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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/2023 in all areas

  1. Sand to Snakes 2:25 Leaf to Snakes 1:57 Mist to Snakes(running) 6:18 Mist to Snakes(boat ride) 7:53 Good example is doing 40 arc and dying-- to a player or npc it doesn't matter, because it just flat out takes longer to get back to complete your missions over leveling for another faction. Hence why Mist Ninja go rogue (I wish it was not this way, but it is)
    3 points
  2. Haha been this way since release of Mist silly little ninjas haha The boat ride is too long and will always be haha it's just not worth being in Mist when you have to almost triple the amount of time spent for missions and just in general moving around the map haha it's not a good form of transportation no matter how you look at it haha Although I agree the ONLY thing decent about the boat ride is that it does act as a good BI time passer but that's also the only semi positive aspect of the boat ride haha silly ninja
    1 point
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