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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Mission Adjustments Dailies I personally would like to see Daily missions fixed. Daily missions before level 25 do not give enough experience and then 25-26, you start getting all these un-accomplishable hunting missions that would give you enough experience. Then later on all you want to do are hunting missions and abandon the rest... - Remove lower level dailies from higher level roster (i.e. 31k relaxation for people needing millions of xp) - Increase experience for lowbie missions like hawk down that give less than grinding for the time spent. - Add more missions to the daily roster so it's not always the same thing. Arcs I think the arcs would benefit to some DLC. - Add a part 2 or extend missions to 20 arc/ toad arc/ 40 arc/ LOI. Side Missions Late 30s and 40s are pretty slow and could benefit from some side missions. - Add side missions to Sewers, Scarabs, Ant Hill etc I am happy to come up with some missions that could be added too just lmk if it's something worth investing in.
    1 point
  2. I do. Multi-Clienting is the act of using two Nin Online clients at once in order to play two accounts at once. Clearly you only have one keyboard and running two clients at once would impact the gameplay in some way. Some people simply buy two computers, some people use Virtual Machine, and this directly puts others like us at a disadvantage anyway. Even though in the ToS clearly states what it does; I would like to argue for the sake of a possibility, allowing us to multi-client in my opinion would better Nin Online's future and player base. If you go onto BYOND, there are some games where you can log into five different clients at once and that's not even the minimum/maximum. I know this isn't a BYOND game, but it did start as one; and I don't know anything about coding, but even now BYOND games seem to be more advanced in some areas with their UI compared to Nin Online (Guilds, for example; players being allowed to create their own custom outfits and share icons with each other etc) I think it's important to go back to your roots when you're actively laying out your vision in order to run over anything you may have forgot; and even reconsider ideas you've rejected in the past. I believe that Multi-Clienting; and by Multi-Clienting I mean no more than two accounts on Nin online at once, would not only improve leveling speed, it would increase danger zone activity, (more accounts online means more leveling), it would make the player base look bigger; making more newbies want to play instead of the game appearing dead at specific time, it would increase the overall ryo flow as well.
    0 points
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