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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2023 in all areas

  1. Added Map Transition Animation options Important Notes!!! You can now opt to use only the first half of the map change animation to get a balanced experienced between visuals and speed. It disables the second half of the map change animation, where the black paint is swiping out of the screen. Part of this takes place when the map was already ready. It is still useful to keep it because at the start of you entering a map, if you move too quickly, sometimes you can get desynchronized with the server and cause some rubberbanding. But I added the option so people can see what they like more. You can also disable map transitions completely, but this is not recommended as your client hangs while the new map is loading and can look and feel bad. There's also no reason to because it doesn't make loading maps any faster. Server Restart Improvements Server shutdowns and restarts are now separate commands Admins can use /restart [X] to restart the server in X seconds Automated weekly and manual server restarts from in-game commands now take around 30 seconds vs 6-7 minutes Removed emergency server restart red text warning message false alarms from appearing frequently Fixed map change bug that has been plaguing AMD graphics card users with up-to-date drivers AMD users have been having frequently crashes on map change for awhile now. Unfortunately, AMD doesn't seem like it's going to fix it anytime soon, so I changed a part of the code that we found was linked to the crash thanks to @Kelp that sped up map caching (the first time you load each map) slightly, and this should now resolve the issue. Heavy optimizations to NPCs in relation to Player Clones Clone Technique is now re-enabled
    2 points
  2. I want to be a candidate for council, thanks. #ForTheVillage
    1 point
  3. Although you are gone, your good deeds and memories which you've made will remain. You are one special shinobi there's no doubt. Rest in peace Melina..
    1 point
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