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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2024 in all areas

  1. Nin Online but with changes SMALL CHANGES Summon Name It may not be that important but it would add more fun to the game if you could name your summon, of course the bad names should be censored just like in game chat Repair arc 40 Out of all arcs, arc 40 is the worst when it comes to xp. It's very beautiful arc when it comes to story and characters but XP rewards are making it not so fun to play. I would just change the xp rewards for higher as arc itself is very good MEDIUM CHANGES Stamina Cool feature also would be higher stamina cap or pills/jutus that would add effect that stamina is higher for some time for example Pills that make stamina X2 for 5-10 minutes Clan Abilities I think it would add more sense to picking a clan than just few cosmetics (some clans even have just one). It would add also more fun to the spars, and I think it would be cool feature if we could have uniques abilities for different clans BIG CHANGES Higher Level Cap I think lot of people think it will never happen or it's not planned in near future but if we could have level cap raised it would encourage more old players to come back to the game and have fun. I don't think about very high amount but if we could go from 60 to even 70 it would be fun Cooking + Vegetables/Meat Something for people who like to relax at game or just maxed out their characters. Vegetables I think of something like shop where they would sell different vegetables that you could eat for relaxing or for cooking. Also a feature that if someone have a home he could buy a vegetable flowerpot that would give 1 random vegetable once a hour. It would also be cool for it to be sellable to npcs Meat It would be just another drop from mobs. I don't think we need different types, one type of meat from mobs like wolfs, tigers, bears, hawks, boars and foxes would be cool for cooking and it would be nice for it to be also sellable to npcs Cooking Cooking would be very fun feature, like we would have to have a ingredients for each meal and we would have a cooking mini game (maybe like in fishing). Also if different meals have different buffs like +5% chakra for few minutes or other stat buffs. And please make meals sellable to NPC at least for price that would give back money you would have to spend on ingredients. For example we could made dish from fishes, potatoes and some other vegetables Crafting It would be very cool change especially for old players, but also help for new players to gain some money. Crafting would be a change that would allow people to spend some time in game in different way than AFK. We could use already added woodcutting and add mining different minerals for example iron, stone, we could also use materials already in the game like cotton, dry herbs. Players would be able to craft items like shurikens, kunais and senbons in their inventory. It would be also a skill that we can level up like fishing and higher levels would allow us to craft more stuff like basic weapons (wooden katana, broad sword, kunai dagger, butcher sword), and at highest level we could craft basic pills from dryed herbs and cotton, and few furniture's like chair and table that would need to be crafted at crafting tables etc. It would be very cool change to the game that would help players gain some ryo more efficiently and higher level players to stay in the game longer. It would also mean that game would have to add more stuff like pickaxe, crafting table for more advanced things, and also minerals and resources around the map, like coal and stone on the way to tanzaku, iron and other minerals in the chilly pass and other arc 40 areas, and land of iron so everyone can get some
    9 points
  2. Nin Academy Graduation System A rework and new view on the graduation system to graduate from silly Academy Student to a full-fedged Genin. Features of the Nin Academy Graduation System Leaf Village: Bell Test reference The Bell Test should be the only test to graduate. Make it NPC controlled and only people with teams of atleast 2 persons can start it. Mist Village: Village of the Bloody Mist reference Academy Students who wish to graduate, have to fight their peers to the death in the arena, and only those who survived will advance to the ranks of Genin. Sand Village: To complete their graduation, Academy Students of the Sand have to survive the Scorpion Cave and retrieve an antidote from a box at the end of the cave. This Scorpion Cave could be an seperate instance where only 1 player can join at a time and has a time limit of 5 minutes to clear the cave of aggressive scorpions and retrieve the antidote.
    5 points
  3. Nin Online Vision™ Contest Here's a fun mini-event for the community that I'm calling - Vision™ Contest - as the title suggests, you goal is to come up with a list of things you would change to Nin Online that would make it a better game. This is not a serious contest and you're free to meme and/or take it as seriously as you like! Rules Use the following format to respond to this topic, but fill in the details. You can also be really extra and come up with screenshots or concept art of your own Nin Online™. Deadline & Judging The dateline for submissions is 20 August 2024 at Midnight EST The judging will be 50% based on reactions to your post and 50% based on judging by me, the vision master. Prize The winner will receive 20 Ninja Credits
    4 points
  4. Nin Online / Features (Optional) There's advanced masteries Cloud village added and let me explain why, people are always saying the game doesn't need this and that but why not? what if it lures more players back into the game? could be good in a business sense and for people who have always wanted to play there? the reasoning as to not having enough players isn't valid #add CLOUD Changes (Optional) Stamina Tweaked to scale better or possibly unlimited stamina when outside of PVP. Kraken boss having small islands on the map and less health making it more farm-able and droprate adjusted with it since farming it will be less of a hassle!
    3 points
  5. Just good old Nin Online: Features: 1. More interesting mob mechanics, have mobs display danger tiles for jutsus & more randomized movement to keep pve more engaging than simply running circles until flicker is on cd or getting flickered on for several 100s of damage auto attack. 2. Unique election systems for villages. Think of an automated 1v1 tournament for mist, and in sand a kage would set 3 players as his siblings at the start of a term, at the end of his term the kage would get a popup needing to select 1 of them to be the next kazekage. Stuff like that to make the villages regain their uniqueness vs alting/voteabusing 3. More incentive for dangerzones, could be stuff such as having a certain time a day where in a random dz map bosses spawn for an hour with increased droprate. Which map it is would be announced slightly beforehand or as soon as it starts. So people can choose to go there and farm some better droprates with the risk of being attacked by others. 4. Mission board (saw a suggestion that I thought was cool) instead of grabbing random dailies, have a board with randomized dailies of which you can pick i.e. 3 dailies, you pick one of them and after handing it in 3 new randomized dailies are on the board. That way people have some choice in terms of their playstyle for leveling 5. I already know it's on the way, but the completion of the gathering/crafting, this way there's a reason to get the materials vs people just botting it for ryo for it to get nerfed to the ground and undesirable to make use of Optional: Make regular NPCs just like jonin bots killable, so the next time some hidden leaf spy npc destroys my traps in sand he gets cloak bombed into oblivion
    3 points
  6. New Name (eg. Nin Offline) Name is fine. Features (Optional) N/A Changes (Optional) Villages Faction Overhaul / Change: Nin Online only needs 2 Factions. Good and Bad, - Leaf and Rogues. Why do this? 1) It will make adding new content that much easier and faster, since less playable villages will be in the game. 2) The playerbase will be more active if only 2 faction choices exist. Less splitting of players into groups, leads to better unity and collation. - That way players can choose between Leaf or Rogue based on their moral beliefs and playstyle and can change between Factions, without feeling "locked". It will be easily switchable , without major problems, if in the future they have a change in heart or their friends group is playing a certain faction etc etc. Implementation: How? "I'm Mist or I'm Sand? Famous examples of Non leaf affiliated ninja that work with Leaf- Mitsuki, Killer B, Gaara, Temari Make all ninja: Leaf ninja, and introduce a backstory system (players can choose Mist or Sand here, but ultimately the player will be Leaf. Different Backstories, will give variety in abilities or unique passives , usage of specific weapons' (fan, pipe ) etc. Rogue Ninja is a possibility and will be the only opposition for Leaf. "Edit": Side Note: This system of back story can fully replace clans. Ninja "Back Story or Origin" Will grant unique passives or Jutus: For Example; Make a Ninja - Choose Sand Backstory - (You are now a Sand villager residing in Leaf). - You are able to use fans. Make a Ninja - Choose Mist Backstory - You are able to use pipe. Make a Ninja - Choose Cloud Backstory - (You are now a Cloud villager residing in Leaf) - You can use STR based Lighting. This makes adding content easy without worrying about WHOLE village resources and art , quests, corps. Have other Villages / Zones be used for missions or campaign, and make them Level zones with NPC's and enemy mobs. Players will have general dailies given in either Takumi for Rogues and Leaf for others. Then have Level zone missions as well! - Quest and Level Zone Missions will be given in Level Zones - That way they player and quest giver and missions are all in the same zone). Leaf Zone (1-15) Dark Forest Zone (15-20) Train Arc (20-25) Sand Zone (25-30) Toad Arc (30-35) Asoki Zone + Bears + Ocean Zone (35-40) Bandit Arc (40-44) Mist Zone (44-50) Reworked LOI,(50-60)
    2 points
  7. Ya'll having as much fun with this as I am reading it. Keep up the good work fixing Nin Online!
    1 point
  8. I am going to take this somewhat seriously because I have high hopes for the game! Obviously I don't know if all of this is possible, they are just ideas. Also I am unsure if I am doing this right, so I apologize ahead of time. Custom Jutsu Using a spell system in order to create Jutsu using different attributes and variables. For example, using the 5 elements as "variables" while using other effects such as a projectile that comes in different sizes (a Giant Fire ball, or Multiple Flying Rock Jutsu), or a wall of water or wind that moves forward or is defensive in nature, something summoned from the ground (ex. flame vortex on specific spot that's pointed to by player within range). From there you could add even more effects, attributes or variables (whatever you wanna call it) such as power, speed, flexibility, fire-rate, range, spread, AOE etc. Maybe creating elemental weaknesses/strengths that debuff or minimize offensive damage. Squad System for Kage or Jonin etc. It would be interesting if the Kage could form teams/squads based off who is in need of one (ex. Genin puts in app for squad > gets put in with 2 others & Jonin/Chunin etc.). Also thinking about activity from the player, character level, playstyle etc. in order to form said team. These teams can be given missions as a squad, that can be completed when everyone is online. Said teams would have specialty's like tracking, elimination, or scouting or be an all-around squad. Teams could have a leaderboard/renown for each village. I understand this is somewhat already implemented but my idea retains around having the Kage or a high ranking member of the village look over applications that are put in through the game after certain conditions are met. Again, I do not know if I'm doing this right or not. These are just ideas, please do not get offended.
    1 point
  9. Nin Online / Ninja Way Description: Nin Online, but with these additions. Features (Not Optional, Ninja Way's superior exceptionalism isn't optional) PVE gets fully reworked - monsters get better AI and monster fighting/farming looks more like an ARPG (PoE, Diablo, Lost Ark, etc). PVE activities become more rewarding; rewarding daily tasks and weekly bosses become a thing. Mounts become more practical to minimize the annoyance of out-of-combat stamina without the exploitable problems of removing stamina when you're not in combat. Equipment and/or other forms of character progression are added to the game and attached to PVE content, there's no good reason to play Nin comparatively to other games once you're over level 50 unless you really really like the PVP. Continued character progression is necessary for this game to thrive. An in-game auction house-style market gets implemented. Lots and lots of repeatable daily tasks and quests as well as life skilling, crafting, etc, that uses every enemy's creature products make a lively marketplace and economy that every MMORPG has. Madara's gunbai becomes a cosmetic for everyone to use, maybe a very rare drop from one of the aforementioned weekly bosses. These would probably make Nin the best Naruto-inspired MMORPG.
    1 point
  10. Hog's Dress To Impress Online A complete rebranding of Nin Online, deleting all that we know and making something entirely new. Wow! Features Nin is boring. Delete all what we have and make it a dress up game, but everyone is a hog. Then, you can be a stylish hog. We'd have one and only event, a fashion show. Everyone would catwalk on a runaway and we get to vote who's the prettiest hog out there. You could customize your hog through item shop, would increase the Hitspark's earnings! Amazing. Changes Double ban Atrane from Nin Online's discord. Cool.
    0 points
  11. Nin Online (2025 and beyond) Nin Online but with a focus on repeatable content and active danger zones. Features Rebirth System This system would be added to reduce the need for alternate characters and give players the ability to almost endlessly progress the same character. The premise would be an initial character can level to 60 and max out the exp bar. Upon doing this, they gain the option to "rebirth" their character starting all over from level 1. They get to keep all items, ryo, house ownership, and ninja ranks that they have earned throughout their previous journey (Passed down through inheritance.) Players would be restricted to staying in their initial village (or going rogue ofc.), but gain the ability to redesign their character and pick a brand new mastery combination while leveling. Rewards that players could earn from going through a rebirth character is a new level cap. For example, after reaching level 60 and going through a rebirth, their "second life" would be able to reach level 65 (or 70, could be tweaked of course!). Potentially they could gain additional skill tree points or more jutsu slots as well. However, progressing through levels past 60 would be exponentially harder than the original play through. For example, the experience required to go from level 61 to 65 could be compared to the exp required to go from level 40 to level 60. Players could rebirth a 2nd time to gain the ability to reach level 80, then 90, then eventually capping out at 100. This new system would exponentially increase the replayability of the game while providing players with a tangible reward for wiping their progress in order to attain a new high. There could even be an end game quest line that unlocks the ability to rebirth (rather than just maxing out the exp. The time it takes to reach level 100 would be an extreme time commitment that would be a respected achievement (similar to FangBlade reaching level 200 on Global Maplestory :P). Changes Atrane would be unbanned from Nin Online's Discord.
    0 points
  12. Schizophrenia Online Nin Online, but with addition of mental illnesses. Each time you create a character, RNG chooses you an illness you have to play with. Main Features RNG ILLNESS SYSTEM. Whenever a player joins the game, the RNG God chooses them an illness. A potential list of them will include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar, eating disorders, personality or mood disorders, etc. These would greatly affect the ways that game has to be played. Some ideas from forefront of my mind: DEPRESSED PLAYERS would have their stamina halved and could only do two dailies a day. They'd have to buy SSRIs from a medicine shop to function well, and make sure to take them daily! DEPRESSED PLAYERS, however, would get more XP out of grinding- it's a hassle for them to even do so. ANXIOUS PLAYERS would have different triggers for their anxiety disorder. The triggers can vary and might be about places, certain people or specific circumstances. For example, a player could get an anxiety attack seeing Atrane. Because they're afraid of ginger people, let's say. Having an anxiety attack would halve the stamina, make players mess up their techniques and stuff. Can be countered by taking benzodiazepines. BIPOLAR PLAYERS would randomly get a stat buff or stat debuff, sygnalizing mania or depression. They're like DEPRESSED PLAYERS, but with more flavor. Both buffs and debuffs would be huge, so BIPOLAR PLAYERS could get the equivalent of akatsuki's robe buffs sometimes, but other times their effective level would be quartered. If players are done with this, they can take antypsychotics. BORDERLINE PLAYERS would automatically send nice messages in PMs to someone, just to become vile for no reason the second after. Their friend list would "bug", but really, the illness would automatically delete their friends from it and block them. They have to take their meds as well. Visit Medicine Shop, please. SCHIZOPHRENIA PLAYERS would see and hear people or happenings that don't exist. For example, Assassino landing anything else than their homing. (/j) In all seriousness, if there is any, the SCHIZOPHRENIC PLAYER would see more active players. They couldn't see the true player count, like ever. They'd see multiple NPCs wandering the world, and they'd be all different while remaining somehow realistic. Take your meds carefully, might come out that Schizophrenia Online doesn't exist in the first place! Who knows? FINGERTUTTING PLAYERS would constantly do something with their fingers. Who up tutting their fingers? Changes MENTAL STABILITY REMOVED. Stay true to the community, and finally give them advanced masteries. Well, for some- not everyone sees things. But some can! Amazing. ADDICTION SYSTEM. Done with being healthy? Everyone loves pills! Everyone pops them. Regardless whether you take two hundred blood pills or SSRis, they can make you an addict! Without them, you're not doing so well. Can't use chat, your controls are swapped. This could remove frustration out of PVP! People would have to be mindful of their chemistry intake. Oh, yes, and it'd include gambling! We can become like Okaza, so cool. THERAPY. Some people could invest into the third path of the MED. Therapeutic med, which would base on fortitude. You can make therapy sessions, listen to people's problems and make a benefit out of it. Some techniques could remove the negative effects of their struggles, such as mania of a BIPOLAR person or reset dailies for the DEPRESSED person. Whenever you do so, though, it costs you 1/100 of your life and your death results in a permaban. Can't have too much therapists out there! New Content ADDED FUNCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. Done waiting for content? Just play Subway Surfers on your new Xiaomi 12T Pro. Now you can do that in game, amazing! Watch anime with people in your house through television, so cool! But beware, TikTok knows your location. And it's specifically not a good thing if you happen to be SCHIZOPHRENIC. Could ring some wrong bells in you. And don't play too much, you could get addicted. ADDED BOOKS. For boomers or those who don't enjoy technology, we'd add libraries. There, you can read ANY book that exists in the real world! Basing whether you can differentiate between what's real and what's not. You should read Mistborn, very cool book. NEW PROFICIENCIES. Breathing, walking, running, sprinting, climbing, jumping, talking- all of them could be levelled. If you're bad at breathing, your stamina depletes quicker. And EVERYONE hears you breathing! Even on the next map. If you're bad at walking, you will trip a lot! Don't get stuck yourself on a tree with that climbing level of yours! If you're bad at talking, you can't communicate! People start off with "goo goo ga gaa" level speech. FINDING TORA AND OTHERS. Now, you can just kill the owner. No problem without their request like that, and your village has to pay you anyway. Just make sure to bury their body. NEW ARCS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. In each one of them, you do different things. There are missions and NPCs for that, but you just cannot understand whatever they want from you. So they just occupy hokage huts and make it difficult to get to the mission desk! Some parkour, nice!
    0 points
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