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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/19/2013 in Images

  1. Ninjas embark on missions. Some of them are returning from theirs. Others train by sparring each other. Others meditate and some others just relax outside their village and enjoy the sun and have fun. Thanks @LionGod @Spooks @Sky Walker @Sin @Esty @Trapsfor the help Special appearance from many ninjas who I grabbed their picture from discord
    8 points
  2. Leaf villagers gather to enjoy the festival prepared for them where they enjoy shows, food and drinking! You can spot some villagers on dates, or chatting with friends or simply enjoying the food and going to their favorite bars. But you can also see some enemies lurking in the shadows ready to strike... Special thanks to: @Arashi @Antar @Yonsu @Tekkey Hinode @LionGod @Sky Walker @Gintoki Hatake @Jihyo Tensei for all the help!
    7 points
  3. @M o o n, @Kimuta, @Kuraen MacDom, @Raw, @Kuraen Ohiya, @Kuraen Alarnin, @Dangan, @Atari
    5 points
  4. Unveiling of the Akatsuki hideout!
    5 points
  5. From the album: Screenshots

    3 points
  6. From the album: April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    © All these pictures belong to Tormementa

    2 points
  7. From the album: Disqualified

    @Leiting, @Zabuza Momochi, @Izuno, @SaphV2, @Shoichi As screenshot is a lot older, I forgot some names.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. No jutsu, no weapons... no clothes?! This is Naked Bois fight club, including @Azure @Trivyan @Trill Smith @MrChubb The Hozuki @Kimimaro Kaguya @Inatsuke Uchiha @Inatsuke Uchiha
    2 points
  10. From the album: April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    © All these pictures belong to Tormementa

    1 point
  11. © Copyright © Hitspark

    1 point
  12. Alba, Itama, Bmore, Omega, Blackkage, Bloody Steez, iKage
    1 point
  13. Player-hosted event going on in a Desert Warzone.
    1 point
  14. @Punished @Hazari @Michaelt8 @Kage Hyuuga some random pics :D
    1 point
  15. @Mokaru @Rohan @Atrane :D
    1 point
  16. Fernando, Shinji and me standing on top of the Kazekage Office Building in the Sand Village.

    © Copyright 2013-2015 Hitspark Interactive

    1 point
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