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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2022 in all areas

  1. IM RUNNING FOR KAGE (check the bottom to see which council) I wish to improve the leaf from where we currently stand, this is in regards to all areas of the village. So let’s get straight to the point. Intro: Rp and Pvp must be combined if we want a fair-functioning village, too much of one of these leads to toxicity very quickly. Pardon/New Alt: Here’s my summed-up reasons for running kage, and references of my history for proof of eligibility for it: Leadership benefits: Events: The village needs a leader they can trust, and I feel like I can best fit this role to provide us all with the best village. PLEASE SEND YOU SUPPORT(VOTES) TO ATARI, KAIJIN, AND LION!!!
    1 point
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