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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2024 in all areas

  1. New Name (eg. Nin Offline) Name is fine. Features (Optional) N/A Changes (Optional) Villages Faction Overhaul / Change: Nin Online only needs 2 Factions. Good and Bad, - Leaf and Rogues. Why do this? 1) It will make adding new content that much easier and faster, since less playable villages will be in the game. 2) The playerbase will be more active if only 2 faction choices exist. Less splitting of players into groups, leads to better unity and collation. - That way players can choose between Leaf or Rogue based on their moral beliefs and playstyle and can change between Factions, without feeling "locked". It will be easily switchable , without major problems, if in the future they have a change in heart or their friends group is playing a certain faction etc etc. Implementation: How? "I'm Mist or I'm Sand? Famous examples of Non leaf affiliated ninja that work with Leaf- Mitsuki, Killer B, Gaara, Temari Make all ninja: Leaf ninja, and introduce a backstory system (players can choose Mist or Sand here, but ultimately the player will be Leaf. Different Backstories, will give variety in abilities or unique passives , usage of specific weapons' (fan, pipe ) etc. Rogue Ninja is a possibility and will be the only opposition for Leaf. "Edit": Side Note: This system of back story can fully replace clans. Ninja "Back Story or Origin" Will grant unique passives or Jutus: For Example; Make a Ninja - Choose Sand Backstory - (You are now a Sand villager residing in Leaf). - You are able to use fans. Make a Ninja - Choose Mist Backstory - You are able to use pipe. Make a Ninja - Choose Cloud Backstory - (You are now a Cloud villager residing in Leaf) - You can use STR based Lighting. This makes adding content easy without worrying about WHOLE village resources and art , quests, corps. Have other Villages / Zones be used for missions or campaign, and make them Level zones with NPC's and enemy mobs. Players will have general dailies given in either Takumi for Rogues and Leaf for others. Then have Level zone missions as well! - Quest and Level Zone Missions will be given in Level Zones - That way they player and quest giver and missions are all in the same zone). Leaf Zone (1-15) Dark Forest Zone (15-20) Train Arc (20-25) Sand Zone (25-30) Toad Arc (30-35) Asoki Zone + Bears + Ocean Zone (35-40) Bandit Arc (40-44) Mist Zone (44-50) Reworked LOI,(50-60)
    1 point
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