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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2022 in all areas

  1. So, I recently began trying my hand at doing pixel art. If anyone has any requests that aren't too demanding for a beginner, feel free to message me. Here's a few recent examples, the Nin Online portrait I made today and a Discord banner style commission I worked on for an OSRS friend; I would also say that if you're looking to commission, approach me in DMs over Discord or over here. Do offer any tips for improving, also, if you're experienced in the field.
    3 points
  2. Good job! keep up the hard work!!
    1 point
  3. The Suna Medical Corps would like to announce our first Lowbie Leveling Event. "The Beginners Fiasco!" This Saturday, June 18th between 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST, the Suna Med Corps will be assisting anyone wanting to make a new character in the Sand Village in leveling for as long as they would like during that period. If anyone is interested in making a Sand Village character, we hope you take advantage of this event and if it goes well, we would be happy to make it a continuous event! We hope to see you guys soon!
    1 point
  4. I'll say it again, I will gladly pay 30 nin cred for Hisoka outfit. BLOODLUST!!!!!
    1 point
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