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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2023 in all areas

  1. Important Notice Because of the huge reworks done to inventories/items/item stacks/storages, there is a possibility we may have introduced dupe bugs unknowingly. This is unlikely, but there is a possibility. If you find a way to glitch/dupe items, we will reward you with a large cash & ninja credit reward. Report any such issue here. Furniture Placing/Pick up Sound Effects Different furniture play different sounds when placed/picked up. Blessings from today onwards are now recorded so we can give out rewards in the future This is part of a plan to reward players who contribute a lot to the game by donating to bless the server and helping newer players. The monk in each village will tell you how many times you've blessed the server to date for now! Typing Emote When you are typing, it will now display a "..." emoticon to other players above your head to let them know you are "thinking of something". Raid-in-Progress Bar This is still a work in progress and will be improved with your feedback, but when raids are active now, a bar will show up displaying the progress of the raid. Variable Item Stacks Items can now be set (by developers) to allow for any amount of items as a maximum stack. For example, Ninja Tools will now be set at 50 max per stack, but allow for as many stacks as the player has free, while as an example, Toad Oils or Blood Pills can be set to a maximum of 200 per stack, and only one stack allowed to be carried at once. As a reminder, you can split & combine stacks with the shift key + dragging items. Note: Existing Stacks of Items that are above the limit will not be affected as a way to support legacy accounts without losing data. Storages Part 2 This is a big round up to changes in the beta storage feature. Storages can now only store a specific kind of item type. Eg. Consumables, Furniture, Weapons This will be useful when we want to make it so a weapon rack can only hold weapons and refridgerators can only hold food/potions. Added Ryo Storage to Storages Currency and All Item storages can now hold Ryo Public/Private Storages Storages can be set by the owner to be public/private, making it so anyone can access the items within it if they have permissions on the map. Furniture Updates Click on Furniture for Info Warning Messages for Picking up Furniture with Items Stored Furniture to store messages Signboard Furniture Feature These are explained later in the patch notes, but basically allow for Furniture to store text and use them in various ways. New Blank Scroll Sealing System You will no longer need to go to a Scribe to turn Blank Scrolls into Sealable Scrolls. You now just double click on Blank Scrolls and a menu will come up. Along with this change, Summoning Scrolls are now 1% chance for a single Blank Scroll instead of 10% chance with 10 Summoning Scrolls per roll. The old system is still there for the time being for people who prefer it. Sticky Pad Furniture Item Write and leave messages for other players! They are now available for purchase in all Furniture shops. Ninja Tools rework You can now hold up as many ninja tools as you can carry in your inventory. Each stack of Ninja Tools (eg. Shurikens, Senbons) can hold 50. You can hold multiple stacks. Refridgerators can now store Consumable Items Used Refridgerators have 7 slots. Sparkling Refridgerators have 20 slots. Tip: Use Alt + Double Click to store entire Item Slot in the storage. Added Monk To Takumi Village Monks sell World Blessings. Kaito from Takumi Village Tools Shop reworked He now sells packs of Kunai, Shuriken or Senbon at the same price as Item Packs, or a random Tool pack that can contain 100 of either of the 3 tools for an even larger discount! Storage Fix: Send Stored Items by Mail if Binded A retroactive fix, Items stored in storages that were binded before would disappear. In the first place, binded items should not be placeable within storages. This has been fixed since. Mail Mission Rewards if Inventory is Full Previously, if you finished a mission while your inventory was full, the rewards would drop on the floor or be destroyed. They now get sent to you via mail. Fix for players getting stuck in old death map with Sage of Six Path if no checkpoint has been set It will now respect your village's default spawn map. Fixed Getting on Bed Animation Old New This broke some time in the last few years and I hadn't had the time to fix it.
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