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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2022 in all areas

  1. have you ever experienced any of this? tbf i remember doing sand spa as a lowbie and getting hit by sparring nin in sand gd and i still die alot in spars till black bar because there is no med, so please erox add a sparring area like akat cave but for non akat and to all my european brothers struggling on high ping, we are in this together...
    2 points
  2. That's actually hilarious lmfao Nice video
    1 point
  3. Let the people enjoy a new feature, sheesh.
    1 point
  4. Fishing is now available for players Note that it is still in early stages and more improvements are to come! Proficiencies Menu More Automated Chunin Exam functionality and polish (Admin/GM Only) Functionality to end a Chunin Exam mid-way (for emergencies) Teams in Tournaments are now properly randomized Team Tournaments no longer disqualify entire team if one member leaves Fixed being able to transform into another player to reveal their concealed identity Fixed being able to hold more than 200 of each ninja tool if you use mail
    1 point
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