everything. I'm sure fellow leafies have great ideas for a 12G ability. This screenshot shows how broken PB's puppets are and they're AOE. In maps like DB or KB, they make a HUGE difference. If you actually think this is fair then I don't know what to say at this point tbh. Secondly, our passive. Quite literally the most unreliable passive in the game. Don't get me wrong, WoF definitely saved me a couple of times and I doubt any leafies can say the contrary BUT since it's RnG you literally never know what's going to happen when you get it. It's literally a 5% chance but people still want to say that it's broken and the percentage is actually higher etc. The owner of the game literally said it himself. I think it's unnecessary to explain why WoF is bad at this point. Many leafies AND non leafies have said it. In a week I think I get like a total of 5 WoFs and I try to login every day, that should say a lot. I think it should be like a choice. You get 3 WoFs in a day (resets at daily reset) and basically you get up with 25% of your max HP and 15% of your max chakra. Or another idea: when your HP drops to like 200 HP, you get 50 hp back and a stat buff for 15 seconds. Please feel free to give other ideas too. If I missed something please add it @Ueda Please listen to us
    29 points
  32. 1 - Orders from the Mizukage are absolute. 2 - Respect and follow orders from higher ranked Mist ninjas. 3 - If you have an argument with a villager, and you are not able to solve it, contact a high rank Ninja (Council, Kage). 4 - It is strictly forbidden attacking or killing any Mist Ninja. (Obviously does not apply to spars, tournaments, etc.) 5 - Mist should always be your priority over anything (Organizations, friends from other villages, etc.). So it is forbidden to do anything that could endanger a Mist Ninja or the Mist village. 6 - You are not obligated to help each single Mist individual, unless there is a village combat going on (wars and raids). Then you must help your village. 7 - You are free to use identity concealing items inside the village, but if any Higher Rank Ninja requests you to show your name, you must obey. Breaking any rules will result in a punishment, decided by the Mizukage depending on the severity. About missings: - There is no way to leave the village under good terms. Once you went missing, you are a Mist enemy. - If you are a missing, and wish to return to the village, you must serve our village (in any way you are requested to do so, and for an indeterminate time) also show your skills in combat so the higher ranks can decide if your Skills are needed in our village. About alliances: - We have no allies at the moment. We are only loyal to ourselves, if you want to be nice to other villages, feel free to join them and get killed once you leave our village. THE BLOOD CHALLENGE: If there is any Mist ninja that you think should be exiled, you can try calling them for a Blood Challenge. It's up to them accepting or not your challenge, but if they do, you will fight and the loser leaves the village. Any Blood Challenge thats accepted, should be informed to the Mizukage so they can watch the fight (Best of three rounds). After it's done, the Kage will exile the loser. If you got exiled by the Blood Challenge, and want to come back, feel free to ask the Kage (after 1 month), which by agreeing, will set up a new challenge, where you'll be able to fight a Ninja chosen by the Mizukage. But this time, they won't get exiled if they lose. Mizukage's Memorial 1st Mizukage: @Kenock Shadow Council: @Ueda @Sezu -------------------------------------------- 2nd Mizukage: @Kureji Shadow Council: @Anborn @Deviax @VestaOrion -------------------------------------------- 3rd Mizukage: @Berserk Shadow Council: @VestaOrion @Kiara @Arufa -------------------------------------------- 4th Mizukage: @Feinz Shadow Council: @Zoomy @Blany @Kyuzo
    29 points
  33. Dear Ninja, Maybe this is going to be a tradition, maybe not.. but since I did one for 2017. Let's keep it going! Our second year of service has gone by! It wasn't the smoothest year.. with unending crashes beginning in the middle of the year all the way to November. It feels sad knowing so much time was spent trying to fix it, and so many potential players turned off by the interrupted services. During the time, we continued working on content, at a slower pace, while spending a lot of time looking into fixing bugs. We learned a lot from this, and we're sure this won't happen again. If anything, it was a costly lesson, and I'm still very sorry for all the inconveniences caused. You can read about that dilemma here, Despite all this, and despite still being behind in the specific goals for 2018. We managed to achieve a lot in development during 2018. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to shift focus to more pressing matters and jump around to work on things that aren't what we initially planned for. But all I can say is that, what was planned to be released in 2018 is well under way. We started off the year by attempting (and deciding to keep) hiding player names by default, and only showing them when hovered on. We had a discussion with the community in late 2017 and most players were receptive of the idea as it promoted stealth, focus on player's avatars and recognizing people by their appearance instead of just a name. This was a great change and I love how much more immersive the game is from a simple tweak. We added Toad Mountain into the world and shortly after released the level 30 quest line for Toad village! We added Rogue Ninja titles, Glasses Shops, Utility Shop for Sand, Jutsu Limits by Level, we rebalanced Jutsu to use stat requirements, we added Slows, Snares and Silences and rebalanced the game around them, and made Youthful Spring Technique actually make you move faster and added sensory technique. We introduced Bounty Missions where you finish by claiming bounty rewards! Added Monks in both villages sell Blessings for ryo. We introduced messenger missions. We rebalanced stat scalings in June. We rebalanced chakra charging and then did the biggest rebalancing of jutsu and masteries since Open Beta launched in 2017. Besides expanding the world with Toad village, we also expanded it with Tanzaku Quarters, and all the maps leading up to it, like the Valley of the End map! We improved exploration by making sure all doors you see that are open, are enter-able. We improved the design of the Sand village by revamping a large number of buildings with unique exteriors so they stood out from others. Introduced the Event Prize Room. We added Kumoroi's Lair and the Level 20-30 Boss Fight. We expanded your character's depth by introducing the Fortune Teller. To make it easier to navigate the larger world, we added World Maps and village Maps to help people get a better sense of directions! We also filled villages with trash - literally. We expanded RP by added the special Military Police Forces, which added a new village dynamic by giving a group of players power to detain other ninja. We also introduced all the Sand village Chunin Exam facilities. We added sitting animations so players could sit on chairs and RP scenes like being in a meeting. We added features like 0.5s, 0.1s stuns instead of the minimum stuns being 1s in the past. Battle injuries became visible graphically for everyone, with scars appearing on your body. Additive/Subtractive graphics allowed for us to make day look more vibrant and fogs look more evil. We added global variables to our server, which then allowed us to create cool features like Village Scores, Boss Dungeons and in-game election polls. We added larger than 1 tile hitboxes for enemies so we could give bosses large bodies. We added the feature to allow us to play different music for different times of day, which made our villages feel more alive in the day and peaceful at night. We added NPC vs NPC combat which allowed us to create Summons and Summoning jutsu! We normalized audios for the game to give the game a more consistent audio level and made all maps 1080p ready! We added Zoom functionality for better compatibility with large monitor resolutions. Misc. features like Twinking, Inventory Slots Expansions, Eye Changers, Walking Sounds, Hotkey Bar going grey when you're unable to cast, Taijutsu Weapons, Slowed Run Casts, Shared Cooldowns for similar Jutsu, Barrier Tags. We fixed Rubberbanding! Made the client work with DirectX9! We fixed the worst server crash that was plaguing Nin Online ever. and finally, we ended off the year with a one time Christmas X Halloween mash up event! In total we added 100+ new items including cosmetics, 30+ Maps , 50+ NPCs. This is only a brief overview of some of the more interesting things introduced in 2018. We have hundreds of other bug fixes, changes and additions you can read about in our Patch Notes starting on page 12! I also excluded content that is unavailable to players as of today, even though they are added. To end this all, I just want to thank everyone for sticking with us through 2018, and for joining us in 2018. Welcome to Nin Online! Regards, Ueda
    29 points
  34. I was hunting around trying to collect bounty and the main thing I notice is either, 1. It's a lowbie with no bounty, 2. It's 10+ people hunting together or 3. DZ is dead. So I had an idea, there can be a system implanted with this guy over here at the Land of Fire Bounty House. When you finish all your daily missions and talk to this guy right here he gives you 10 ryo, I think it would be nice if this guy right here gives you a Side Quest to complete which is to kill 10 ninjas and collect 500 bounty. Once you complete that quest, he gives you access to TP to a 1v1 sparring arena danger zone. Once he gives you access, there should be an NPC in every village which teleports you to the arena to fight. An NPC example can be someone like this right here, somewhere in your village The way it works is 1. You only get 3 fights a day to avoid people spamming it causing less activity in actual village raids/danger zone fights. 2. Each time you win you gain 10 rank points and each time you're defeated you lose 10 rank points, you can't go into the negative with the rank points and how the rank points work is, There's a leaderboard in every village which shows a list of who has the most rank points. (basically like how bounty book shows who has the most bounty, can look like this for example) Whoever is 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place gets a rewarded. First place obviously gains the best reward, then 2nd place gets the 2nd best reward then 3rd gets the 3rd best reward etc etc. (The rewards can be things like event coupons where even people who were 10th place still get a coupon for participation, it doesn't have to be event coupons though it could be ryo, items, or even throw in a special rare item now and then like an event tourney would.) 3. You can't fight someone that has a much more higher rank point than you, EX: Someone has 0 rank points and another person has 100 rank points, you cannot fight them. The reason why you can't fight them because there's skill gap between the players and the players should not be able to pick on a weak player to get free points or else it would end up like this. If there's a queue that's filled with players with 100 rank points and one player with 0 rank points, if the player with 0 rank points doesn't meet anyone that has nearly the same amount of rank points he does (0-30) then he will end up fighting someone with a higher rank point, if the guy with 0 rank points wins then he gains 10 rank points, if he loses then he wasted one of his turns/doesn't lose points even if he had 10 points. If the guy with 100 rank points wins then he doesn't gain any points but he doesn't lose a turn, but if he's defeated then he loses 10 rank points but a turn is not wasted. If a fight like this happens then they can't fight twice to avoid farming for points. The whole point of the rank system is so that people can fight people on their skill level and the best of the best will be on top of the leaderboard obviously. The rank point system can more fights look like this, basically close unpredictable fights due to people fighting people on their skill level (or at least it helps make people fight people closer to their skill level) 4. Minimum level requirement is level 40 to join, there can be a separate one for lowbies (levels 20-40) but if they don't add a separate one I think level 40 is a good requirement to join. 5. The matchmaking can available for like 3 hours a day, Ex: 3am EST til 4am EST, 2pm EST til 3pm EST, 8pm EST til 9pm EST. The whole point of this is because if the matchmaking is on 24/7 then players most likely won't be matched up together as much, but if there's a certain time to do it then a crowd of players will probably be waiting until that timer starts so they can all join. 6. The way the Matchmaking works is once you talk the NPC, then the NPC teleports you to the arena where the fight will take place and you wait until a match has been found. While waiting you can see the other players who are waiting/fighting. This photo is an example. (This doesn't have to be the arena it's just an example) Once a match is found both players are teleported to arena with full chakra/hp and 10 second immunity for prep time (no they can't move around or start trapping up they are just stuck in one place facing each other with 10 second immunity like this) Org buffs are not allowed for obvious reasons, same with toad oils/chakra pills/summons. Basically the basic Nin tournament rules should apply to this right here as well. 7. Similar to the Best Dressed Ninja Contest where there's a winner every 15 days, The Leaderboard of the rank points can be reseted every month. The types of fights can be changed within the months as well, Ex: May 1v1s,June 2v2s,July 3v3s etc. Teams share the same rank points so if they find a new partner their rank points will be reseted. Ex: Ichika teams with Reality and win fights, they have 20 rank points, Ichika then starts a new team with Noboru but they start off with 0 points. I think the pros of this are: Fun event like the raid point feature that was added in the game not too long ago, Danger zone kills so if you got a bounty mission/waging war, you could do this event and maybe gain some bounty/kills, and it's competitive which makes players want to train hard to reach the top of the leaderboard. Shout out to @Sky @Haste @Scooby Doo for joining in on some of those screenshot examples.
    28 points
  35. My fellow Ninjas, the time of peace is upon us.. and I hate it. Villagers walking around their village without a care in the world, sand ninja are getting a year long tan at their GD. Leaf ninja are having picnics at their local square. Mist ninja can't see through the fog so they sit still at indoor market. WHATS THIS?! The Akatsuki leader has made a move!? @Lumy has come out of cave and seeks blood... who's blood? WHY LEAF OF COURSE! Hokage @Esty has called upon the legendary 12 guardians to protect the village and most importantly, their peace. But unfortunately, they haven't had much training and have grown weak. The Akatsuki break down the village gates and start massacring the villagers... On the eve of the lunar moon, the hidden leaf were attacked by the Akatsuki, Hokage Esty stood to protect them with the 12G's, but they can only take so much...Will they be saved? Or will the enemy villages witness the destruction of leaf?! For the next 2 days, L1/L2/TG/Wolves/Leaf GD are all danger zones! Leaf ninjas who kill enemies in these maps will receive DOUBLE bounty, enemy ninjas who kill leaf or other ninjas receive the normal amount of bounty. (Will rotate villages every week). ps - Change the rewards as you see fit just make sure there are incentives in place. (Coupons, exclusive items, loot boxes, higher drop rate, more exp) @Ueda @Erox The benefit of this event to take place is a huge one, players will actively start fighting as there are incentives in place. It'll be a fun RP event, a sort of building up to the war event later this month or next month. And I for one would love to see the effects of changing safe zones into danger zones. Right now, the danger zones are completely empty, for the majority of the time players just hide in safe zones and fight there as they lose nothing and it's killing the activity of the game. Thanks for reading and I hope you implement it soon.
    28 points
  36. Hello everyone my name is Nej, I decided to make an introduction post because I never had one of these and I have been inactive for a while due to not know what do to in the game. I am active now again and I recently reset my character to Mist after @Zabuza Momochi won Mizukage and I am loving my time spent there. I wish to be more RP indulged in the game and this is an attempt at it. I take time out of my day to help new comers all of the time and if someone here is thinking about going to the Hidden Mist Village, come through. I will heal you while you train and give you tips. If you wish to contact me my discord is Nej#9123 I hope everyone is having a great 2021 I love you all, see you in nin online... Also, RESET TO MIST.
    28 points
  37. A short introduction First of all, let's make sure things a clear so that there aren't any misconceptions regarding the state of RP (Roleplay) in NinOnline. The main focus of the game is on PvP, emphasized by several tournaments and an active community creating new builds and an existing meta. And while RP is encouraged, it is not the focus. But Nin has had a track record of attracting people that come for precisely that, which is why I want to help anyone that may struggle with this unique RP environment. Index The basics of RP The RP of NinOnline 2.1. How Gameplay and RP tie together 2.2. The current timeline Your very own shinobi 3.1. Where and how to start 3.2. Goals and ambitions 3.3. Organizations 3.4. Consistency 3.5. Preventing to become a Mary Sue Tips, tricks, and examples 4.1.1. Being part of a Conversation 4.1.2. Being part of a Conversation: Examples 4.2 How to properly use the /e and /emotes commands 4.3 The chunin exam 1. The basics or RP RP, or roleplaying, is the art of socially interacting with another, or multiple, participants through writing. While this seems simple enough, achieving an exciting and enjoyable experience is much harder in reality. Several factors come into play, starting with some "rules". Now, these are not set in stone, and more like guidelines that anyone who has some experience with it will agree are necessary to ensure a smooth experience, even if some of them seem mundane or obvious. But they are the basics after all. No. 1 - Ownership Probably the most important thing, you only get to decide about your character. More often than not, you will see RP that you can't wrap your head around. Maybe it's their backstory, their behaviour in a particular situation, or so on. But no matter how major or minor your complaint is, it is their character. Dictating what someone can and can't is an absolute no go. If you dislike someones RP, walk away from it. If that is not a possibility, keep interactions with that character limited. No one else gets to decide what kind of character, fitting for the setting obviously, you can play. But more on that later. No. 2 - Writing and grammar Obviously, this is important, but people often assume that just writing proper English is all. It isn't. While being able to understand what you wrote is mandatory, given the whole social interaction through the writing part, but there is more to it. What you write can be grammatically correct, but still wrong regarding context and setting, or create a specific image for your character. It will be tough for others to perceive you like a deep and emotional character if you only ever talk like Killer Bee. And sure some people find it fun or will use the universal excuse of "That's just how I RP!" but aren't willing to live with the consequences of others not treating them in a way they would like. So always remember, not only check how but what you write. No. 3 - Focus Another point often overlooked. You must take your time and commit to the session. Leaving in the middle or not responding in conversations are big killers for RP and can quickly ruin it for everyone. And while there is casual RP, if it is clear that time is needed you've got to be ready to offer it. No one will judge you if your connection interrupts or private reasons make your leave the PC. But being hungry and ditching to make a sandwich or leaving because of your ranked match that is starting in a different game is poor behaviour and will guarantee that you won't find many people that are willing to RP with you anytime soon. No. 4 - RP =/= Normal Gameplay The title may be a bit confusing, so let me go into detail. RP makes you go into a role, and within that role, you may have friends and enemies only tied to said RP. So if you have a grudge against someone based of RP, don't carry this out of RP. It, first of all, doesn't make any sense and can fuel toxic behaviour within a community. It is fine having a rival or something similar but knowing when to stop is essential to maintain healthy relationships. But at the same time, trying to befriend anyone can cause trouble as well. The different villages in NinOnline have unique rules on interactions with members from other villages. So always keep track of the current relations between villages, or you'll quickly end up with no allies. Besides, you can't use the information that you acquired outside of RP when interacting with others. But more about that later. Now if you follow these guidelines or at least keep them in mind, it should make the whole experience better for you and everyone involved. And with those out of the way, let's get in-depth about the hows and whys of NinOnlines unique RP. 2. The RP of NinOnline The setting of NinOnline, as before mentioned, is a world full of shinobi taking inspiration from the Naruto universe. That is what we will mainly go off since NinOnline has no set story by the developer or any specific lore in that sense and is entirely run by the community. Villages and official organizations are controlled by players. Now, what does that mean for RP? A lot of people are under the assumption that "if there is nothing set, I can be whatever I want!" which is not the case. Over the several years that I've been playing, I saw scientist creating clones, war heroes seeking revenge, mafia leaders and all of them just genin. The issue that comes with this is inconsistency and a weak character that doesn't fit and won't be taken seriously. Going after the standards set in Naruto is the only way to provide a fair environment for everyone. Now people make the argument of Sasuke being a prodigy from a young age, Orochimaru was a genius scientist, and so on. What a lot of people forget is all those characters where established within their universe and were able to prove those statements. Coming fresh out of the academy boasting level 1 and claiming you are anything like them is childish at best and pathetic at worst. The gameplay of NinOnline takes a crucial part in this and helps us to differentiate the good from the bad, literally. 2.1. How Gameplay and RP tie together NinOnline is a game, with stats and levels. It has rules and regulations on how things work and interact with each other. You can certainly have a solid RP character claiming he is "the greatest Tai user" for example. But if you lose to any run of the mill Tai user, your RP starts falling apart. This is where Nin vastly differentiates from regular RP since just writing isn't enough to solidify your character. Players will test your statements, all the time, and not being able to prove your claims results in no one taking you seriously. At the same time, this opens some doors for people that are uncertain about what kind of character they want to pursue. Instead of claiming to be the best, make it your goal to become it. Now your character has a set goal with no set time of completion, which allows for natural RP that will keep itself alive. You need to be able to tie your RP with the gameplay you provide since they go hand in hand. It may seem like a burden to some since they prefer to be the protagonist, the hero, the chosen one of their own story. But this isn't your story. It is your story within NinOnline, full of people with their personal stories and goals. And obviously, that means you may never be the best but at the very least gives a reason to try and become it. Now, of course, if your goal isn't to become the strongest in combat, the gameplay still affects your RP. Don't claim to be a hardened fighter and die to a few bites of wolves, and don't claim to have jutsu that can crush any enemy and barely scratch someone in a spar. Your actions are tied to your RP, which brings both good and bad. It limits what you can do but prevents people from just making up whatever they please. And if they still do you know who to avoid. Back to the topic of how the gameplay and RP are connected. NinOnline offers different commands on how to express emotions and actions, for both casual and RP. For casual use, you have the /emotes command which will list you with several options to express feelings by showing a little emoticon above your character, shown below. (Not including the emotes /clap, /slowclap, /321, /rock, /paper, /scissors) /! /? /<3 /n /r /... /go /y /' /cry /huh /wave /grr /!! /hi /gg /owo While these are valid to use, it always depends on the people you RP with and the situation you find yourself in. That's also why I refer to them as casual; additionally, they are used by the majority of the community for regular conversations and goofing around. Now the alternative and prefered way of showing emotions by dedicated RPers ist to use the /e command. Typing /e followed by a space and any message will look like this: (/e is daydreaming, /e is feeling immense pain, /e is worried, and so on) This way of expressing yourself is not only more engaging but also allows you to go deeper with emotions and states of mind that simply can't be done with the emoticon method. It is also a fantastic way to be part of a conversation without forcing yourself in or interrupting others, but more on that later. The final part would be RP missions. Those are unique missions hosted by a higher ranking shinobi of your village and provide you with tokens that can be turned in for experience points. The host of the missions has free reign over deciding who passed the task and thus, poor RP may result in a failure. It is also an excellent way for people to get into RP if they haven't had a chance to do it before and can be a great way of showing how the RP of NinOnline works. There are currently 4 RP missions, available at level 12, 17, 22, and 27 respectively. There are also the Chunin Exams or CE for short which are advertised to be heavily RP focused, but I will make a separate section just for those. 2.2. The current timeline Even though there is no defined storyline, NinOnline had its fair share of events, official and player-made that all contribute to an exciting environment for RPers. Wars happened between villages, uprisings, rebellions, corruption, and if someone takes time to dig deep in the forums they'll find a plethora of beads to build a character on and make something truly unique. But, as per usual, this brings a lot of challenges as well. While you may believe in the corruption of a council, it is not necessarily canon unless there is empirical evidence. So while you can still RP with the idea of a corrupt council, remember that it is purely your take on the situation around you and not fact. And thus we face another problem, going back to guideline number 4. What if you find out on discord or see screenshots that prove your point? Let's stick with the council example. If you find out that council members were bribed to vote for a specific candidate through any other means than RP, first and foremost has this information to be reported IF it is going against the rules of NinOnline, that's a given. Then you can use this information, mock them, and so on. Now, if it is an elaborate RP event planned and overlooked by the staff, rules change. If you somehow got wind of anything, outside of RP, you can not use it since your character didn't acquire this information. But we are going off-topic so more on that later. So, remember that you have several options on how to perceive the world, based on past or current events. Want to be careful around the Anbu because you believe they are corrupt? Go ahead, but don't make things up. Justify it by events you read about on the forums or witnessed yourself instead. You think that the Sand village is switching leaders way too often, showing political weakness in your eyes, go ahead. Besides, if you are capable and confident enough, why not make a post yourself? Make it clear that it is for RP purposes and maybe you lead the next chapter of the timeline? It is a very touchy subject and hard to fully grasp by just reading about it, but eventually, if you spend enough time in the community, you will get the hang of it. This concludes the section about the unique RP environment of NinOnline, so let's move on the most exciting but also often the most significant source of conflict in RP. Your Character. 3. Your very own shinobi Now that we know about the basics of RP and the specific situation in NinOnline, it is finally time to start making your character to throw out there! But where to start? This section goes into detail about the basics of character creation, their backstory, and common mistakes to avoid. 3.1. Where and how to start First of all, we need to remember what we learned in section 2 and 2.1. If you are a new player and start the game, you will be an academy student at level one. And while it is pretty simple to advance to the genin rank, the fact remains that you are a greenhorn. A beginner about to step foot into this new world. So what can we do for our character in terms of RP? First of all, the backstory is always an excellent way to start. If we visit our profile, we see a tab titled Ninja Bio. This is the perfect place for your backstory since it is easily accessible by everyone. In terms of design, there are no set of rules, and everyone has their style. Always check out the bios of other players to see how they did it and get inspired. A popular method of making ones bio more unique is creating ninja info cards. Their designs also vary and can be found on a lot of profiles, but let's continue with the main topic. So you have the ninja bio tab open, excited to create something and find yourself in one of those two scenarios. 1. I got so many ideas, where should I start? 2. I got no idea what to do whatsoever. We already established, as a beginner, there isn't much in terms of achievements that you could've possibly done. So refrain from making you look like the best of the bunch. We know that our abilities in-game tie to our RP, so more humble beginnings are recommended. If you prove yourself, you can start going down that route and start pursuing RP in that direction. But more importantly, and often overlooked, is your heritage. How did you grow up? What about your family? Any rivals or close friends? What made you go down the path of a shinobi? By answering all these questions, adding some character traits, things they like & dislike, it elevates your character far above the standard and is a solid base for future additions. Once again, though, remember section 2. If you claim that you come from a village that was raided by the neo-akatsuki and destroyed, this is not canonical nor has it happened as any sort of event. If you still want to stick with it, why not be from one of the main villages? They got raided multiple times throughout the timeline by a plethora of different people and groups. Not only is a backstory like that more believable, but it also solidifies your character as part of this world despite not have taken part in mentioned events. With everything set, let's go for some goals. 3.2. Goals and ambitions You wrote your backstory, created your character, and got some levels. What now? A lot of new players face this problem when playing, and it becomes even more of an issue for RPers. Having a goal becomes tough if the "story" of the game is everchanging and dynamic. We can avoid running into this roadblock by utilizing the features given to us by the game. As mentioned before, the simplest goal would be a combat orientated one. Trying to become a good PvPer and basing our goals of that. While it isn't the most unique nor incredibly exciting path to go for, it is a reliable option and something that will never fail due to the strong presence of PvP. If you like fighting but want to have more RP becoming a teacher may suit you. Using what you learned and training the new generation is not only a fantastic way to incorporate PvP with RP but also helps the community. Getting beaten by a random ??? that jumped them helps no one and discourages, especially new players. Being able to train and improve your skills in a controlled environment is especially alluring to newcomers, and a great way of making your mark as a teacher in terms of RP. Not into fighting others but enjoy grinding and collecting? The role of a merchant would suit you best. NinOnline has several cosmetics that you can farm and sell to interested buyers. Buy joining the official NinOnline discord you also get access to the trade channel, with constant offers to buy and sell a multitude of items. Not a fighter and prefer to support? Welcome to the world of medical-nin. Being able to heal others can be a significant edge in different situations, and the unique ability to revive someone prevents the infamous battle injuries status. And for anyone afraid that they won't be able to defend themselves from threats as a medic, NinOnline made sure that if you can heal a lot, you can hurt a lot. It may sound confusing at first, but you'll understand if you play the game. With some goals for the long-term set, there are a few more things you can do to flesh out your character. 3.3. Organizations NinOnline has several organizations in the game, official and player-made. These organizations are beneficial for RPers since they allow us to find a place of like-minded individuals to pursue common goals for all sorts of purposes. Can't find an organization that suits you? Create your own! It is a robust tool to emphasize what your character stands for and create a micro-community within the world. As I mentioned before, there are official organizations like the police force, for example. Adding a new layer of rules, these official organizations are perfect for people that are still desperately looking for any sort of "legitimate" reason to RP since now, sticking with the police force, you are enforcing the rules of the village. You have a unique role in the bigger picture of that villages community. And if you prefer the more evil side of things, the neo-akatsuki is something you can strive for. 3.4 Consistency So for this section, we assume our character has a pretty normal backstory. He grew up in the Sand village, a mom and dad with no other siblings. His backstory states that he never went out of the sand territory. Let's assume he managed to reach level 30 and became a chunin sticking to his backstory. He hosts an RP mission for some genin and decides to slay some tigers with them. In RP one of the genin asks him if it is safe to go there and our chunin replies "Of course, I know that place like the back of my hand". Now if he wasn't just coky in front of his team, he just caused an inconsistency. Describing your character in one way and acting completely different is exceptionally harmful to RP since, as we mentioned before, we have to go by a set of rules; otherwise anyone can be everything, which is not what RP is. A much simpler example is, someone states in their bio that they are terrified of blood and can't stand to see it, almost passing out at the sight of it. Now they pick either weapon master or medic as their masteries. This makes little sense in regards to his backstory since both of these roles are the closest to blood, with the weapon master causing open wounds using his swords and tools and medical-nin having to tend wounded allies. This would be less inconsistent if they justify it by saying they want to overcome their fear head-on. Otherwise, the character has no reliable backstory that others can use in RP. But this applies to all aspects of a character. The way they talk, behave, react, the more specific you define this, the more attention you have to pay. The best RPers are the ones that rarely, if ever, break character and stick with it no matter what. Being able to do and say anything turns you into a Mary Sue, which we will look at in the next section. 3.5 Preventing to become a Mary Sue. Taken from Wikipedia: "A Mary Sue is a generic name for any fictional character who is so competent or perfect that this appears absurd, even in the context of the fictional setting. Mary Sues are often an author's self-insertion or wish fulfilment. They may excel at tasks that should not be possible for them [...] They may disregard previously established aspects of the fiction such as characterization and natural laws." This is important to know since many beginners tend to create characters that fall under those criteria. They make shinobi that are both open and friendly but are also laid-back and shy. They love going out with friends but are introverts at the same time. Several different characteristics that contradict themselves and make for a terrible character. Also, they tend to give them too many abilities and strengths. We already established that in terms of PvP you couldn't make anything up since you have to prove yourself against others. However, people still manage to ruin their characters by adding all sorts of skills. Great at cooking, dancing, fantastic climber, fearless, immense willpower, the list goes on and on. A lot of people want to make a good character, and no one wants to be labelled as weak or useless but more often than not are weaknesses of a character what gives them depth. No one will care for the journey of a character that is already a master of all, and no one will cheer for them in a tournament, but rather the underdog that despite his obvious short-comings made it just as far. Weaknesses do not equate to a weak character, but a well-rounded one. Now we should have our character, presumably not a genetically modified shinobi, time traveller, or the lost descendant of god knows who, but a young shinobi setting out to carve his name into history with his ambitions and beliefs, with strengths and weaknesses. With a goal in mind and a potential organization in sight, you have your very own character and the all the basics to start RPing in NinOnline. The next section goes more into depth about some topics and provides some additional help by using made-up scenarios and interactions that can help everyone, not just newcomers. 4. Tips, tricks, and examples This part of the guide will focus on a more direct approach by showing you side by side comparisons of different RP encounters and extensions of the previous topics. There are many facets to it and, especially even for advanced RPers, it is often a struggle to perform right, no matter the preparation or dedication. I'll try my best to provide examples tailored to NinOnline. 4.1.1. Being part of a Conversation While I talked a lot about the relevance of actual skill concerning the gameplay, at the very start, we established that RP is the written interaction between individuals. And we do that mainly through dialogue. It is simple enough to talk with one person only and do RP, let them finish, they let you finish. Not much to do wrong here. The tricky part starts when there are multiple people involved. So let's lay down some ground rules necessary for a smooth experience and then go into the intricacies of it. As mentioned before, allowing someone to finish their sentence is key to proper dialogue. But now, with multiple people involved, it may become quite hard to join in or get your point across. We already established that your character is not a protagonist by default. So sometimes you may slide into the role of supporting or side character, and don't let that discourage you. And usually, if the people involved know what they are doing, they will let you have a say eventually. Keeping that in mind, you may find yourself in the spotlight of an RP session. The key is not to overdo it. If you already got in that position, it doesn't make sense to hog it and makes the whole experience boring for others. And always keep in mind, you won't always be in that position, so if you abuse it, you may receive the same treatment or will be exempted from future sessions altogether. Another big problem is almost abusing the (OOC) or (Out Of Character) clause. Whenever you find yourself in a situation where you would have to break RP, you would type in brackets (). We already established that we are all humans, mistakes are made, and sometimes things are just not clear enough. You can use this to indicate to others that the sentence on display is not from your character, but the player behind the screen. What do I mean when I say abusing? A lot of players, especially inexperienced ones, will constantly break character and type a lot of messages with the (Out Of Character) method. And just like most things, it should be used only if necessary. If you don't understand and order, don't break character to ask what you need to do, but do it in character. No one will judge you for asking a question, but they will if you keep interrupting the RP since that is what we are doing. We are out of character, meaning the RP was interrupted by something else. In most scenarios breaking character is not needed, but people assume it is fine since it is precisely that, out of character but can't see that they are still a major roadblock for a smooth experience. So unless absolutely necessary and unachievable by any other means, try to avoid it like the plague. Now if you find yourself in the position of a bystander, you can still contribute. We learned about using /emotes and /e earlier. This is an excellent opportunity to put them to use and make the session more exciting. Did someone say something exciting? Show it by using an emote! Your enemy said something infuriating, but is still in his monologue? Start fuming! Maybe your emotions will lead to attention from others, and thus you managed to be a passive part of the conversation and get an active role. Now, as with everything, don't overdo it. Not every quip needs an emotional response, and overusing /emotes and /e is a common beginners mistake. Use it sparingly at the right time, and you'll make any conversation much more lively. Let's look at some examples. 4.1.2 Being part of a Conversation: Examples So let's have a scenario of 4 people involved, a specialized jonin (Saku) with his assigned team (Flame, Iskarus, Hisa) doing a simple reconnaissance mission. Name: Text like this represents normal dialouge (Text like this represents events happening in-game) Text like this represents using the /e command Saku: Alright, we have arrived, Flame and Hisa, make sure no one was here before. Flame: Sure thing. Hisa: Will do. (Flame and Hisa start moving around, investigating the area) Saku: Iskarus, you'll follow me, we will check the surrounding area. Iskarus yawns Iskarus: That sounds boring as hell. Saku: Too bad, come on, follow me. Iskarus shrugs. (Iskarus and Saku move ahead, but can't find anything suspicious) Iskarus: Great, a waste of time. Saku: I know you'd rather be sparring now, but we have a mission to do. Iskarus: Wasn't there anything more exciting available? Saku frowns. Saku: It's not always about fighting, you know? Iskarus: Tell that to the neo-akatsuki. Flame: Complaining again, Iskarus? (Flame and Hisa joined up with Iskarus and Saku) Iskarus: Ah, shut up, nobody asked you. Flame starts laughing. Saku: Did you find anything? Hisa: No, nothing at all. Hisa stretches and yawns. Hisa: So can we go home now, I'm tired. Iskarus: Yeah, we are wasting our time here. Flame: As if you have anything better to do. Flame grins wide. Iskarus: I do, beating you in another sparring match. Flame: Ist that so? Well, let's go then! (Flame enables PvP, indicating he is ready to spar.) Iskarus: Sure, I get to beat you in a different setting. (Iskarus enables PvP as well) Hisa crosses her arms. Hisa: So immature. (Flame and Iskarus get in position, but Saku runs between them) Saku: Enough already, this is too dangerous. Flame: Ugh, fine. (Flame disables PvP) Iskarus: Oh, what, afraid? You should be. Saku starts grinning. Saku: If you want to spar that badly, let's head back to the village, and we have a go. Loser has to buy ramen for the team. Flame looks excited. Hisa: Nice, free ramen. Iskarus: Anytime Teach, get ready to pay up! Saku: We'll see. (The group heads back to the village) That was a lot; let's analyze the conversation and use of emotes. I wrote it deliberately with everyone being considerate of each other and assuming no one interrupted anyone. Notice how a majority of sentences are kept short. This is very important and something you should always pay attention to. Writing too much slows down the flow of the conversation, people will be too busy reading your wall of text, and the RP quickly withers away. This applies even more to the /e command. Writing too much is counterproductive since it is meant for emotions and not conversations. On the topic of using /e, notice how I used it in a way to connect it to the previous or upcoming sentence. This is a great way to give your dialogue more punch and make it feel alive. Sometimes the /e command has been used purely for reactions, which is a clear example of the earlier mentioned method of being part of a conversation without interrupting it. The amount of /e used is also in an acceptable range, but some could argue against it. This always comes back to preference, but since the things they wrote in /e were very short I doubt anyone would have a problem with it. So this is what we gathered. -Use sweet and short sentences unless you need to describe something of importance, or it just can't be done otherwise. -Use the /e command, but keep it short and don't overdo it. Now let's look at another example. This time, with a jonin (Reign) and his team of genin (Randi, Sepu, Dominic) doing a reconnaissance mission as well. Name: Text like this represents normal dialouge (Text like his represents events happening in-game) Text like this represents using the /e command Reign: We arrived at the destination mentioned in our mission documents. Let's scout out the nearby area and find any clues that may lead to enemy movement of any sort. Randi and Sepu, you check this sector while Dominic and I will check the next one. Sepu: Alright. Dominic: Understood. Randi: What the hell, no way. I will go with you Sensei, Dominic is not ready to handle a surprise attack like I am. Dominic: What makes you say that? Randi: Sensei, trust me, you are much better off with me on your side. Dominic: Hey, I'm talking to you! Dominic gets angry. (Randi runs ahead of the group) Reign: I guess Randi and I will go. You two stay together then. Dominic: ... Sepu pats him on the back. Sepu: Don't let it get to you. Dominic: You're right. (Meanwhile, Reign runs after Randi and meets up with him) Reign: Randi, this kind of behaviour goes against everything they teach you in the academy, and I won't have a genin disobey me and make up their own mind. It is simply unacceptable, and I hope you understand the consequences of your action. Randi: Look sensei, I found footprints. And from the looks of it, they must've been from the neo-akatsuki, and they are fresh too, maybe we can catch them off guard! Randi revels in the fact that he found something by himself, screaming out loud "Soon I will get my revenge on the neo-akatsuki for attacking our village." Reign: Now hold up how can you be sure that it is from the neo-akatsuki? We have no reports of them in our mission documentation, and they haven't been roaming this area for quite some time. (Reigns message was barely sent as another wall of text from Randi is posted) Randi: Take the others to the village and warn the Kage; I will go ahead and find more evidence. Don't worry; I'll manage on my own. Reign: Listen here; you are the genin; I am the jonin. You don't give orders. Randi: What the hell, I am clearly more competent than all of you. Why would you prevent me from pursuing my destiny, my NINJA WAY! You know what, maybe the neo-akatsuki is right after all. I don't need a village to hold me down. Screw you and these other morons. I'll be back even stronger and crush you. Randi gets furious about the fact that the jonin won't understand him and proceeds to flee into the wilderness by himself. (Randi runs off into a different map, not regarding Reign or his team in any way) We will end the convo here because I am sure the majority can tell that this was an example of how to do everything wrong. I purposefully wrote it with everyone staying in character despite the horrible RP going on, to make the errors more clear. So let's dissect and apply what we already know. First of all, both Reign and Randi are writing way too much. Their sentences are long, full of unnecessary information and overall poorly executed. The most significant problem child here is Randi. Not only does he continuously write excessively, but he ignores his teammates and his higher up. He is lost in monologues and forces himself into the position of leader. This also applies to the way he is using the /e command. That command is used to express emotions and actions one takes that aren't doable by gameplay means. We established that these should be used both sparingly and kept short. He overdoes it and makes his performance even more underwhelming. These mistakes become much more problematic since the chatbox used in NinOnline is already small, and long sentences like that make it impossible to have fluent RP for everyone involved. 4.2. How to properly use the /e and /emotes commands I have been mentioning it a lot, and we are going to use this section to elaborate on how exactly you should use it without hurting your RP instead of helping it. Said several times already, but something that can't be stressed enough. Don't overdo it!!! It is the biggest mistake of a lot of people and the downfall of their maybe otherwise completely fine RP. You should keep what you say in /e short and sweet. Here are some good examples. (Someone else said something to another person.) Saku is angry. (Someone stars yelling or screaming) Saku shrieks in surprise. (A friend or ally gets defeated in combat) Saku starts tearing up. To the point, clear, not disrupting the flow of conversation, and thus, the flow of the RP stays intact. Now for some terrible examples. (Someone else said something to another person.) Randi gets infuriated about what the hokage just said, he can't believe that he heard it with his own ears. (Someone stars yelling or screaming) Randi is struck with fear, causing him to stumble backwards and fall on to his rear, resulting in his pants getting dirty. (A friend or ally gets defeated in combat) Randi suddenly realizes a wet feeling on his eyes "Are those tears?" as he quickly wipes them away with his forearm. Now we have to make it clear that, objectively these sentences aren't wrong. Some may argue they provide more information than the short versions, but they aren't taking into consideration the context of a given situation. 90% of the time, short sentences are more appropriate and just work better. So what about the other 10%? This is where you go back to the topic of context. If several people are interacting with each other, we use the short versions, but in some unique cases, we can use the more extended versions that are similar to what Randi used. Below I will list possible scenarios that may be applicable. 1. As a way to initiate RP If there isn't already any RP going on and you don't just want to ask for it blatantly, you can use a longer /e message to indicate your intentions effectively. Saku gets excited seeing his friend Flame sparring and decides to join him Saku is happy to be greeted by Iskarus, and starts grinning wide. Saku is baffled that Hisa got so much stronger since the last time they met. This is a valid use and clear sign that you are currently RPing and thus totally acceptable to be wordier than average. 2. Doing a specific action in RP Maybe your team leader asked youto look for clues in the forest where a group of genin have been assaulted. Instead of simply walking around a bit and continuing the conversation, you can use a longer /e message. Saku gets frustrated since he can't find anything useful in the area. Saku shudders as he accidentally puts his onto a bloodstain. Saku rummages through a bush and manages to find a strange-looking kunai. Scenarios like these are probably the best for longer /e sentences since they paint a picture we can't achieve otherwise. The trick is not to use this all the time and is one of the most common mistakes during chunin exams. Standing in the waiting room and using a sentence like this: Randi pulls out a scroll with plans and strategies for the upcoming exams and shows it to his friends. Let's remember context. In our first example, Saku was given a task and used the /e command to emphasize his actions that he couldn't do otherwise. In the instance of Randi, it becomes trickier. If no one asked him and he just said it for the sake of RP, it is a poor choice and somewhat of an ass-pull. It is much more graceful to talk about a plan with your team and create it right then and there. Thus, after your entire team does some RP you could use a /e sentence like: Randi writes everything down that he has discussed with his team. Now it becomes much more understandable and more exciting since it is a reaction to a prior event. If you want to insist that you were prepared beforehand make that clear to the rest of the people involved. Mention it to your team in a conversation, brag about having studied prior exams, etc. You need a set-up, or otherwise, your RP will suffer. 3. Thoughts and Passive Interaction Sometimes, you don't want to say something directly but share certain information or feelings with your peers. This is where longer /e sentences can come in handy. But be careful since this is another big problem for a lot of people, overdoing it and technically never saying anything and being mute, in an RP sense. There are generally two methods we can approach to get our thoughts across. A direct and a more narrative one. The direct way would look like this: Flame starts thinking "Why won't anyone listen to the kage during the chunin exams?" In this case, we can see what the character in question is thinking about any given scenario. The narrative solution would look like this: Flame is confused; he didn't expect the chunin exams to be so unorganized. This way makes it seem, as the name suggests, that someone is narrating his thoughts and allows us to phrase things that would be otherwise not fitting your character (throwback to section 3.4) as long as it is within reason. We can also use longer sentences for situations where you simply can't interact with but don't want your character just to stand around and be silent. So let's assume we know for certain our character won't be getting any involvement for a set amount of time, and we don't to just spurt out random lines. Now lines like ... Flame stretches and lays down on the floor, trying to get himself into a comfortable position. ... become acceptable because you won't be doing much anyway, and is an excellent way to be a passive part of the RP, of course under the assumption you won't overdo it. So what have we learned? Using the /e command is a double-edged sword. While it provides your RP with a lot more depth and can make for some engaging scenarios and conversations, using it poorly or in excessive amounts can quickly make you look like a complete tool. So always remember, when you are about to type your next /e command, ask yourself "Is this really necessary?". It is regularly better to type less. We already know that we can't constantly be in the spotlight, but we can always make a fool out of ourselves. Use /e responsibly. 4.3 The chunin exam The without a doubt biggest RP event available for players is the Chunin Exam, or CE for short. This is a tournament hosted by the Kage of a village and the primary way to advance from the genin rank. I have been part of, and spectated, several CE over the four years and was the first person to receive a higher rank because of RP. So I want to use this opportunity to talk about this major RP event and why the outcome should not discourage you from doing RP or stop playing altogether. Let's get started! Since players in the form of the Kage and the higher ranking shinobi are in charge of handling the CE, they all vary greatly in execution. Some may go more smoothly than others, and the enforcement of RP is handled differently. Already we come to a big issue with the CE. At the time of creating this guide, I was fortunate enough that a CE was held within one of the villages. And witnessing the decision making of the Kage made it extremely clear that the player run communities are both a blessing and a curse. Let us look at some examples. "Kage A held a CE. He is overall considered ruthless and harsh for his strictness and enforcement of rules, both PvP and RP related. And not doing any RP at all restricts you from receiving a higher rank, even if you would've won the entire tournament. The higher ranking shinobi overwatching his CE act similarly." "Kage B held a CE. It has just begun, and the crowd is rowdy. He tells them to be quiet to explain the rules. One of the participants, entirely out of character, constantly interrupts him. The Kage, in RP, walks up to him and warns him for the last time. He continues though, met with an emoticon by the Kage. The Kage is overall very forgiving and doesn't punish at all. His higher ranking shinobi act similarly, breaking RP regularly and fooling around, even arguing with him, but not in an RP sense." Now we have two completely different Kage and how they handle their CE. Every RPer will of course side with Kage A, since in their eyes it is the proper way to host such an event. But we established that this is a PvP focused game and community. So while it is called an RP event, since it is in the hand of sometimes people that never did any RP, you can see how this becomes a huge problem. So a majority of people prefer Kage B, since he will pardon and give them second chances till the actual fighting portions of the tournament start. This is also why I mentioned it at the beginning, don't get discouraged by the CE since Kage change as do participants, so you have a chance to be part of a decent one eventually. And some may think now "But why participate if RP isn't enforced properly?" and I can only say you are right. The CE is a big turn off due to the false advertisement and inadequate regulations in most cases, but as stated, villages are run by players. And the examples given weren't made up, but things that happened in real CE tournaments. And again, some may think now "If even the higher ranks don't care, why should I?" and once again I can only say you are correct. You shouldn't, but it is the only official way to get a higher rank within the game by RP means or at least stated that way. And maybe you get lucky and have a Kage A hosting your tournament. I realize that it sounds underwhelming for everyone that wants to join because of the RP but still do it. You need a team, after all, so get some friends together, and if everyone is just not caring, at least your team will. CE are a great way to make memories, and even a Kage B may see your RP performance and gives you a rank. And if you think that is impossible with the current leadership, try to push for a vote, or change villages. As an RPer, we are the minority, so we have to bend a lot to get the experience we desire. Some may have been looking for actual advice, but following this guide is all you need. It is a glorified RP session after all, so the same rules apply. We talked about how to be part of a conversation, consistency, passive engagement, and the use of emotes. There isn't anything else you would need for the CE. So give it your best, and obviously, try to have fun with it. Don't get frustrated over other people failing miserably trying to string a coherent sentence together. RP with your team and be the best at it and trust me, if you give it your all, people will notice you. They always do. And this concludes my guide on NinOnline specific RP. I am always willing to help someone in terms of RP regarding their backstory or otherwise so just message me. I hope I could help someone with it and can't wait to see you in-game. Afterword If anyone wonders who I am and why I did this. I'm Saku, joined this game a little over 4 years ago, only ever had this account and been a big fan of RP way before that. As mentioned already, I was the first person to receive a rank because of RP, being promoted to the first specialized jonin of Nin. That's why I wanted to make this updated guide since there is an older version pinned, but I felt it didn't represent me or the Nin RP accurately, so I reworked it. I enjoy writing, so feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks for taking your time reading this far. You're the best.
    28 points
  38. Redesigned Boat Ride to Galleon/Ship Rides to and fro Land of Water Port and Asoki Port Village. Players suggested more space and more potential for RP, hopefully this will suffice! The ships now also allow you to talk to the Sailor at any point to cancel the ride and return to your boarding port.
    28 points
  39. WORK IN PROGRESS - any suggestion/constructive criticism is welcome! Hello, my name is Origami Heart. As someone who looks up guides before starting a game, I had to use outdated ones for Nin, like Satsurie's. With more and more new players starting to play every day, I decided to make a more up-to-date one. I will use some Satsurei's guide as a base to work on. Also, make sure to join the game's discord server, to either ask questions, make friends or just chat with other players. Now, without further ado, I will get right into it. PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION Controls are the foundation of the entire game and make just about everything come together, they are keybinded macros which allow you to do various things with your character and other elements of the GUI. Keybindings can be changed to the user needs in the Client, by clicking settings, along with the resolution of the client/game. Navigation controls: You move your character by pressing the Arrow keys. You can move diagonally by pressing 2 arrows at the same time. You can toggle Running on and off by pressing Shift. You pick items by pressing C and speak to NPCs by pressing Z. You can also hide the UI by pressing the F1 key. Combat controls: You can set your jutsus on the Hotbar (shown in the UI legend at the beginning of the guide). It uses the keys from 1-0 and you can swap between hotbars by pressing the combination of Control + the keys from 1-9. Alt allows you to self-cast, it is extremely useful for medics. You target enemies by either clicking on them with your mouse or pressing X. Z is the default attacking key. You charge chakra by holding C. Shortcuts: You can open every menu in the game by just pressing the corresponding key. I - inventory M - Missions N - Ninja (character info) B - Bounty book F - Friendslist You can type in chat by either clicking on the chat bar or pressing Enter. ------------------ Using chat: You can toggle between chats by pressing on them. *General chat shows every message from every chat (except for Damage log). *Map chat shows the messages of everyone in the map you are currently at. *You can speak in Village chat by typing /V in the small bar on the left, it is seen only seen by people from your village and is used to communicate with them when they are far from you, or when you want the whole village to hear it. *Damage log shows the damage you've dealt to monsters or players, and the damage they've dealt to you. *You can send Private messages by typing the receiver's name in the small box. You can respond to messages quickly by typing /r there. I will show you more chat commands in the RP section of the guide. ------------------ You can change the hotkeys by going to Settings after opening the client. You change a key by pressing on it with the LMB and then pressing the key you want. You can also change the resolution and choose between fullscreen and windowed mode. ------------------ A way to open more than one client at the same time is by copying the .bin file from the main game directory and pasting it somewhere else. Then you rename Client.exe (e.g. client2). Before doing so, you shoulda familiarize yourself with the TOS and the Rules. I do not condone any rule breaking, use this at your own risk. ------------------ You can reduce your ping in-game by using a TCP Optimizer or one of the 2 approved 3rd party tunneling softwares: NoPing or PingZapper. PingZapper reduces my latency from 500-600 to a stable 200. It has a 7-day trial that you get by making a PingZapper account and then connecting it to a Steam account. To set it up, your settings should follow these steps: In the end, your settings should look like this: ------------------- Firstly, after downloading and installing the game, you will create your character. In the character creation, you get to choose the village you will spawn in and work for, aswell as the way your character will look (it can be changed afterwards, mostly with in-game clothing and Cash shop items - note that the game is absolutely free-to-play and the Cash shop is almost purely for cosmetics, I will talk about it more a bit later.). The isn't a whole lot of difference between the two villages. There are different mobs (usually with same exp and HP, but different drops and numbers), different clothes, etc., but there is nothing game changing and you will not regret picking either village. As I've only played on Leaf side, the guide will be from the POV of a Leaf ninja (may add Sand in the future) After creating your character, you will get a few (skippable) cutscenes. After finishing them, you will spawn in a classroom. Talking to Yori will give start to the tutorial. After the dialogue is over, exit the classroom and you will appear in a long hallway with 4 doors. Each door is a different part of the tutorial. -The first one will teach you the basics of each mastery and the stats (I will get to them later). -The second door will show you how to charge your chakra and use a jutsu. You will also learn your first jutsu - body flicker. -In the 3rd door, you will be able to practice using tools, like shurikens and kunais. They disappear after the tutorial, so just use them to practice for a bit. -The last challenge is combat. The first time you try, you will inevitably die, but don't worry, it is part of the training. It is to show you that after fainting in combat, you get the "Battle Injuries" effect. It reduces your HP, Chakra and damage with about 50% (I will correct the percentage when I'm sure about it). After completing all 4 challenges in the tutorial, you will have to take an exam in the form of test. It consists of 20 questions split in half. After failing to give the correct answer, you have to start from the beginning. After answering the first 10 questions correctly, you get a new "safe point". The questions cover most of the stuff you learned from the tutorial and is knowledge you will actually need. After passing the exam, you have to find Yori and talk to her again. She will give you the option to choose your bandana (which you can change afterwards if you want) and with that, you become a Genin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART II. LEVELING GUIDE AND PICKING YOUR MASTERIES 1. LEAF GUIDE I got @Rory's permission to use the minimaps that will soon be added to the game. You can use it to navigate in the village. After choosing your bandana, you are ready to start your Ninja training. [1] Academy - you graduate there and can change bandana [2] Hokage building - taking missions, resetting account, Hokage residence. [3] Bridge that splits the village in South and North parts. [4] Village square - all shops but one, gathered in the same place. You can find the Weapons (swords) shop to the left of the bridge [6]. [5] Village gates - entering and leaving the village. [7] Hospital - you respawn there after fainting in battle [8] Hotsprings - for low level mission I also made a simplistic map of Konoha, so you can navigate through it easily. Each square shows the most important places in the village that you will be visiting quite often, in relation to others. For example, the Academy [1] is located on the North-west part of the village. The Shopping area [4] (also called Square) is between the Hospital [7] and the Hotsprings [8], right above the village gates [5]. At first, you will only need the Hokage building and the Gates. After becoming Genin, you have to head over to the Hokage building and accept your first mission. You can take 3 missions a day and they get better with levels. Your first mission is most likely going to be to hunt Larvas. These are the weakest mobs in the game and you will be there for a while. Leveling from 1-10 is probably the most tedious part. It takes even experienced players hours to get there. *Map of the first few areas in Leaf village. Will add a full World Map, provided by @Definitely Not Luffy, further down in the guide. As I said, leveling from 1 to 10 takes a while and is pretty boring. It is going to change in the (hopefully) near future when the new engine is released and there is an actual questline, but for now, the best you can do is start by killing larvas. I'd suggest picking all the cocoons they drop and selling them. Elemental masteries can buy a kunai from the Weapons shop for 80 ryo (1 cocoon = 1 ryo), which makes leveling for them easier. Melee masteries get to 10 faster, since their basic attacks deal more damage and they can equip swords. As leveling differs for different masteries and to a point depends on personal preferences and experience, I'll try to give my recommendations for training spots. They may not be the most optimal, but hopefully it will give you an idea of what you have to be doing. From level 1 to 5 you should stick to killing larvas and picking up all cocoons and if lucky - blank scrolls, you will need a lot of them for Jutsus. You should know what blank scrolls do by now (from the tutorial), but just in case.. blank scrolls drop from monsters, they have a low drop rate which makes them very valuable. You can take your blank scrolls to the Scroll shop in the village and Enchant them into Sealable Scrolls (it consumes the scroll and has a set chance to succeed/fail). Different level jutsus require a different level blank scroll. For example: Level 1-19 jutsus require a Sealable Scroll I, which has 50% chance to succeed from a blank scroll. Level 20-29 jutsus require a Sealable Scroll II, with 30% chance. Level 30-35 jutsus require a Sealable Scroll III, with 10% success rate. Since January 17th 2018, there's now a limit to how many jutsus you can have. So you have to be careful which jutsus you pick. My advise is to check this page. It has all masteries and most of their jutsus, so you can choose for yourself which jutsus you will need. You should also plan ahead for your second mastery and all the jutsus that will come in the future. 1 - Max 5 Jutsus 5 - Max 6 Jutsus 10 - Max 7 Jutsus 15 - Max 8 Jutsus 30 - Max 11 Jutsus 50 - Max 15 Jutsus I decided to use @Satsurie's table of jutsus. It shows you the levels needed for each jutsu of each mastery. It may be incomplete, since it's an old table, so I will revise it eventually. If your Enchanting is successful, you can trade it for a jutsu scroll. You won't be using the blank scrolls until level 15 (or lv16 for Lightning mastery), so just save them. You get a free jutsu at level 10, which is the level you get to pick your first mastery (I will get to it shortly). Anyway, as I was saying, you stay at Larvas from 1-5 (you can stay there until 10 if you'd like, it will just take a lot of time). It's recommended to try and find other people to team up with. The teaming system in Nin isn't the greatest, but it helps early on and making new friends can make the grind a lot less tedious. After 5, when you have a weapon bought, you can go to Spiders. Again, don't forget to use your missions. I'd recommend staying there until level 10. After hours and hours of grinding (hopefully atleast a bit enjoyable), you get to pick your first mastery. As of right now, there are 8 masteries in the game - 5 elemental and 3 non-elemental masteries. Fire Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Fire techniques that allow ninjas to dish out large amounts of damage to multiple ninjas. Wind Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Wind techniques that are sharp, fast and deadly. Lightning Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Lightning techniques that are high in damage and immobilizing. Earth Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Earth techniques that have large area of effect and effectively control crowds. Water Elemental Mastery allows the ninja to learn Water techniques. Water is a very balanced nature and as such can be useful in many situations. Medical Mastery allows the ninja to learn Medical techniques such as healing and reviving fainted ninjas, as well as harness the deadliness of poisons and toxins in combat. Weapon Mastery gives the ninja strong control over tools and blades, making them able to use things like Shurikens, Kunais, Swords in extraordinary ways. Taijutsu Mastery allows the ninja to master hand-to-hand combat and learn Taijutsu techniques, taking physical limitations to a new level. I will not go in detail for each mastery, I've instead linked the wiki articles to the names of each mastery. You can find everything about them there - jutsus, strenghts, weaknesses, etc. Elemental masteries' damage scales with intelligence, Wind making the one exception. Non-elemental masteries' builds however, are mostly up to preference. Medical ninjas can go for either Chakra or Int, or the combination of the two. Weapon masters can use Strenght for weapons or Int for tools/traps. Taijutsu masters can choose to go either Agility Tai or Leaf's special - Gentle fist. The former uses Agility for damage. The latter uses Strength. After a patch from the 25th January 2018, stat requirements were implemented, making hybrid builds not (as?) viable. In my opinion, Best PvE masteries (for leveling up) are Fire, Earth and Water, due to their AoE jutsus. Best PvP masteries are Water, GF, Earth; Water, Earth and Fire excel in teamfights. A generic elemental build (and my own, as a Water user) would be, ~100 int, ~1000 HP and ~250 chakra . This is just an example, as there are many combinations you could use, depending on how you want to play your game. HP has higher value than damage, since 1 point in Fortitude increases your Hit points by 10, while 1 point in Agi, Str or Int increases your damage by a lot less. For example, Water jutsus gain about 4 damage per 5 points (the amount you get from leveling up) in Int. 5 points in HP would increase your HP by 50. For more detailed information on masteries and builds, I'd suggest checking @Jun's guide here; and @Daishin's guide here. They will help you find the build that fits your own playstyle. If you feel like the mastery you've chosen isn't the right one for you, you can reset your progress in the Account Manager on the first floor of the Hokage building. Be careful with it, because you will lose everything, except for most Cash Shop items. Your levels, your items, your jutsus, your ryo, everything will be lost and you will start again from level 1. Be careful with your stat distribution aswell. Stats can only be reset by resetting your whole character, or by purchasing a Stat Reset Scroll from the Cash Shop. At level 10, you get to pick your first mater. A window will appear as you level up and you just have to choose the mastery you want. This is when you get your first mastery jutsu. You get a free scroll from the Scroll shop, for you to get your lv10 jutsu. After trading the scroll, it will appear in your inventory. You can learn the jutsu by using the scroll (double LMB click or right-click + use). The jutsu will then appear in your jutsus menu [J]. You then drag it onto your hotbar on the bottom of the screen. After level 10, You should try and do the Seals missions in both Leaf and Sand village (it will be hard to do them in Sand, because the two villages are in war). You start getting better Daily missions after this point, aswell. For monsters at this level, I'd recommend Wolves. They have 72 HP and deal 25 damage (so it's advised to invest a few points in fortitude). On kill, they reward 67 exp points. World blessing helps a lot here and will be quite helpful for the rest of your leveling. It is a Cash shop item that boosts the experience gain for all the players in the server by 1.5x (50%) for 1 hour. @Itachi Uchiha reminded me of something I had forgotten to mention. The Blessings work on missions aswell as farming. Some of the daily missions, especially the ones in the higher levels that give hundreds of thousands of exp, are better done in Blessing. For example a level 30 mission, called Docs for short, gives about 200k base experience, with World Blessing buff, the exp goes up to 300k. It is up to preference if you would like to wait for a blessing when turning a mission in. On the other hand, for the special missions (like Venoms mission, Seals, Toad missions, Bandit mission, etc.), waiting for a Blessing is a must. They can only be done once and some of them give you a whole level if you do them in Blessing. The one thing you need to know about Blessings is, you don't ask for one. If somebody wants to buy one and use it, good. Again, as Larvas (and same goes for Spiders), try and pick up everything that drops. I've had a lot of luck with Blank scrolls at Wolves, so now may be a good time to collect some scrolls. I'd stay at Wolves until level 15 ish, which is when you get your 2nd jutsu (unless you're lightning). After Wolves, you should head to Tigers. If you are a melee mastery, I'd stay at Wolves longer, since basic attacks stop being as efficient at this point and elemental masteries start leveling a lot faster than melees, due to their high damage ranged attacks. I have a very limited knowledge about melee masteries' leveling methods, so I will continue with just the Elemental masteries. Tigers are the first aggressive mobs that you will encounter. They will try to attack you when you go close to them, and they will actually chase you down. A team is recommended, since they have quite a bit of HP (104 for the normal tigers and 146 for White tigers). Their attacks hurt a lot more, too, so you will need to have atleast 200 HP by this point. On kill they give 97 and 127 exp points respectively for normal and White tigers. You'll stay at tigers until level 20 ish. An important thing I have to mention is, you stop getting experience from monsters when you reach a level 10 levels higher than theirs. For example, if the normal tigers are level 13, you stop getting exp from them at level 23. So you could technically stay there until then. Afterwards, you can try to go to the Sewers in village. It's where the Rats dwell. They are aggressive, just like Tigers, have 193 HP and damage you for 53 damage. They give 172 experience points on kill and have a chance to drop a rare item - a sword called Twin Fangs (ADD A SCREENSHOT!) and is worth quite a bit of Ryo. You should be able to get to level 25 quite easily here. Just walk around, aggro all Rats and try to kill them with AoE jutsus (if you have any). It is also a good time to do the Venoms mission. It takes 100 Snake venoms and as Snakes are too strong for you at this level, you have to try and get the Ryo to buy them. Right now, 1 venom costs 15-20 ryo, so 100 venoms would cost between 1.5 and 2k ryo. It really depends on the mastery and your knowledge of the game. A lucky drop of Twin Fangs (considering you won't be using it) can make you more than enough Ryo to afford it, as it sells for roughly 5k ryo. You should also try and find a high level player to help you with defeating Guren, a boss in Takumi - the village of the missing ninjas. That is right, there is a 3rd Village. You can become a missing Ninja by betraying your village or a Hermit, by asking the Kage of your village to exile you, so you don't have to be sided with either of the original Villages. It is not recommended to become missing, especially if you are new, since they are enemies to everyone and are being hunted. After lv 25, you should try and go to the Snakes' lair, which is filled with Snakes (duh..). There's a lot of snakes and they hurt a lot, so a team is recommended. You can make a lot of ryo here, since their Venoms are very sought after. If they are too hard for you or you don't have a team, I'd REAAAAALLY recommend going to Big Scarabs in the Sand Village. This is literally the best map in the game for grinding. Trust me, if you are an elemental mastery and deal enough damage, you won't want to ever leave that map. There's a big map in which you can aggro 10+ mobs and kill them with AoE jutsus. They have the same stats as rats and drop another rare item - Seji no Hani (also known as Double Fan). Only downside to this map is the close proximity to Sand Village and the risk of being found and killed. You should also not forget to do your missions. Guard Duty aswell as Parcel Delivery give a very nice exp and should be done as much as possible. Until a while ago, missions were sharable, so they could be done daily, even a few times a day, but now you can only get missions from the Missions desk. At level 30, a new NPC appears in the Missions room. By talking to Hitsutomo, you can start the missions leading to the newly released Toad Village. I will not get in details about it, but it is kind of hard. If you do manage to do them, aswell as the missions in the Toad Village, you will get quite a bit of exp and levels. After level 30, there aren't many options. Leveling becomes slow, grinding feels unnecessary and pointless, so you mostly do daily missions. At this point you start getting missions that give you 2-3 hours worth of grind experience, which are your main source of exp. You can always go and grind monsters for some extra exp, but it just doesn't feel very rewarding. You can use this time to level up your jutsus. You'd probably realise it by this point, but your jutsus level up when you use them on monsters (or players). Each level makes the jutsu slightly better (extra damage, lower cooldown, bigger range, etc.). Levels 30-50 (which is the level cap) take a lot of time and patience. Just do your dailies everyday. You can grind mobs solo up until level 46 (Bears being level 36 and higher leveled mobs being too hard for soloing). After the long (I'd say about month and a half to 2 months) and mostly boring grind, you hit 50 and it is time to choose your 2nd mastery. Again, it's only a recommendation, not the optimal way to train, and it'd probably be a lot different for elements and melee users, as I haven't really played the latter, but to summerize the Leveling part of the guide: Level 1-5 - Larva Level 5-10 - Spiders Level 10-15 - Wolves Level 15-20 - Tigers Level 20 - 25 - Rats (Path to Sewers opens after doing Leaf Seal mission) Level 25 - 30 - Snakes or Big scarabs Level 30-35 - Toad Village Missions, Bears and the high level Missions like Docs, WW, etc. Level 35-46 - Bears and Daily missions Level 46-50 - Daily missions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SAND GUIDE Both Sand and Leaf villages are a good place to be. You will not gain any particular advantage by choosing any of the two. The main difference between the two is the mobs, the clothing, the exclusive masteries (Gentle fist for Leaf, Fan style for Sand). After creating your character in Sand, you will appear in a big training room. The first thing you need to do is speak to Saita. He will guide you through what you have to do. After finishing the dialogue, arrows will appear and you have to go to the right. You will then head to the rooms in the north side of the room. Just like in Leaf, you will have to complete all 4 parts of the tutorial and they will give you the basics you need to start your adventure. The first room will introduce you to masteries, stats and different types of zones (PvP wise). In the second room you will learn your first jutsu - Cloak of Invisibility. Speak to the scroll on the table, after the dialogue, open your Inventory (I) and double click on the scroll. Then open your Jutsus menu (J) and drag the jutsu on your hotbar (by hovering over it and dragging it down, while holding your LMB). To cast jutsus you need Chakra. It appears on the bottom of the screen in blue colour (right of HP bar [red]). You charge chakra by holding C. When you charge your chakra, press the hotkey on which you put the cloak (or just double click on it in your Jutsus menu), and pass the scorpions. You have to be invisible to make it through, they will kill you otherwise. Then speak to Tama. The third room is target practice. You will learn how to use tools. Break the boxes on the right by hitting them (Z), then pick up the tools by pressing C once. Assign them to your hotbar by dragging them from your inventory. PSA: The tools will disappear after you leave the room, so you shouldn't be picking more than 5. In the last room, you will be introduced to combat. After speaking to the NPC, activate the scroll on the left. A few scorpions will spawn and you will have to hit them. You will inevitably die and respawn on a bed. It is to teach you of Battle injuries. Go to the right and back in the room, interact with the scroll and it will spawn a different type of mobs - ducklings. They are easy to kill and you only need to kill one. Then talk to the NPC again and your tutorial is over. Leave the room and an arrow will appear. Follow it and you will enter a room with scorpions in it. You have to kill 10 scorpions and collect their tails to be able to proceed. After you have them, talk to the NPC, then to the wall circled in red in the screenshot below. After interacting with it, you should be able to enter and interact with the scroll on the table. A 20 questions exam will begin. It is split in 2 parts with 10 questions and you have to answer all questions correctly. After completing the exam, you will speak to the mentor and recieve your first rank - genin, and a headband. Here begins your real journey. After becoming a Genin, you will want to head north and leave the village, the map you will enter is called GD (from a mission called Guard Duty), I will use it for a reference point. Then go north-west until you reach your first mobs - larvas. You want to stay at larvas until you reach level 5. Pick all the cocoons and sell them in the shops in village. You have a chance to get blank scrolls, aswell. Keep those! After hitting level 4 (for int masteries) or 5 (for str masteries), if you have enough money or if you can find someone to give it to you, you can equip a weapon. Check leaf part of the guide for the weapons you need, aswell as the village map for the location of the shops. After this, you should head of the GD map. This is where scorpions are. You will be staying here until level 7. Again, pick everything they drop, you can even sell their drops to players, since they are needed for a mission. From level 7 to level 9, you will be killing stingers. You want to head to the map to the left of larvas. They drop the same item as scorpions, so you should keep those and sell to players, or you can sell in the shops again if you need the ryo fast. You then want to go to the left of the stingers map, where coyotes are. You will stay there from level 9 to level 13. At Level 10 you can pick your first mastery, so you can stay at stingers until you get to it. If you are unsure of what mastery you want or how it works, check the leaf part of the guide and/or the masteries wiki page. It is also a good time to do Seals missions in both Sand, and with some help, Leaf villages. It is important to do them during a blessing (explained in the Leaf part). From levels 13-17, you should go to Scarabs. They are located above the stingers map. They are the first aggressive mobs you will face, and they are many, so you should be extremely careful and if possible, find a team. After level 17, you should go to the Tunnelers. There are 2 maps where you can find them. One of them is left of Coyotes. The other is a bit further away, but it's easier, since there is more space to run around and kite. Go right of the scorpions map, then go all the way up. You will find them there. You should stay there until around level 23. From 23 to around 25, you should go to Big Scarabs cave, located on the north side of the Scarabs map. You need to have completeled the Sand seals mission for it to open. After that you can go to Snakes (use the world map below to navigate) until you no longer get exp from them and then to Bears until level 46. After level 30, your main source of exp are missions, but you should still grind monsters for extra exp. At level 30 you can start the Toad Village questline by speaking to the Frog in the missions room. Completing the whole questline will give you a lot of exp. To summerize: 1 - 5 Larva 5 - 7 Scorps 7 - 9 Stingers 9 - 13 Coyotes 13 - 17 Scarabs 17 - 23 Tunnelers 23 - 25 Big scarabs 25+ - Snakes * - 46 - Bears I'm not at all experienced or knowledgable with leveling in sand, so I had to use @Hotaru's help for it. I'd advise reading the Leaf part of the guide, since it has more information for each level. In conclusion, the most important thing in leveling and for playing the game in general, is to try and make friends. Be nice to people, join an organization or a clan (I will talk about them later), be a part of something big. Or find a goal (Being a Hokage, in the ANBU, etc.) to work for. The grind feels a lot more fun and rewarding. *Underneath is the full World Map with all the current areas and maps (except for Toad, as it's a different instance). Big thanks to @Definitely Not Luffy for showing it to me. The map will be very useful for you and I will be using it to pinpoint locations in the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PART III. GAME KNOWLEDGE. 1. Roleplay The game is very RP oriented, we create our own organizations and clans. We have Akatsuki, ANBU, Village Leaders, Chunins, et cetera. It is very important to be able to stay in character. If you are new to Roleplaying, I'd suggest checking Saku's guide. A big part of roleplaying is using the chat correctly. You can use "/e" in chat to express emotions or describe an action. For example "/e is sleeping" would appear as Origami Heart is sleeping. Other chat commands that can be used in RP are: /y - /r - /n - /<3 - /go - /... - /! - /? - /huh - /clap - /slowclap - /' - /cry - /wave - /wave (changed) - /grr - /!! - /321 - (3 2 1 GO! animation) (they appear ontop of your character) To speak out-of-character use parentheses, for example - (I need to afk for a bit). ------- There are also RP missions, which Ranked ninja (Chunin and above) can host for other players in their village. RP Missions are player-ran missions that reward players for role-playing. The rewards for each mission are not substantial to the point where it is unfair if you just want to play the game without RPing, but is designed to encourage players to take a break from grinding and reward them for role-playing if they're already acquainted with the magic of it. For players who don't know the magic yet, it provides an incentive for them to give it a try. They way they work is: All players can take RP Missions from the 2nd NPC at the Mission Assignment Desk (Koda for Leaf / Basho for Sand) You can take RP Missions at Levels 12, 17, 22 and 27. Each of which is a tier higher than the next. Ranked ninja (Chunin and Above) will announce their availability for an RP Mission in village chat. Ninja who want to attempt an RP Mission should form a team of 3 and find a Ranked ninja (Chunin and above) to be their team leader and host their RP Mission. The Ranked ninja will assign an appropriate task, training or RP scenario which should take estimatedly 30 minutes, or longer (with prior notice) On completing the task, they will be handed RP Tokens to claim their rewards from the Mission Assignment Desk. Currently there are 7 ranks in a village (they are almost purely for RP purposes): Academy Students is the rank you start with when you start the game. Genin is the first obtainable rank, after you graduate from the academy. Specialized Jonin is a title rewarded to those who've proven worthy of it by showing unmatched skills in something. Chunin is the title you obtain after successfully pass the Chunin exam, which is hosted every few months. You become a Jonin by leading a team of Genins to the Chunin exam and host a set number of RP missions. You have to help others daily. Chunin rank is required for promotion to Jonin. Council members are chosen by the village in the council election. They work closely with the Hokage and help them make important decisions. The Kage is elected by the council members. They are the most important ninja in the village and make all the final decisions for the village's future. They have the power to exile people (the Missing ninjas I've mentioned before). There are 2 ranks that are obtained by completely other means and have different purpose. Gold Ninja is given to those who've decided to purchase premium membership and support the game. Silver Ninja is given to people who've contributed to the development of the game. ---- There are also clans nad Organizations that you can join. They are created by players and for now, they are purely for RP. They are not a part of the game, for now. You can check the current organizations here. The clans you can see in the Village forums. 2. Shopping for clothes (WIP) As I mentioned at the beginning of this guide, there are a few ways to customize your character, after it's been created. The most common and accessible way is buying in-game clothing from the stores in villages. As I already mentioned, currently there are 3 villages. Each Village has different clothing to offer. (images and prices are taken from Wiki as the game as it would take too long to go to each village, credits to the creators) PSA: New items are being added in the shops all the time, so make sure you check them out if I haven't added them here. LEAF SAND TAKUMI Other shops to buy clothing and accessories from are: ((ADD SCREENSHOTS)) Event HQ in Takumi Leaf's Optic Store Sand's Utility Store There is another way to customize your character - the Cash shop. You can buy costumes, accessories, or get a new hairstyle. *Example of my character with a premium hairstyle, armor and a back scroll. On a side note, there are shops in every village that sell food (for RP purposes, I suppose, it doesn't actually heal you), like ramen, sushi, even a famous brand of soda. There are, however, shops that sell health and chakra regenerating "potions". You can buy Blood Pills and Chakra Pills in every village, and Toad Oil in the Toad Village. I will not go into them too much, because I don't really use them. 3. Items obtained from drops (WIP) Gas mask, cigarette, double fan, twin fangs, gafuki sword ((ADD MORE AND INCLUDE SCREENSHOTS)) Twin fangs - dropped by Rats in the sewers in Leaf village. No Hani (also known as double fan) - dropped by Big Scarabs near Sand village. Gas mask - dropped by one of the bandits on the Snow mointain (after Snow wolves). 4. Ryo making guide (WIP) venom, rares, other quest items ((TO ADD MORE)) For ryo, at early levels, you want to pick up everything that mobs drop and sell in the shops in village. You should keep some of them, like cocoons, spider eggs, big scarab shells, etc., since they are needed for missions. You can sell those to players. At higher levels, best items to farm for selling are: Snake venoms - in the snake lair, right of the 2nd bear map (from Leaf). Snow Wolf fur - from Snow wolves, left of the 2nd bear map, in a cave past Koji. Blank scrolls - after getting all of your jutsus, they drop from any mob. Rare items - Rats, Big Scarabs, Bandits in both Takumi and Snow mountain. @Niti made it easier for me by creating a price list. You can check the price of every item there and choose the item you want to farm for ryo, based on what's easy and/or most profitable for you. ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you for checking my guide. I hope it will help you in your journey! TO DO: -Add more information -Make the guide more presentable - FAQ
    28 points
  40. Medic is broken and rory here doing over bookshelves...
    28 points
  41. Dear Ninja, Happy New Year To celebrate the new year I made a new trailer for the game, so people who google the game will (hopefully) know what Nin Online is. It's been 4 years since the last trailer.. each time I've wanted to make a new one, I decided to use the time to work on the game itself. But if we never take the time to update our public image, then we won't have new players.. and there's no better time than the new year! Hopefully everyone likes it! Regards, Rory
    28 points
  42. Dear Ninja, As we're soon to launch the Neo-Akatsuki organization, a missing ninja organization based on the original form of the early Akatsuki. About the Organization The Neo-Akatsuki believes in doing whatever it takes to bring peace and stability to the ninja realm, at any cost. Based on leadership, the means of doing so will change. However, to fund it's operations, the organization works as mercenary ninjas by collecting bounties placed on ninja in or out of the Bingo Book. The Neo-Akatsuki are not remnants of their predecessor, but instead, an organization born from the early ideals of their predecessor, or whatever they believe those ideals were. Leadership & Organization Structure An initial leader will be chosen by the poll in this announcement topic by the 7th November 2017. The remaining 9 members will be chosen by the Leader, and leadership role will constantly be handed down to senior members of the organization, in addition to the leader stepping down. With each passing, Neo-Akatsuki's goals may change, but members should stay the same unless people step down, in which case, the leader is allowed to replace them with new members. Each leader may only serve for a period of 3 months, in which he should step down a pick a successor. Launch Event To celebrate the launch, @Sezu will be hosting a world boss raid event on the 2nd November 2017, 3PM EST at "Mysterious Rock Wall" map (North of Takumi village) where he will take on as many ninja. If he is defeated within a time limit, he will unveil little prize! Regards, Rory
    28 points
  43. Dear Ninja, As of today, we are introducing two of the most anticipated features for the game's world! ANBU stands for Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (暗殺戦術特殊部隊) which means Special Assassination and Tactical Squad. They are elite ninja from the village, who serve their Kage by hunting down ninja in the bingo book deemed a threat by their village. Each village will have an ANBU organization, which will serve identical purpose and follow similar structure. Leaf Sand Squads Each ANBU consists of squads of up to 8 members. However, on assassination missions, they will operate in 2 teams of 4, with their Kage appointed squad leaders. While not enforced, it is recommended that members of the same squad wear the same masks to differentiate themselves instantly. Individual ANBU members should not go alone on killing rampages, and should always do so on the command of squad leaders or Kage. Assassinations The goal of each ANBU is to clear the Bingo Book. ANBU operations should be stealthy. They should as little attention when leaving their village, so as not to be tailed or joined by non-ANBU members. This is to ensure that the enemy is not aware of an assassination, and to keep roleplay concentrated on ANBU only. Missing Ninja and enemy village ninja with zero bounty should not be targeted by ANBU. ANBU are allowed to kill at any location. This includes outside hospitals. Remember - Ninja with bounty are considered criminals. Membership The Kage of each village chooses squad leaders anytime they want, to a healthy amount. Though it is recommended to keep membership exclusive to facilitate better roleplay. The requirement for ANBU is level 30, atleast Genin rank. Squad leaders are incharge of choosing their members, and eventual promotions if there is opportunity to expand. While not wearing ANBU uniform (off duty), members retain their normal ninja rankings eg. Genin, Chunin, Jonin Members are not required to keep their identities a secret. However, they may choose to, or roleplay as such. ANBU members should be retired due to inactivity or long service to make way for new players. Looking forward to seeing you in-game! Regards, Rory
    28 points
  44. Dear Ninja, I've adjusted our email settings on the site and forum software, hopefully this makes receiving emails from us a little less troublesome. In the past, sometimes it wouldn't receive, would take awhile to receive, or go to spam. Please let me know if any of those problems persist. Regards, Ueda
    27 points
  45. Heavily nerfed Grand Puppets! Do note that the current state of puppets is a very bare bones implementation, in the future we will add more features to it and we're still getting ideas and feedback from all of you. The reason why I want puppets out in atleast some form is because I want to complete the organizations for each village, next up is 12 Guardians for Leaf and the Medical corps for each village. Really like the idea Balcoin presented of puppets breaking and needing repairs for example.
    27 points
  46. Dear Ninja, This year we have a simple unique Halloween event! Pumpkin boxes are spawning in the following maps until the end of Halloween (31 Oct) Across the Sea (Mist Village Ship Ride) Desert Warzone Valley of the End Land of Rivers Bounty Station These pumpkin boxes are a trick, or a treat..! Get rewards like tools, blank scrolls and event coupons! (Can be used to claim Stat Resets/Daily Resets/Blessings and more from Prize Corner in Takumi Village) Regards, Ueda
    27 points
  47. There's always a lot of questions, or rather complaints, that come in the form of "How come X mastery can do this while Y mastery can do this". Eg. Why doesn't fire have any targeted jutsu, How come Gentle Fist has 100 CP cost and long cooldown on their main jutsu. This is going to be a short series explaining the design behind more unique masteries, or atleast the thought process when I designed them. Balancing Playstyles The idea behind each mastery being good at a different thing comes from classic table-top RPG archetypes. However, instead of building classes around Tanks, Supports, Damage classes. In the ninja world, every class is able to fight, but can also be built to be more tanky, or do more damage, or in some cases be built for utility. Eg. having a Earth Ninja that purely uses agility and chakra, standing behind his team mates in a group fight to quickly cast CCs for his team. Or having a fully attack medical ninja vs. having a fully support medical ninja or anything in between. While some of this is held back by meta, or by incompleteness in features. This is the vision™. We want each mastery to be different in not just how they fight, but how they are experienced on more fundamental levels, with each class having unique leveling experiences, focus in progression, and different improvements when they rank up and how they should traverse the world safely. Tools Ninja aka. Ten Ten Style The mastery is built with a different sustainability dynamic than other masteries. While Tools Ninja can only use their jutsu a limited amount of times before needing to restock up on tools, and become virtually useless when they don't have tools, Tools ninja jutsu cost half of what their non-tool ninja counter parts cost in terms of upfront Chakra Points. While a Fire mastery ninja would be able to last longer out of their village, a tool ninja who is well stocked can last twice as long in a single encounter without charging chakra if their stat distribution is done the same as their enemy. Their downtime would be much less, giving them more time to punish enemies who have ran out of chakra. At the cost of ryo, they get a more complete set of jutsu, being the only mastery that at full potential can utilize Stuns, AoEs and high damage potential. Like a Trapper in D&D, they can set up traps to prepare for fights ahead of time and will find their use more in situations like defending against incoming raids, and fights in the Forest of Death where they can hold their ground more. Traps will be increasingly useful as more possible scenarios are created in the game. In terms of game economy, they also serve the purpose of being ryo sinks where in-game currency is given an almost direct conversion into fighting power. As time goes on and there are more smaller villages in between to stock up on tools it may become more convenient, but for now, having your team members hold tools for you is one way to extend your usefulness without returning to villages. Sword Master Although a lot of people are going to like the idea of carrying around a sword, just because they look aesthetically pleasing. The overall design of the Sword Mastery play-style is based on giving players who love hunting gear in MMORPGs a class just for them! In Nin Online, gear are mostly cosmetic, because we don't want to force players to look a certain way in order to be PvP viable, or look a certain way to be optimally powerful. Looking how you want to look is a big part of giving people the ability to immerse themselves in their ninja identity and role play. The class is based around the way Suigetsu is going around the ninja world trying to collect all the swords of the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist, except on a larger scale, where you go around fighting different enemies to collect swords from all over the ninja world. Playing any hybrid of Sword Master with an elemental mastery will give you a hybrid of both, because having the best swords won't matter as much when only half your kit relies on it. As time goes on and more of the game is fleshed out, I hope to have hundreds of swords with unique abilities, so switching between them can be useful in different scenarios. There should be a good combination of swords you get in different ways. Ones which you can do by simply finishing missions. Ones where you have to hunt bosses for days or months, and when you get them, they are the rarest items in the game. Ones which you can just buy from a shop. Ones that you can only buy from a shop somewhere obscure. Ones that you can only earn from events like we did back in 2013 (and have honored till today. Only Shauri will ever hold a Tsuarigi sword as a player!) To be honest, the current state of Sword Master is something I'm quite unhappy with and am still hoping to distinguish their fighting style more. And... There's still a lot to be said regarding why things are a certain way, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them and I'll answer them in the next development log!
    27 points
  48. Dear Ninjas, Happy New Year from all of us in the Nin Online Team! We have so much planned for the coming year, it's definitely going to be the most exciting and eventful year yet. Here I'll try to explain what we have in store for everyone. Starting today, Open Alpha and Alpha phase in general is officially over! It's been a pretty long time coming, over a year of development has gone into making it possible, but we're finally confident that we've met the criteria initially set years ago for what I would consider a beta phase of Nin Online! Sand Village Beta Phase will introduce the 2nd Village in the Nin Online world, The Hidden Village of Sand. There will be an ever on-going war between the Sand and Leaf Village, with world PvP, raiding and all sorts of toxicity (in roleplay). Bounty System aka. Bingo Book The biggest incentive to an on-going war besides roleplay is a bounty system that encourages players to kill enemy village ninjas to gain Bounty and become the most fearsome ninja in the enemy's books. You also gain experience and Ryo from claiming the bounties on enemy ninja's heads. Missing Ninjas Village Ninjas will be given the choice (or their Kages will) to be exiled from their villages. As a missing ninja, you can collect bounties from ninjas of all villages, and rise the ranks as a criminal in the Ninja world, or simply live as a hermit with no connection to any Ninja Village. Expanded World The ninja world is larger than ever with the addition of new hidden maps, new dungeons and the Sand Desert. Our developers have been hard at work expanding the world, leaving small details and easter eggs around. I'm still trying to expand the world and the distance between the two main villages at the moment! New Jutsus The 1st Tier Masteries have been expanded on and re-balanced. In addition to this, there are new paths you can take. For example, if you choose to go Taijutsu, you have two sub-paths to choose from, Speed Style or Gentle Fist. Medical Ninjas can a sub-path into darker ninja arts, mastering poison and cursed seals. Roleplay From Open Beta onward, roleplay will be more greatly emphasized on, with a roster of events that allow players to bond with the rest of the community, form friendships and make memories with one another. We hope to encourage players to write their ninja's biographies and let other players learn about your characters through the forum! ANBU & Sand Assassins From Open Beta onward, the elite ninja organizations known as the ANBU and Sand Assassins will be open to ninjas between level 30-50 of the respective villages. As an ANBU or Sand Assassin, you will be able to adorn the famous uniforms of each group, and participate in weekly events. Kages During the Open Beta, the first player Hokage will be selected through a democratic process, 4 council members will be elected from the village by the players, and the 4 council members will collectively elect a Hokage. As the Sand Village is a monarch, there will be no elections, and Kazekage will choose the next Kazekage after him. Stay tuned to find out who the first Kazekage will be! Nin Online Manga I just wanted to bring this up even though there isn't much progress! I wrote about the possibility for a Nin Online manga awhile back, I've written a script I'm pretty happy about but it'll take me some time to illustrate it all out. If any artists are interested in giving it a go, please contact me via PM with some examples of your art! Conclusion The entire team is working around the clock trying to make sure phasing into beta goes as smoothly as possible. Which is why we've decided it will be best to soft-launch it over the coming month. We have quite a large base of Gold and Silver ninjas, so we hope that you guys can return to help us test and make sure everything is good before we open it to the public and start advertising the game to the rest of the world. With all these new features coming, we hope you continue to support the game we have and will continue to be pouring so much time and effort into in the following weeks. Thank you for all the great times we've had together during Alpha phase. We hope to see you when we relaunch in Closed Beta!
    27 points
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