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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2023 in Posts

  1. "Catalyst of Tranquil Flames, Forged in the Land of Fire's ember, From routine's grip, I broke the chains, To seek solace, my heart would remember. Villager's cloak cast off, anew, Ninja's path embraced with zest, Fists and swords, skills honed true, In the pursuit of excellence, I invest. Leaf's refuge, where bonds thrive, Brothers, sisters, united strong, Talents myriad, helping me to strive, Crafting a destiny where I truly belong. A journey cherished, every stride, In solitude not lone, but free, Treasures of the world, open wide, Life's tapestry woven, as I choose to be."
    1 point
  2. Hey everyone, I'm releasing just the front frame of the Nin Online base sprites so people can have their fun and draw onto the base as they please for now. Feel free to use it for the following purposes Forum Avatars Forum Signatures Spriter/Pixel Artist Applications for Nin Online To show off art capabilities in the "Art & Graphics" section Make funny images If you plan on using it for a reason not listed above, please contact me prior to that. Applying to be a Spriter For Spriter/Pixel Artist applications, it will be much better to prepare a custom character with this base (full equipment set) of any character, preferably from the anime/manga so that I can compare it and PM me on the forum. Important The reason I can release this openly is my believe that anyone who is lousy enough to rip graphics I make to try to make their own game, is incompetent of making their own graphics, and therefore will never make a game. Do not use this for any other games or claim credit as your own. Love, Rory
    1 point
  3. Greetings, We're very aware that a lot of you have a big interest in pixel art, and as such a lot of you are drawing and posting on these forums. I think it's absolutely excellent that there's such a big interest in it, but I've also realized that a lot of people are drawing on a whim and, as such, aren't quite grasping the underlying concepts of drawing. As a result, I've opened this thread where existing staff of Nin Online can (if they want to) periodically post their own tutorials on certain concepts. Furthermore, I am also posting a list of 30 -EXCELLENT- pixel art tutorials for beginners. The List : http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/pixel-art-tutorials/ If you're a new artist, I highly recommend going through some of the beginner tutorials before posting on the site. Some of the things I recommend working on are : - Color choice. This is probably (in my opinion) the most important decision to make before attempting to draw your icon. Pick a palette, choose colours that work well together, and draw from there. I'll probably post an entire palette tutorial in the near future, but go look through some of the other tutorials. Color choice can make or break your icon. - Perspective (NB - Go through this very thoroughly. Nin Online's perspective can be quite tricky for more complex icons, so make sure you understand the underlying structure before starting to draw). - Line Art (especially line breaks) - Shading (Need I say more? 99% of people can't shade properly. I recommend going through some physics theory on how light rays work and how they are naturally inclined to break and split over an object at different angles. There are excellent YouTube tutorials on this). - Proportions. Another big problem for artists - a single pixel out of place can make the difference between a skinny model and an obese sumo wrestler. Also, I see a lot of starting artists attempting to learn how to draw by immediately drawing human anatomy. Human anatomy is, perhaps, one of the most difficult things to master. It requires intimate knowledge of bone structure and muscle physics to be done even mildly well. I recommend starting by drawing normal shapes and experimenting with all the principles of drawing first. If you're comfortable with that, move on to drawing simple objects like fruit. After that, move on to animals, and then to humans. (Working on stuff like trees, lamp posts, etc... could work as well, but you won't be able to do that effectively until you can represent textures accurately.) NB : Experiment with texture depiction! The majority of pixel artists struggle very hard to represent texture, and it's a -big- problem. Another thing : Start by drawing still images. When you're comfortable with drawing that, you can move on to animation. I'll personally be making some tutorials on animation at some point in the future, as there are some basic principles that you need to know before even trying to start doing it. Good luck, and have fun drawing! Kind Regards, Hishido
    1 point
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