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  1. The Ninja Academy Event Series Get ready for a series of events coming your way over the next few weeks! I’ll be experimenting with teams, inspired by the classic Chunin Exams experience. To participate in these events, you must be open to being randomly assigned to a team! Each team will consist of: 3 Genins 1 Chunin/Special Jonin There will also be platoons led by 1 Jonin. Jonins without a team placement may be assigned to a team or designated as helpers throughout the events. This event is open only to players from the Leaf, Sand, and Mist villages. I'll be hosting these events separately for each village. As we move forward, we'll gradually transition into some final joint events to conclude. (There will be other events for Rogues.) If you’d like to participate, please message me either in-game, on Discord (Deathmall), or via the Nin Online forum with the following information: Submission Deadline: 7/13/2024 Username: Village: Time zone: Rank: Level: Mastery/Masteries: Language(s): Other details (optional but highly recommended): Interests, combat style, and a brief introduction.
    1 point
  2. From what I heard, Stamina was a feature intended to be added to Nin Online over 10 years ago. While I understand this might have been the intention, I want to make it very clear that the idea of a stamina system truly is something that belongs in a game 10 years ago. I have several examples of games that initially had a stamina system that later removed them for the reasons that it hinders gameplay in Nin Online today. 10 years later, there's a lot of research that has gone into making video games more fun, especially in the field of MMORPGs. But first let's look at the stamina system on Nin Online, how it's implemented and ways that it can either be changed or removed. What is Stamina Stamina was implemented in June of 2024, a mechanic intended to be added to the game at the start over 10 years ago. This mechanic is tied to combat as well as travel. This is important to note because in modern day games, stamina has either been completely removed or combat has been slowed down to the point where stamina management is another aspect of the game. In titles such as Genshin Impact, stamina is used to traverse the land at a faster rate through climbing and sprinting. However, the reliance on stamina is greatly reduced later on based on teleportation through the map. Genshin's combat also has attacks that will use stamina such as charged attacks or repeated heavy attacks. However, the combat is rarely hindered by Stamina. This is because stamina is mostly relegated to dodging attacks in combat or to temporarily increase your speed to move out of the way of an AOE. However, our stamina system is more in line with a game like Elden Ring. The problem with this is that Elden Ring utilizes telegraphed animations in order to give the player more time to dodge, counter or move out of the way. Running takes stamina, attacking takes stamina, jumping and dodging takes stamina and larger hits take stamina all at variable rates. We don't have a form of larger hits, but to summarize it better, Nin Online is currently in a state of Unbalanced Elden Ring on crack. To better demonstrate this, here are some of the i-frame data from Elden Ring. (these calculations are at 60 fps) Bloodhound Step allows for 41 frames of invulnerability while the lowest i-frame move, fat rolls is 24 which is a dodge roll while at 70%-99.99% weight ratio. Weight isn't something that isn't in nin online, nor do I think it would be an effective correction to our current stamina system. But I just wanted to showcase that Stamina in Elden Ring is balanced around close quarter combat. It's not like Nin Online where you will have to chase around an entire stretch of land to fight and kill another player. This is mainly why our current stamina system doesn't work. The main form of gameplay is currently pvp in which you need to manage your stamina against 1-10 people in most cases who have the ability to traverse multiple maps. While we share similarities with Elden Ring, you're also not fighting 4+ bosses at once who can attack you 5-6 times per second depending on build. However, I want to reiterate, this is a shortcoming of our stamina system. I would rather see stamina changed than see cooldown adjustments on attacks or jutsu. Why Stamina was removed from FFXIV Back in 2010, FFXIV was released and became a commercial failure. The MMO received an average rating of 5/10 from most critics and a 4/10 from user reviews via metacritic. The game was initially created by the original developers of Final Fantasy 11 a game that was released back in 2002. Those same developers used a lot of inspiration from Everquest (1999) in order to make Final Fantasy 11. This is just to show how outdated the mechanics truly were. However, one of the most complained about mechanics in FFXIV during initial launch was Stamina and fatigue. Stamina was a combat gate introduced to FFXIV 1.0 in order to prevent players from attacking too quickly and preventing them from fighting multiple monsters in a row. This was eventually removed all the way back in June 2011 after massive development team changes, but the damage had already been done to the game. Players often complained about how sluggish the combat was. Restrictions on quests and etc hindering progression in the game. Systems like stamina and fatigue making it so even in the down time from questing you still had to struggle with progressing in the game. The remnants of the fallout between developers and the community still linger through websites like the square-enix forum and GameFAQs. "Remove Stamina Bar" "Please get rid of Stamina" "Removal of the Stamina Gauge and Auto-Attack" it was a unanimously hated system, and it's not too different in the way it's implemented in Nin Online. This is somewhat hinted to in the Final Fantasy XIV 3-part documentary that I've linked below. The barriers created by our stamina system As it stands, Stamina in Nin Online creates barriers for multiple forms of gameplay. It hinders exploration, it hinders leveling, and it hinders pvp. For years one of the biggest complaint about the game was that traveling took too long, especially after Mist was introduced. With large scale maps, traveling to Mist often times took 5 minutes just from Asoki port. That means from Sand it could take 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes if you were doing a mission that required you to survive all the way back to your village. This was originally remedied by Erox with the reduction of maps between Asoki Port and Mist. However, the time to get from Mist port to Asoki port with stamina management is now back up to 4 minutes. This means that boat is once again better than walking because the time difference is negligible and you won't be forced to walk around the the longest flicker ranged NPC. This also dramatically impacts the new player experience. One of the most common complaints has always been that early game leveling takes a long time. If we take a look at the average new player, such as formattedorc, and we extrapolate his playtime it would seem that most new players take roughly 6-8 hours to reach level 15. This was before the stamina update. This means that for new casual players it would take roughly 10-12 hours to reach level 15. Before stamina it took me an hour on blessing to reach level 15. Now I believe the time is probably upwards of 2 hours, but this is just an assumption because I can't stand to play the game for more than an hour at a time on a new account. As for PVP, there is nothing that will save low levels that will make veterans happy. Some people only play this game to kill low level players in safezones. This stamina update is a blessing to them because it's impossible for a low level to escape a high level without abusing log out. We genuinely have people bragging about escaping 8 sand ninja at level 20 because he map switched and logged out before they could combat log him again. There's another game we know of that suffered from these problems and it was called Pirate Souls. Let's check out some of the reviews for the game on steam. Why does it matter and what changes can be made As someone who has played the game off and on for nearly 11 years, I've seen the game go through a lot of changes. One of the biggest struggles the game has always had was retaining new players. We unfortunately can't rely on maintaining a healthy playerbase solely off of the people who have 10+ accounts and 5 years of experience. We need new players to be able to get into the game and play for more than a week. We need new players to enjoy their experience at the beginning of the game. We can't keep catering to the people who are leveling their 8th account. We shouldn't require veterans to babysit new players every inch they walk because systems are implemented to slow down the early leveling experience. I think the best thing we can do is change stamina to be more like Elden Ring. Here are the changes I would make to better balance out combat. Remove stamina from running: as stated above, though this deviates from the gameplay in Elden Ring, most NPCs engage in combat with the player. In a PVP MMORPG, not engaging is a form of strategy. This also removes the inherit reward that mapswitch camping received from the introduction of stamina to the game. Remove Jump and Replace with Dodge Roll: For this to work we would need to increase the invulnerability frames and also add in recovery frames so it can't be spammed like jumping currently is. This would practically remain the same, except changes to the animation and duration. Keep Stamina cost for melee: This is perfectly in-line with Elden Ring as a damage gate for melee attacks. Scale Stamina cost to base damage/speed of weapons: This will basically make it so end game items will be more balanced around timed attacks rather than holding down the button. This might further kill hybrids, but I don't think that's a playstyle that is desired given all of the other recent changes to the game. Remove "infinite stamina" from Youthful Springtime: Since stamina would be removed from running in this instance, the penalty for holding down the A button should remain, however since the stamina cost for punches isn't that low to begin with, this won't really penalize Youthful Springtime as much as it should. Increase weapon melee base damage on slower weapons: As it stands, the above changes would heavily impact slower weapons like Adamantine Sword and Kraken Hammer and heavily reward weapons like bone sword a ridiculous amount. This should even out their damage in a way. the problem with this system, as well as Stamina in its current iteration, is there's very little penalty for int builds. Stamina cost on running, in a way, balanced them out as most jutsu require you to chase someone or at least move within range. However, this made masteries where you don't have to run at all (Int Weapon Master) the most desired mastery after several months of already being the strongest mastery. This is essentially why stamina for Nin Online doesn't work. Elden Ring's solution to this is that most magic has a walk speed penalty and an associated cast time. Since majority of jutsu are instant casts, this doesn't make sense for Nin Online. On top of this, having jutsu with an associated stamina cost on top of the chakra cost doesn't entirely sound appealing either. It would prevent people from using too many attacks after one another, but the only mastery that has enough true combos to be penalized with this system would be lightning. The only perfect solution to balancing stamina around ninjutsu and melee masteries in nin online is to simply remove it entirely. Ninjutsu masteries already benefit from higher base damage, higher scaling and the lack of stamina requirements for using jutsu. There's really no reason to penalize melee masteries, especially so one-sided in terms of str weapon master with previous changes to weapon swapping and general str weapon jutsu scaling. This combined with the fact that Int weapon mastery revolves around camping your traps. This penalizes opponents pushing you and pushing maps during raids which was always at a disadvantage to begin with. In closing, stamina makes everything in the game take longer, which has been a complaint about the game for almost 10 years. It slows down combat, leveling, daily missions, and traveling to an insane degree and the above proposed changes will at least minimize the impact it has on every level of the game as opposed to heavily punishing new players. Also just to make sure it's stated, if Yamikami makes any comment on this discussion, please for the love of god ignore it. As for me, it's been a fun decade to see the game grow, but I'm going to head out and play games that I actually enjoy until stamina is either changed or completely removed
    1 point
  3. I am going to take this somewhat seriously because I have high hopes for the game! Obviously I don't know if all of this is possible, they are just ideas. Also I am unsure if I am doing this right, so I apologize ahead of time. Custom Jutsu Using a spell system in order to create Jutsu using different attributes and variables. For example, using the 5 elements as "variables" while using other effects such as a projectile that comes in different sizes (a Giant Fire ball, or Multiple Flying Rock Jutsu), or a wall of water or wind that moves forward or is defensive in nature, something summoned from the ground (ex. flame vortex on specific spot that's pointed to by player within range). From there you could add even more effects, attributes or variables (whatever you wanna call it) such as power, speed, flexibility, fire-rate, range, spread, AOE etc. Maybe creating elemental weaknesses/strengths that debuff or minimize offensive damage. Squad System for Kage or Jonin etc. It would be interesting if the Kage could form teams/squads based off who is in need of one (ex. Genin puts in app for squad > gets put in with 2 others & Jonin/Chunin etc.). Also thinking about activity from the player, character level, playstyle etc. in order to form said team. These teams can be given missions as a squad, that can be completed when everyone is online. Said teams would have specialty's like tracking, elimination, or scouting or be an all-around squad. Teams could have a leaderboard/renown for each village. I understand this is somewhat already implemented but my idea retains around having the Kage or a high ranking member of the village look over applications that are put in through the game after certain conditions are met. Again, I do not know if I'm doing this right or not. These are just ideas, please do not get offended.
    1 point
  4. Nin Online but with changes SMALL CHANGES Summon Name It may not be that important but it would add more fun to the game if you could name your summon, of course the bad names should be censored just like in game chat Repair arc 40 Out of all arcs, arc 40 is the worst when it comes to xp. It's very beautiful arc when it comes to story and characters but XP rewards are making it not so fun to play. I would just change the xp rewards for higher as arc itself is very good MEDIUM CHANGES Stamina Cool feature also would be higher stamina cap or pills/jutus that would add effect that stamina is higher for some time for example Pills that make stamina X2 for 5-10 minutes Clan Abilities I think it would add more sense to picking a clan than just few cosmetics (some clans even have just one). It would add also more fun to the spars, and I think it would be cool feature if we could have uniques abilities for different clans BIG CHANGES Higher Level Cap I think lot of people think it will never happen or it's not planned in near future but if we could have level cap raised it would encourage more old players to come back to the game and have fun. I don't think about very high amount but if we could go from 60 to even 70 it would be fun Cooking + Vegetables/Meat Something for people who like to relax at game or just maxed out their characters. Vegetables I think of something like shop where they would sell different vegetables that you could eat for relaxing or for cooking. Also a feature that if someone have a home he could buy a vegetable flowerpot that would give 1 random vegetable once a hour. It would also be cool for it to be sellable to npcs Meat It would be just another drop from mobs. I don't think we need different types, one type of meat from mobs like wolfs, tigers, bears, hawks, boars and foxes would be cool for cooking and it would be nice for it to be also sellable to npcs Cooking Cooking would be very fun feature, like we would have to have a ingredients for each meal and we would have a cooking mini game (maybe like in fishing). Also if different meals have different buffs like +5% chakra for few minutes or other stat buffs. And please make meals sellable to NPC at least for price that would give back money you would have to spend on ingredients. For example we could made dish from fishes, potatoes and some other vegetables Crafting It would be very cool change especially for old players, but also help for new players to gain some money. Crafting would be a change that would allow people to spend some time in game in different way than AFK. We could use already added woodcutting and add mining different minerals for example iron, stone, we could also use materials already in the game like cotton, dry herbs. Players would be able to craft items like shurikens, kunais and senbons in their inventory. It would be also a skill that we can level up like fishing and higher levels would allow us to craft more stuff like basic weapons (wooden katana, broad sword, kunai dagger, butcher sword), and at highest level we could craft basic pills from dryed herbs and cotton, and few furniture's like chair and table that would need to be crafted at crafting tables etc. It would be very cool change to the game that would help players gain some ryo more efficiently and higher level players to stay in the game longer. It would also mean that game would have to add more stuff like pickaxe, crafting table for more advanced things, and also minerals and resources around the map, like coal and stone on the way to tanzaku, iron and other minerals in the chilly pass and other arc 40 areas, and land of iron so everyone can get some
    1 point
  5. Just good old Nin Online: Features: 1. More interesting mob mechanics, have mobs display danger tiles for jutsus & more randomized movement to keep pve more engaging than simply running circles until flicker is on cd or getting flickered on for several 100s of damage auto attack. 2. Unique election systems for villages. Think of an automated 1v1 tournament for mist, and in sand a kage would set 3 players as his siblings at the start of a term, at the end of his term the kage would get a popup needing to select 1 of them to be the next kazekage. Stuff like that to make the villages regain their uniqueness vs alting/voteabusing 3. More incentive for dangerzones, could be stuff such as having a certain time a day where in a random dz map bosses spawn for an hour with increased droprate. Which map it is would be announced slightly beforehand or as soon as it starts. So people can choose to go there and farm some better droprates with the risk of being attacked by others. 4. Mission board (saw a suggestion that I thought was cool) instead of grabbing random dailies, have a board with randomized dailies of which you can pick i.e. 3 dailies, you pick one of them and after handing it in 3 new randomized dailies are on the board. That way people have some choice in terms of their playstyle for leveling 5. I already know it's on the way, but the completion of the gathering/crafting, this way there's a reason to get the materials vs people just botting it for ryo for it to get nerfed to the ground and undesirable to make use of Optional: Make regular NPCs just like jonin bots killable, so the next time some hidden leaf spy npc destroys my traps in sand he gets cloak bombed into oblivion
    1 point
  6. Nin Academy Graduation System A rework and new view on the graduation system to graduate from silly Academy Student to a full-fedged Genin. Features of the Nin Academy Graduation System Leaf Village: Bell Test reference The Bell Test should be the only test to graduate. Make it NPC controlled and only people with teams of atleast 2 persons can start it. Mist Village: Village of the Bloody Mist reference Academy Students who wish to graduate, have to fight their peers to the death in the arena, and only those who survived will advance to the ranks of Genin. Sand Village: To complete their graduation, Academy Students of the Sand have to survive the Scorpion Cave and retrieve an antidote from a box at the end of the cave. This Scorpion Cave could be an seperate instance where only 1 player can join at a time and has a time limit of 5 minutes to clear the cave of aggressive scorpions and retrieve the antidote.
    1 point
  7. The Ninja Academy Event Introduction Hey everyone, I'm excited to announce that the Ninja Academy Event introduction is scheduled for July 27th at 1:00 PM EST. For those who have applied to the Ninja Academy Event series, please let me know if you are unable to attend. For those who haven't applied yet but would like to, you're in luck! Due to increased interest, I will still be accepting applications until July 26th. During the introduction event, I will be assigning ninjas to their teams based on the submitted applications. There will be time for teams to meet and familiarize themselves with the other ninjas participating in this event series. I will also assist in ensuring that teams set up communication channels among themselves, as this will be crucial for the events in the coming weeks. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
    1 point
  8. Love the video Guts, keep up the great work champion. Love seeing aspiring players such as yourself apart of this community.
    1 point
  9. May 2024 Promotions Leaf Village Jonin: @Daftz @Jayda @Jinsoh Chunin: @Prodigina @Uchiha Noturno Specialized Jonin: @Shisue Uchiha Mist Village Chunin: @The Godfather @Fortune @Yuki Kasumi @Zeon Specialized Jonin: @Hekla Sand Village Jonin: @Leper Chunin: @Psychosis @Dengen Specialized Jonin: @Savior
    1 point
  10. February 2024 Promotions Leaf Village Jonin: @Memsky @Cryo @Fire Chunin: @Zoro @Mangekyo @Lucifer @Jihyo Tensei @Shisui Specialized Jonin: @Luhan Exemplary Taijutsu usage Mist Village Jonin: @Hirashiki @Hydrogen @Hoshino Chunin: @Sn0w @Evankhell @Worship @Heaven @Demon King Specialized Jonin: @Bleed Exceptional situational awareness and use of lightning techniques. Sand Village Chunin: @Kropla @Kouichi @lisc @THE slow @Soplica Specialized Jonin: @Alkahex Exemplary Medical Ninjutsu usage
    1 point
  11. From the album: April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    © All these pictures belong to Tormementa

    1 point
  12. From the album: April 18th's Battle Between Leaf and Mist

    © All these pictures belong to Tormementa

    1 point
  13. that video is trash. use this as a example on how to melee
    0 points
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