For me a person that has played, took breaks, played again, and mass reset the game has become stagnant.
Yes there is alot of content but you can only do so much with the content without it becoming a repetitive process. There is several elements in the game that can be used to bring contennt other than just being quest grabs as 1 time missions. You could add weekly events/monthly and so on. Not even just can be weekly/monthly quest that give rewards if completed by the end of the week/month. Theres several npcs roaming around that can be used for things or npcs that give dialogue that can open up some kind of quest/questline. Nin needs some kind of storyline/back story and a quest line to go with it outside of the regular leveling quest that rewards you every 10 levels. Auto events need to be a mix of events instead of just pvp. Add RLGL, dodgeball, lowbie events. Stop just telling low levels to "go grind" so they can enjoy the end game you players. This isn't the only content.
Game just needs more overall sustaining content and not 1 time content. After you finish 30 arc 40 arc 50 arc its just farming spots for ryo sinks/earn ryo... They serve no other purpose. We have fishing..we need cooking, woodworking to craft boats to get across river faster and so on.