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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2023 in all areas

  1. As a leaf shinobi, i think everyone would agree on thanking the helpful and selfless former cop and now member of the 12G @vanfire. this guy right here truly cares for the rp part, takes good care of leaf younglings such myself. i've seen him doing all sort of tasks helping others and the village. Really happy to meet this guy and hopefully i could be a bit like him in the near future.
    1 point
  2. Hello fellow Shinobi, shukou here! Formerly an ordinary villager hailing from the Land of Fire, I grew weary of the monotonous routines and incessant rogue raids. Determination ignited within me to reclaim my inner serenity, a resolve forged in the crucible of loss. Transformed now into a seasoned ninja adept in both hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship, my guiding principle is the pursuit of refinement (改善). In the embrace of the Leaf Village, I discovered a sanctuary replete with kindred spirits, forming an unbreakable bond of brotherhood and sisterhood. Amidst its midst, I encountered exceptional talents that not only provide unwavering support but also offer an ideal environment for refining my abilities and achieving mastery in my chosen discipline. Conventional wisdom paints the path of a ninja as one of solitude and wearisome trials, yet my experience deviates from this narrative. To me, the expansive world unfolds as a trove of untold treasures waiting to be unraveled. Recognizing the inescapability of mortality, I consciously elect to embrace every step of the journey, nurturing an appreciation for each moment lived.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
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