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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2022 in all areas

  1. How do I run for leaf council guys serious question. Should I run for council?
    4 points
  2. have you ever experienced any of this? tbf i remember doing sand spa as a lowbie and getting hit by sparring nin in sand gd and i still die alot in spars till black bar because there is no med, so please erox add a sparring area like akat cave but for non akat and to all my european brothers struggling on high ping, we are in this together...
    4 points
  3. I would like to do all of the above content. I'll be opening a Patreon soon to get more donations which will directly go to hiring more people. I hope you contribute to it.
    1 point
  4. All I read was "increase cutter range" when it's already 12 tiles and I knew this is the close-minded perspective of a 1v1 player. I thought I'd still give it a change and then I read AoE heal and closed the tab.
    1 point
  5. Maybe 8 or 9 people tops actually know what they are doing in this community when it comes to pixel art in the player base. A lot of the older ones that knew left, but as far as qualification goes it is currently free to learn how to draw pixel art. Also worth noting that Rory used to talk about how complicated it was to make jutsu and he said it was maybe 400-500 frames per animation or something? I'm almost definitely wrong my memory is terrible but I've tried working on game projects before and dude, it's really not as easy as people make it out to be. It requires work, attention to detail, focus, dedication and PATIENCE
    1 point
  6. Ah so this entire post is all hypotethical stuff that needs either alot of months of work to create design and code or just stuff that have no relevance to the current needs of the game and are impossible to add. Consider being more serious when u make a post like this cause this is just spam on the forums.
    1 point
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