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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2023 in all areas

  1. honestly this might be a stretch but i was thinking. maybe they could make jinchuriki status similar to the Kage experience, there’s about 9 jinchuriki and every 6 months (just a time period i’m saying based on kage it doesn’t matter too much) they switch out. that way it gives jinchuriki a long enough time to have fun with it but also gives other people a chance every so often. oh in that case i change my vote to the Sage Mode, Curse Mark, etc. i think with that should also possibly come a system for the Hiden Techniques rory spoke of a long time ago with Raijin Teleportation, Rasengan, those type of things that don’t belong to an Element but still should have a place in the game.
    1 point
  2. Mission Adjustments Dailies I personally would like to see Daily missions fixed. Daily missions before level 25 do not give enough experience and then 25-26, you start getting all these un-accomplishable hunting missions that would give you enough experience. Then later on all you want to do are hunting missions and abandon the rest... - Remove lower level dailies from higher level roster (i.e. 31k relaxation for people needing millions of xp) - Increase experience for lowbie missions like hawk down that give less than grinding for the time spent. - Add more missions to the daily roster so it's not always the same thing. Arcs I think the arcs would benefit to some DLC. - Add a part 2 or extend missions to 20 arc/ toad arc/ 40 arc/ LOI. Side Missions Late 30s and 40s are pretty slow and could benefit from some side missions. - Add side missions to Sewers, Scarabs, Ant Hill etc I am happy to come up with some missions that could be added too just lmk if it's something worth investing in.
    1 point
  3. I think the low level experience could be better so a dedicated arc with more actual content would make it way better. I would set the needed level to 10 since after the welcome to mission line and a bit of grinding you can hit lvl 10 fast. A way bigger gap are lvl 35 to 40 and 45 to 50. Since I made a post for recalculate daily mission xp Link to the Post here the overall level experience would be way better. I think there are too many missions dropped because they aren't worth the time doing them because the amount of xp they give. And any mission should be worth to be done because someone spend time creating them. What I personally miss is the lack of content after your daily missions. Since you get your daily missions from the village mission desk and only there, why shouldn't we get other missions from different villagers (npc) as well? There are some open world missions as well just to be clear. For example a local fisherman that gives you x missions to catch different types of fish for x amount of xp and ryo. And maybe one weekly mission to catch a legendary fish for big xp. Same as gathering missions like the medical III dailys, the time you need to complete the mission is huge if you aren't rich and need to do it from scratch, so make this kind of missions not a daily but maybe weekly extra mission. As for content I would love to see instanced pve content like bosses with random loot tables you could join with a group of upto 4 ppl to try and kill a boss. Entrance fees could be big amount of farmed items or special boss coupons earned during events or traded for items. Ah and for the grinding guys out there, the mob xp after lvl 30-60 should be set to a realistic amount. I could do some math for calculating mob xp if needed.
    1 point
  4. While jinchurikies would indeed be cool, thats only 9 players at max being lucky enough to behold new content. Special abilities does sound promising and fair for everyone. I voted for that. Know that every ideas you mentionned would greatly improve nin. A lvl 5-15 arc could make new players stick to the game. That would be my vote if i wasnt biased by my own needs. PS : med corp will only make the game worst. Have faith in those wise words
    1 point
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